Wang Jiangyu, an associate professor of the National University of Singapore, Yang Rongwen, former Foreign Minister of Singapore and Chairman of Kerry Logistics, and Professor Zheng Yongnian, director of the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore, attended a centennial lecture on May 4th Movement.(File photo)

One hundred years ago, China was in such a weak trend, and she was ignored by the powers to the unlimited appeal.In 1917, due to the hope of recovering the Shandong site captured by Germany, China joined the Anti -German war of the Three Kingdoms of the Allies.Chinese Labor Travel, composed of 140,000 people was sent to Europe.After Germany was defeated in 1918, Versailles and Jonoto agreed to return these sites to China, but they were transferred to Japan to take over with the consent of other victory countries.Japan has the intention to expand to mainland China.As early as 1915, Japan proposed 21 infamous Articles to China.

The Chinese people were indignant.In many Chinese cities and overseas Chinese communities, intellectuals, students and workers hold protests.Professor and students of Peking University held the first rally on May 4.From these protests, the collective determination to get rid of feudal ideas and respect scientific development has emerged.A profound political transformation is necessary.In 1911, the 1911 Revolution successfully overthrew the empire system, but what should be used to replace it.Mr. Sai is obviously essential.But who is Mr. De?In terms of leftists, the New Culture Movement firmly believes that Confucianism and behavior should be uprooted.

Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao then established the Communist Party of China in 1921; aspects of the right, they tried to improve instead of destroying the Confucian heritage of more than 2,000 years in China.Support.One pursuing revolution; the other advocates gradual improvement, but both sides have unanimously seeking against West and Japan's imperialism.

China still has to go through the sixty years of war and revolution, until Deng Xiaoping introduced the country into the track of reform and opening up in 1978.After Japan's defeat in 1945, China fell into a civil war.After Mao Zedong reunited the country in 1949 (except Taiwan), China experienced the suffering of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.Immediately afterwards, as the black and white movies were transferred to the color printing method, the world shocked the transformation of China in the past 40 years.

One hundred years ago, the Chinese looked in the mirror and understood why the world despised them; one hundred years later, the Chinese should look in the mirror and reflect on how the world thinks of them today.

A huge difference is that China, which has been abandoned by other powers, is now more and more afraid of some of them.This is a dramatic change.If the century -old training in May 4th is constantly emphasizing resistance to foreigners, it will be wrong.China's strong nationalism a hundred years ago was correct because it was self -defense.But what you need today is not a tight punches but a friend of friendship.China can make this change because it is strong and will become stronger.

Japan's invasion of China has led to self -destruction.After World War II's assistance, with the assistance of the United States, it was reborn like a Phoenix. It is now eager to become a normal country again.The improvement of relations between China and Japan is beneficial to the entire Asia.Many pioneers participating in May 4 have lived in Japan and were inspired by modernization, including Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun and Guo Moruo.Sun Yat -sen, the leader of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, also established an alliance in Tokyo in 1905.

Western powers panicked Japan after the Opium War, and it quickly pushed modernization to avoid the same fate as China.This is the response to Western imperialism, on the other hand, it is its own choice.Emperor Meiji of Japan became a expansion and participated in the division of China.

That history has led to the long -term war in mainland China, the Pacific War, the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and an era of the first piercing of the United States.After a hundred years of May 4th, Sino -Japanese relations have now opened a new and optimistic chapter.The Japanese government recently stated that he hopes that the Chinese President ... In October, he could attend the throne ceremony of the new order and Emperor Deren of the Times in October. Emperor Deren would also visit China in the future.However, China must accept that the strategic relationship between Japan and the United States is the prerequisite for the normalization of Sino -Japanese relations.

Sino -US relations are more complicated. The rise of the United States regards China to threaten its long -term superior position in the world.Unlike the Soviet Union during the Cold War, China is not only regarded as a military and ideological threat, but also is increasingly regarded as a threat of economic and technology.In the past two to three years, the anti -China mood has suddenly condensed, and many people are now discussing the possibility of Xuexidd's trap and war.China must consider how to deal with the US response.

