Since the former US Vice President Joe Biden officially announced the candidate for the president, the Democratic Party's preliminary candidate has increased to 20, with a large number of people, competition, and rare history.Among these 20 people, they can be roughly divided into New Democrats (New Democrats), which are in the same vein of Clinton and Obama, and progressists who have risen rapidly in recent years.The two sides have different positions and political and economic stance, and the competition within the party is becoming more intense.

Before the preliminary election, Secretary of State Hillary Hillary and Senator Bernie Sanders, who claimed to be a democratic socialist, left by the supporters of both sides.Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the first female Muslim member Ilhan Omar have repeatedly conflicted with the party leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, which is worrying whether the two factions will reappear due to division again.The White House throne is full of hands.

The United States Democratic Party was formed in the 19820s and has a history of nearly two hundred years. It is the world's longest party.Nowadays, the populist trend is in the ascendant, and the democratic value has been challenged, which has caused political parties to face a new challenge to collapse.In the past two hundred years, the Democratic Party has also faced many crises and responded to many times in response to the trajectory of the country's development.Whether this century -old store can make another transition in response to the historical situation, next year's presidential election will become the crossroads facing the party's choice.

In 1828, the presidential candidate Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic Party in hand, reorganizing the Democratic Republican Party of the Founding of the United States, Drafting, and the third president Thomas Jefferson.The Jaekon, who is still printed on the 20 yuan US dollar, is the first president of the National President who has selected a large number of white adult men's general election.Even political enemies laughed at him, JackAss, and gradually became the semi -official donkey logo of the Democratic Party.At that time, the Democratic Party was also called the Jikon Party.

Tykson entered the White House with the help of grass -roots votes and opposed large bankers. It was accused of a strong population tendency.It also inherited Jefferson's heavy agriculturalism and opposed the northern regional businessism, so it was supported by the Nanzhou countryside with farming.Due to the support of Democrats in Nanzhou, it was severely divided into the abolition of slavery.Even after the North and South War, the Democratic Party of Nanzhou was still a major faction within the party. Its influence in the local area was more than a century. It was not until the 1960s that the Republican Party was slowly eaten by the Republican Party.

However, the national support of the Democratic Party was greatly reduced due to the civil war. After half a century after the Civil War, the party had only produced two presidents of Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson.The Republican independence situation was reversed in 1932 in 1932.After Roosevelt's economic depression in 1929, the national economy came to power.During his tenure, the reform of New Deal, the implementation of social security, investing in domestic infrastructure, strict supervision of the financial industry, and the Soviet shadow of Shi Tai Lin's planning economy at that time.

Roosevelt was also accused of socialists and communists.However, its domestic and vigorous reforms, and foreign leaders' war on Nazi Germany and Japan, the legendary story of death and death, has also made it one of the greatest presidents in American history.

For decades behind Roosevelt, the president of the Republican or Democratic Party has rely on Roosevelt's new policy, and the Democratic Party has since been in charge of the House of Representatives for more than 40 years.Until the 1960s, the United States was trapped in the Vietnam War, and the domestic anti -war movement swept across the country. The civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr. and others has also intensified. The domestic racial contradictions are sharp.Even Democratic President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

In the face of this historical barrier, Kennedy's successor Lyndon B. Johnson, in addition to putting forward the Great Society policy, expanded social welfare policies, established a federal medical insurance, and resoluteThe racial isolation policy of more than a century after abolition is still maintained.

Johnson's move naturally dissatisfied with Nanzhou Democrats in Nanzhou for more than a century, which also caused division within the party.In 1968, George C. Wallace, governor of Alabama, was running away from the party to run for president, dividing the Democratic votes into two, and eight years ago, the Republican candidate Richard Nixon, who lost to Kennedy, was defeated.It adopted the South Entry Policy (Southern Strategy) and successfully entered the Democratic Party's ticket warehouse in Nanzhou.Since then, the Republican Party has gradually turned right to become the base of conservativeism, and the Democratic Party has become a political party representing ethnic minorities and liberals.

