With Deren's reign of the 126th Emperor, Japan entered the order yesterday and the new era, and he praised and prayed well at home and abroad.Japan has experienced confusion in the Pingcheng era for 30 years. In the new era, the Japanese have brought new hope for the Japanese.Bar dream.

The confusion is mainly economic and national positioning.When Deren's father, Akihito, ascended the throne 30 years ago, the Japanese economy performed internationally. In the first year of 1989, the world's 50 major market value companies accounted for 32 companies in Japan. Japanese cars and home appliances swept the world.Everyone can see people with epoch -to -beings, Japanese dramas, audio and video products, and video games that are popular in various places. Japanese companies acquire the US New York Landmark Building and Hollywood Film Corporation. Western scholars have studied the management of Japanese companies in orderHis way of success, the first of the famous scholar Fu Gaoyi, Japan's first: The revelation of the United States shocked the United States, which was regarded as the world's number one.

Plaza Agreement to Disdish Day Economy

Many Japanese people attracted proud elements that year gradually faded after the 1990s, and it is still dull.Some banks and giant companies have closed down in some year. After the stock market prices are urgently inserted, they have not responded to the high position so far. Today, Hong Kong people chase Korean dramas Hanxing more than Harbin, and the highlights of the new Internet economy have turned to the United States and China.Respect the last seat.Economics has experienced shrinkage and decline. Even if the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has three arrows stimulated, last year's growth was only 0.7 %.

In the first year of Pingcheng, Europe and the United States put pressure on Japan to sign the square agreement to force the yen to appreciate significantly. During the three years, the yen rose 86 % against the US dollar. Japan's exports were greatly affected.The Japanese government failed to reform a lot, making a new way for economic development.

During this period, the new generation of infant tide after the war after the war of the Japanese war has entered the elderly. The Japanese government has never welcomed immigrants. There is an elderly society and young childization. The population will shrink. It is expected that the total population will fall to only 88 million in 2050.Due to weak reform, enterprises have been constrained by conservative culture, and failed to stimulate innovation vitality. Unlike the United States can be dilapidated and new, forming a new growth engine.

During this period, China made every effort to promote reform and opening up, growing economic leaps, replacing Japan to become the world's second largest economy, and Japan lost its position in politics and economy.South Korea, which has always looked down on Japan, has also developed at a high speed, constantly weakening its advantages.

Right -wing ideological tide conspiracy area Win -win

Economic disagreements and national pride have created the rise of right -wing forces. The goal of Abe's administration is to do a good job of economy and revise the constitution to enhance Japan's national and military power.Back to Asia's strategy has become a pawn that contains China.In this critical issue, Akihito, with its lofty position in the hearts of the people, adhered to peaceism, and played moral constraints for the right of governance.At the throne ceremony, Deren also stated that according to the Constitution, it is hoped that the national happiness, the country's further development, and world peace.

Japan has outstanding industries and scientific research. In recent years, it has actively developed robotics and flying cars.East Olympics will be an important window shop that shows the new power of Japan in the new era. In addition to the Japanese economy relying on its own strength and determination to reform, it is also necessary to avoid letting the right of right -wing thinking damage to the political and economic relations between Asian neighboring countries such as China and South Korea.Winning can you have the opportunity to revive the national strength and restore the glory.