China's increasingly increasing self -confidence must not be the condemnation of the fear of other countries.It is necessary to resist the weakening a hundred years ago; the arrogance after strongness will lead to tragedy.The United States is looking for China on a series of issues.However, the roar of the United States exposed some kind of anxiety about its current situation.

China should not forget that in the Western powers, the United States was the lowest greed for China.The United States was embarrassed to accept the Qing Dynasty compensation after the Boxer movement, and then allocated some of them to funding Chinese students to study in American universities such as MIT and Harvard University.Christian missionaries have established education and medical institutions such as Yanjing University and Peking Union Medical College.A few years before the Pearl Harbor incident, the United States provided key support for China's anti -Japanese anti -Japanese.

If the United States does not participate in the Pearl Harbor incident, China will take a longer time to defeat Japan.After Deng Xiaoping visited the United States in 1978, the United States opened its door to Chinese students. Since then, a large number of Chinese students have been educated in the United States in various fields.The United States has contributed greatly to China's development over the past 40 years.

Therefore, there is a considerable goodwill between China and the United States in history, and it should be recognized and reproduced during the fifty -four hundred years.

There is no single response to Europe on the rise of China.Some European countries even accused China of split Europe.In fact, the strength of the European Union and the euro conforms to China's strategic interests.Keeping close relationships with European -united Europe helps Sino -US relations.This is an extraordinary change: the May 4th Movement is full of anger for European powers to bully China.In 1900, they ransacked and destroyed the Yuanmingyuan together.Now, China wants Europe to unite as an intermediary between China and the United States.

Of course, issues such as the Belt and Road and paradoxes exist.However, China ’s outstanding achievements in European civilization and its outstanding achievements in philosophy, science and art have not changed for centuries.

Each European civilization sector has Chinese experts that are extraordinary insights that are beneficial to the development of China.To this day, the appropriate role of Mr. De (democracy) in Chinese society is still arguing.From ancient times to the present, all democratic performances about Europe have been used by China to analyze their advantages and disadvantages from the Icelandic Assembly, the British Charter and the Swiss Federation, and to the current Western European and EU systems.

China has a thousand -year -old love and hatred complex of Christianity that is inseparable from European civilization.In the 19th century, Christianity was regarded as the conquest of the Chinese in the West.When people believe that the gods of the victor are the real gods, the conquest is completed.Unsurprisingly, the new cultural movement that was promoted by May 4th not only rejected Confucianism, but also refused to include Christianity and conquer the Chinese Western thought.The first step of rebellion occurred at the spiritual level.

For the radical left, the tolerance of the New Life Movement and the Kuomintang for Christianity is regarded as evidence of collusion with Chinese oppression.Chiang Kai -shek is a Christian, at least nominal.For the Communist Party of China, atheism is a belief.The relationship between China and the Vatican is not surprising.

However,In the past few years, two main reasons have made Sino -Vatican relations significantly progress.First, China has become more confident and reduces the fear of Christian threats.China has thoroughly studied Singapore's cases and saw Christianity in the Chinese -dominated Singapore society.Second, China has gradually discovered that the Vatican is not instructed by the Western power.When China insists that Christianity must be sinicized, the Vatican agreed wholeheartedly.

It is true that the moral principle in Christianity is that God exists in each of us and shows ourselves through our identity.Therefore, God is also Chinese.As China and the Vatican reached a temporary agreement on the appointment of the bishop last year.All Chinese bishops can now integrate with Rome.Finally, the Pope's first visit to China became possible.

After 1949, the Chinese were looking for a road to the future.It was a twists and turns, and eventually ended in the absurdity of the Cultural Revolution.Although it is still full of uncertainty in the future, China's vast forward road has been established after the Cultural Revolution.It was a China that opened to the world and made an organic contribution to it.In the field of ideology, including human minds, the new creative encounters of Chinese civilization and other civilizations will allow humans to face common challenges, such as nuclear diffusion, climate change and religious disputes.

