(Morning News) Today is the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement of China. Premier Li Xianlong wrote on the facebook this morning that the cultural revival and patriotic spirit represented by the May 4th representative deserves our reflection.The people are like a tree without root.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has published the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement in Facebook this morning in Facebook.He wrote in the English post that the May 4th Movement was a turning point in China. At that time, Chinese youths and intellectuals refused to refuse the feudal tradition and traditional ideas, and were excited and mobilized to revive China and enter a new era.

Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong described that the May Fourth May has triggered an era of ambitious and patriotism, making many people decide not to humiliate China on the world stage.

After that, he further quoted Tang Taizong's famous saying in Chinese posts: with copper as a mirror, you can make the crown; with ancient as a mirror, you can know the replacement;He said that this sentence reminds us of the importance of history.

Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong concluded that on the occasion of the May 4th Movement, the cultural revival and patriotism it represented by the May 4th Movement deserves our reflection.

Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong shared two articles published by the former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen and the English magazine diplomat (The Diplomat) in the Chinese and English posts.

The article written by Yang Rongwen in 2009 was part of the May 4th is part of the rich inheritance of Singapore. It explained the important role of the May 4th Movement in the process of modernization of China, and how it had a profound impact on the development of Singapore.

The article pointed out that the May 4th Movement has cast a collective determination of the Chinese people. It is necessary to create new Chinese culture, overthrow the feudal ideas, promote gender equality, oppose yellow culture, emphasize the popularization of education, and respect science and technology.The Communist Party of China established in four years.

The article wrote: The business leader and the owner of the newspapers also added support.Many newspapers have begun to introduce sub -publications to talk about new culture in the turmoil.This tradition is still existing in Lianhe Morning Post to this day.

Yang Rongwen described in the article that the influence of May 4th on Singapore was still visible in the cultural rejuvenation of the Chinese nationality, which accounted for three -quarters of Singapore's population.The vitality and vitality of the Chinese society in the colonial period made the British feel scared, and also made great contributions to Singapore's autonomy and independence.

Another diplomat shared by Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong was published in 2015, entitled to the legacy of the Chinese May 4th Movement. Looking back on the origin of the May 4th Movement and how it shape the May 4th Movement.

The article mentioned that the motivation to trigger the May 4th Movement was still related to contemporary China. The current President of China and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China ... Maybe it was regarded as another strong leader of Deng Xiaoping, but Popular Nationalism (Popular Nationalism)At some important levels, China's foreign policy is still restricted.

For example, in the article, Beijing will still be vigilant about how to take action on the East China Sea and the South China Sea dispute, which will still be vigilant about any of the mood that may cause nationalist emotions or may cause shame of the country.

The article mentioned that although China has become more confident in recent years, if the Asian situation is heating up, Chinese leaders may face the nightmare of defeat.This may cause a populist rebound and beyond the ruling party's ability to deal with it, and seriously damage its ruling legitimacy.

The article emphasizes that although the May 4th Movement is a people's uprising, it should not be understood as a display of democracy, especially not Western democracy; it represents a deep nationalism and extensive anger, which is derived from the West to China.The plunder made.

The article said, this is why when the ideological liberation of the May 4th after -May 4th, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao of the CCP's thought enlightenment, co -founder Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao did not turn to democratic people during the Western Enlightenment period, or reflected on the US federal institutional books, but with each other.Similarly, the same period of the Soviet intellectuals than they were slightly more experienced, and turned to Marx to find a new direction.