Author: Stephen Middot; Roach

The Democratic and Republican parties in the United States are rare to achieve an agreement on a key issue: blame the troubles of all Americans on the Chinese.The two parties have never slammed China so consistently.The external threat that determined China as a cherished American dream has had serious consequences: retaliated tariffs, security threats that are continuously upgraded, and the phantom HelloP; Hellip;And I was worried.

As the trade agreement is reached, some people will wish to think of the above serious consequences, but this is just wishful thinking.The mutual trust between the United States and China is seriously damaged, and the thin paper protocol will not change this at all.A new era of suspicion, frequent contradictions, and constant conflicts is becoming realistic.

Those people criticized China not because China threatened the United States from the outside, but some people wanted to treat China as a scapegoat for domestic problems in the United States.In fact, it is precisely because of the trouble of macroeconomic imbalances caused by itself and fear of losing the global leadership position, and the United States, which is seriously lacking in security, will discuss China.

Take trade as an example.In 2018, the United States' trade deficit with China reached US $ 419 billion, accounting for 48%of the US foreign trade deficit 879 billion US dollars.U.S. President Trump claimed in the debate that the culprit of the loss of jobs and stagnation of wage growth in the United States is China.However, Trump and most American politicians will not admit that in 2018, the United States and 102 countries around the world have trade deficit.This actually reflects that the US domestic savings are seriously deficient, and this is caused by the expansion of the budget deficit of the President of the United States and Congress regardless of the consequences.

In addition, they do not admit that people have the problem of complaints about the supply chain, that is, many people who have assembled and transported ships in China in other countries to China are also part of the US -China trade deficit.If this part of this product is not counted, the scale of the US -China trade deficit is estimated to shrink 35ndash; 40%.In addition, the good macroeconomic fundamentals and high efficiency of the global industrial chain have brought a lot of benefits to American consumers.But it is clear that it is more convenient to treat China as the great stumbling block of the United States again.

Let's talk about the problem of theft of intellectual property rights.China stealing hundreds of billions of dollars in intellectual property rights from the United States every year, which has caused huge losses to American technological innovation. Now this statement has been regarded as a fact that it is nail.According to the reliable source of the news, the so -called intellectual property committee's statement, in 2017, the loss caused by intellectual property to the US economy was between 225 billion to 600 billion US dollars.

Regardless of its ridiculous estimation scope, the number only comes from an unreliable indicator model. This model tries to calculate how much loss of commercial secrets that have been stolen by illegal channels such as drug smuggling, corruption, occupational fraud, and money laundering.Data from the US Customs and Border Patrol Department claimed that as early as 2015, all Chinese counterfeit and pirated products it confiscated were $ 1.35 billion.Use several equally suspicious models to compare this number with all confiscated product values, and then infer the loss caused by China to the United States account for 87%of all losses (52%of which come from Mainland China, 35%from from from Mainland China, 35%come from from from from Mainland China, 35%come from from from from the Mainland China, 35%come from from from the Mainland China, and 35%come from from from the Mainland China, and 35%come from from from the Mainland China, and 35%come from from from the mainland of China.In Hong Kong).

Then in March 2018, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USS) published a 301 report to confuse the audiovisual. The purpose of the report was to provide a reasonable explanation to the Chinese products.Make technical transfer.The keywords are forced, implying that innocent American companies have signed contracts with Chinese joint venture partners to be coerced to transfer their own intellectual property rights in order to carry out business in China.Of course, the joint venture must share human resources, business strategies, trading platforms and product design, which are not surprising.But the US allegations are coercion, that is, the old -fashioned American multinational companies are stupid enough to hand over their core technologies to their Chinese partners.

This is another appalling example of accusing with weak evidence.It is incredible that the US Trade Representative Office also acknowledged that there was no conclusive evidence on the 19th page 19 of its 301 report that could be confirmed that the hidden business behavior had occurred.Just like the Intellectual Property Commission, the Office of the United States Trade Representative also commissioned institutions such as the National Committee of the United States and China Trade to investigate for them.Some unhappiness (some dischate with Chinesequo; s Treatment of their technology).

Washington also depicts China as a monster with a central plan system. Its state -owned enterprises under their jurisdiction enjoy preferential loans, unfair subsidies, and support for the national industrial policy of Made in China 2025 and artificial intelligence 2030.However, Washington never considers the actual situation of low efficiency and low return rate of state -owned enterprises that have been expressed by evidence.Washington will not question the industrial policies that Japan, Germany, France, and even the United States have long been implemented for a long time.Just in February this year, President Trump signed an administrative order and proposed an artificial intelligence initiative (an AI Initiative). The initiative includes one content that the United States will complete the artificial intelligence action plan (AI ACTION PLAN) within 120 days.Formulate.China has mentioned innovation into the high national policy, but it is clear that China is not the only country to do so.

Finally, the issue of the old -fashioned currency manipulator, that is, accusing China of intentionally lowered the renminbi currency value to obtain the advantages of unfair trade.In fact, the Calculated RMB calculated in broad trade has actually appreciated by more than 50%since the end of 2004.China's once huge current project surplus is almost left.However, in the current trade negotiations, the RMB problem that has not been issued has long been turned out again.This will only make the United States' wrong discussions on China.

All in all, the facts, analysis and conclusions listed by Washington are full of vulnerabilities, but the US public is too easy to trust those wrong discussions on China.I don't want to deny the responsibilities that China should bear in the US -China trade friction. I just want to emphasize that we must keep objective and honest when holding responsibility (The Need for Objectivity and Honesty in Assigning Blame), especially in this time to solve the United States and China.The critical moment of trade disputes.Unfortunately, finding a scapegoat is obviously much easier than the anti -bow.