Since then, the Republican Party has been closer to the right under the 1980s, and has been forming a route that supports free trade, opposes government intervention in the market, and social positions adopt conservatism. In the face of a new liberalist trend in the world at that time, the Democratic Party has gradually gradually gradually gradually gradually gradually became.In the transition, Clinton's new Democratic route is similar to Liegenism, and it also supports the intermediate route of free markets and globalization, and relaxation of the financial industry supervision.

However, the financial tsunami in 2008 hit the US economy. Although Obama came to power with changes, it did not make a big shift with the previous two Clinton and Kobashi.Clinton's wife, Hillary, was running for president in 2016, and said that he would continue the Obama policy and deepen all his old -fashioned images.

On the contrary, Trump was elected with an anti -construction image, and it was said to overthrow all the policies of almost Obama, such as the Obama Medical Insurance, Iran Nuclear Agreement, and Paris Climate Agreement.It is completely opposite to the standpoint of the Republican support for free trade.Trump has continuously encouraged white supremacy and nationalism to move the entire Republican Party to the right.The Republican transformation has also successfully entered the voting warehouse of the Rust Belt (Rust Belt) whitening of the Rust Belt under the globalization.On the contrary, the Democratic Party underestimated the desire of the Americans to change, and sent Hillary, who had a deep into the hearts of the people and caused defeat.

Faced with the Democratic Party almost clicked Hillary's bureau, the party's advanced manager Elizabeth Warren was elected by the party's advanced agency, but he was declined.The popularity than Wallen Sanders finally took on this heavy responsibility, but unexpectedly was in the election as breaking. In just half a year, his popularity rose, and even threatened Hillary.The momentum it created was elected in the midterm elections last year.The batch of young members gave birth to a suspicion of Perlis, which opposed the representative of the representative, and once again served as the president of the House of Representatives.draw out.The tit -for -tat of the two sides, the dispute between the route within the party is becoming more and more obvious.

The green policy proposed by Cordus is obviously inherited from the New Deal proposed by Roosevelt in the 1930s to strengthen investment in domestic infrastructure and comprehensively transform the US economic structure and social appearance to cope with the imminent climate change, which is undoubtedly ambitious.Sanders, who is also accused of socialists as socialists as Roosevelt, also advocates that Roosevelt proposed the freedom from scarceness in the four major freedom. He believes that the economic rights that maintain the minimum living security are basic human rights.On the basis of implementing the national medical insurance system.

Sanders's campaign strategies adopted from the bottom -up grassroots movement, with the huge amount of damage to the big consortium with a small amount of damage, their populist style is just like the Jaixson party spirit in the 1820s.

Although Sanders has never officially joined the Democratic Party, it was supported by HillaryThe holders and Democratic leadership criticized, but in the election model of its political platform, the figures of the Democratic President President Presses, Roosevelt, and Johnson are everywhere.As for the sidelines with Sanders in polls, Biden, who is also far ahead, is mostly popular in the nostalgic complex of the Democratic Party for Obama's 8 -year term.Biden represented the routes of new Democrats such as Clinton, Obama, Hillary, and Pelosi since the 1990s, and the selection has been in order to safeguard the interests of the business community, and it is clear that it is necessary to sing against the Taiwan drama with the progressive doctrine headed by Sanders.

There were 17 candidates in the preliminary selection of the last Republican Party.The Republican Party has transformed the Republican party into an economic nationalist and naked population party.There are 20 candidates for the primaries of the Democratic Party this time, which is continuously decreased than the previous Republican Party. It shows that today's populist is high and the moment the political parties fails are the turning point for the country to make changes.At present, the emergence of the right of nominations for presidents in all parties is also the key to trying to dominate the future direction of the country.

After the economic depression in 1929, Roosevelt's New Deal completely rewritten the appearance of the US sutra and the political pattern of decades in the next decades.Although the U.S. economy has been hit by the financial tsunami in 2008, although it has entered the recovery, the people's eagerness to change has continued.Does the Democratic Party have the will of Roosevelt's will and bearing the tide in the direction of corruption and decline and rewrite the national movement of the United States?