Ming Pao News Agency

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e attended the questioning session of the Legislative Council and opposed the amendment of the fugitive regulations with the members of the parliament.Amend the dispute between the fugitive regulations and touch the issue of one country, two systems and confidence, the government's amendments suggest that it is not enough to relieve doubts. It should not do it. All parties should be calm and calm.In Hong Kong, in the wrestling of China and the United States, he can't help himself, pushing the repairer disputes to the gaming vortex of the great power, which will only make the situation more complex and sensitive, leading to a narrower space for politics and help solve the problem.

Clarifying that the regulations do not mean that Hong Kong people have no concern

At the question meeting, Lin Zheng took the initiative to talk about the revision of the fugitive regulations. Pay attention to the society because of misunderstanding, extreme remarks and unnecessary fear, and arguing with some members.Lin Zheng said that some people think that the fugitive regulations passed before returning deliberately eliminated other parts of China. The relevant statements were all nonsense, and members were called to investigate the files of the Legislative Council.When it comes to excitement, it is even more scolded.

The Legislative Council is a place for members and officials to discuss the matter. Sometimes they argue, and the wording is stronger. It is not unable to understand. However, both officials and parliamentarians should avoid the use of energy and use less provocative stimulus.As a result, the counseling hall was full of abuse attacks, and the quarrels of the primary school students appeared from time to time.Society has doubts about the amendments to the fugitive regulations, and requires calmness and discussion.Yesterday, the scene of the Chief Executive's answer to the session was not what the citizens were happy. It also made people pay attention to the rush of administrative legislative relations and fell to the bottom of the valley.

The more sensitive the issue is, the more you need to make sense and attach importance to the foundation.Chase the source of the source, and the former Legislative bureau passed the fugitive regulations in order to localize the extradition law of Hong Kong and Britain.The influence, officials responded that the draft was based on the Agreement Agreement signed by the British, which will be arranged in localization. Since the original arrangement does not include China, the draft of the regulations on the meaning of the meaning of the statement will surpass the categoryRevise.In other words, the legislation of the fugitive regulations that year was indeed not because they were worried that the political reasons such as the Mainland's legal system were deliberately eliminated by mainland China, but for technical reasons.

But having said that, the ins and outs of the fugitive regulations did not mean that Hong Kong people did not trust the Mainland's judicial system.One of the essentials of one country and two systems is to deal with the confidence and trust of Hong Kong people. The judicial guarantee provided by the Basic Law is also to relieve the suspicion of Hong Kong people's fear of the mainland judicial long arm to Hong Kong.Hong Kong and the Mainland have discussed the issue of fugitives for more than 20 years. There is still no transfer agreement to this day. It is highlighting the complexity and sensitivity of the problem. This fact should not be avoided.

Lin Zheng did not name it quoted the speech of the Democratic member of the Democratic Party that year, and mentioned that the draft fugitive regulations before the return of return.Perseverance.The government believes that the transfer of fugitives in a case is enough to respond to external concerns. However, if the social response is viewed, many people feel that these arrangements are not enough to eliminate doubts.Suspected.The government should first seek a single transfer agreement with Taiwan to deal with Chen Tongjia case, and then consider the amendment problem.

Reason discussions on a barrier to the game and the game of the big country to help

There are three avoidances to revise disputes in the amendment of the fugitive regulations. One is to avoid strokes, and the other is to avoid discussions and emotionalization.This time the government amendment has caused great controversy. Some foreign institutions and foreign chambers of commerce do business in Hong Kong. It is not difficult to understand how the repair has been on them.It will make the situation more complicated, which is not a blessing to Hong Kong.

A few days ago, the US Congress of the U.S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission (hereinafter referred to as the committee) issued a report that the Hong Kong government amended the regulations on fugitives will bring serious risks to the national security and economic interests in Hong Kong.The key clauses are recommended to re -examine the current long -term extradition agreement with Hong Kong, Yunyun.Huawei Vice Chairman Meng Wanzhou was arrested for extradition and storm.

Last year, the committee issued a report that Beijing continued to erode Hong Kong's free rule of law, and Hong Kong was gradually the same as mainland cities. However, the suggestion was called on the government to review the US export policy of Hong Kong's science and technology.EssenceThe wrestling of China and the United States has intensified. In Hong Kong, the situation is dangerous.Washington wants to play the Hong Kong card to suppress China. There is always a reason to move out. Hong Kong can't help it and it is not easy to put it out. However, all sectors should at least try to avoid further pushing Hong Kong into the vortex.I think that I can use the pressure of Washington to oppose the practice and raise the incident to the international political level. As a result, it is likely to help. The authorities do not show yielding to foreign political forces, and it is even more difficult to give back.Essence