Joseph has described China's profound influence on the Encyclopedia of the Encyclopedia in the 18th century, and even Voltaire, who even laid the foundation of anti -education rights for the French Revolution.Few people remember today that the source of French elite official services is in China.

In the 21st century, the re -discovery of Chinese philosophy traditions will make Western ideological waves open an interesting chapter, just as Chinese thinkers discover the European philosophy traditions, such as socialism and Marx Leninism that have promoted the new culture movement.The continuous dialogue between Chinese and Western will benefit each other.Some of the romantic feelings in the exchange should be captured again, ... recently visiting Italy recently revealed this intimacy.

In India, China encountered a civilization and spirit similar to itself.Both countries respect each other's long civilization.The two countries have also suffered the invasion of the Western powers, both countries have fully responded, and they are recovering into a first -class country in their own way.Except for the short -term border war in 1962 (basically forgotten by China, but it is still an unhealed wound for India), there is no major dispute between the two countries.However, there are some problems that need to be carefully managed as the border conflict: Pakistan and the Dalai Lama.

There are still quite a lot of bilateral relations between the two countries.The review of the history of China and India's millennium will help relieve misunderstandings and opposite emotions of both parties.It is true that Buddhism spread from India to China is one of the greatest stories in human history.

The recovery of Naito University is a review of this story, and it will also be an enlightenment to the future.China without Buddhism is like a portrait that lacks a color.The good relationship between China and India in the 21st century will be a big blessing in Asia and the world.

One hundred years later, China needed a new new cultural movement to reorganize with the world from all different directions.If the Chinese dream should not be a nightmare in some countries, you should have a deeper understanding of their fear.This must be from the heart.May 4th is the shout deep inside.It is certain that China continues to worry about some elements in the Western world, especially the United States, and it is still unwilling to be on its own.China has regarded the United States' policies for Taiwan, South China, and Xinjiang as deliberate provocations.

Although this kind of concern has a certain reason, China should also be concerned that other countries are more worried that China will turn against them in turn.China is now so powerful that it is impossible to hide the light.

From its own philosophical heritage, China must find a way to make a greater light, while avoiding more emphasis on the common interests and becoming a stand -alone.The Book of Changes reminds us that history is repeated.Those winners often accelerate their decline.Therefore, the five or four hundred celebrations should call on the Chinese dream to become part of the human global dream.The spirit of the May 4th is to fight for our common destiny.

Tonight, I am very happy to be able to speak with Peking University alumni in Singapore on May 4th.The Peking University played a vital role in the May 4th Movement. Although Peking University was established during the Reform Reform of the Guangxu period in 1898, it will celebrate the anniversary on May 4th each year.Professor, students, and alumni of Peking University are understanding to seek the proud traditional inheritor of the current situation in China.

The May 4th Movement also has a profound impact on Chinese people around the world, because how they are treated in other countries and how they are treated with China.In Singapore, the Chinese living here were strongly called by the New Culture Movement.Chinese business institutions, cultural institutions, schools and newspapers are affected.Chinese people in Singapore have become more active in politics.They support China's anti -Japanese efforts and suffer in World War II.After the war, the Chinese and other ethnic groups strived for independence.Ten years ago, Li Huiling encouraged me to write an article on the 90th anniversary of the May 4th.

In the article, I said that May Fourth was part of Singapore's rich heritage.The May 4th spirit is part of the Singapore Spirit.Therefore, we should also celebrate the 54th anniversary of Singapore to share a common Chinese dream that makes the world a better.

(The author is the former foreign minister in Singapore, published on May 4, 2019)

(The May 4th Movement of the May 4th Movement of the May 4th Movement of the Singapore Alumni Association of Peking University, the centennial lecture on the May 4th Movement of the Lianhe Morning Post. Zhou Hao translated.)