
Hong Kong and Macao Sudden Search

Five years ago, the occupation of the Central Movement in Hong Kong was finally ended on Wednesday. The two main sponsor Dai Yaoting and Chen Jianmin were sentenced to 16 months in prison.This judgment has caused a lot of controversy and introspection in Hong Kong society, but for the Beijing authorities, the reflection brought by the occupation of China should not be limited to this.

Looking back at the democratic development of Hong Kong, the issue of universal election has been arguing since the 1980s.Although the Legislative Agency introduced a direct election seat in 1991, because the Chinese and British government had disagreed with sovereignty in 1997, the pace of democratic democracy in Hong Kong did not accelerate.In the early days of return in 1997, Hong Kong's political and economic confusion, social criticism of small circles over -protecting the business interest groups, and the call for universal elections was heating up.

Seeing that Hong Kong society was entangled in the issue of universal election, the Chinese government first clearly proposed the timetable for the general election of Hong Kong in December 2007: The election of the fifth Chiefs of the Chief Executive in 2017 can be generated by the general election, and then all members of the Legislative Council can also pass throughUniversal selection.This decision was regarded as the first time that the Beijing authorities promised to set up the implementation time for Hong Kong's general election, which means that the pace of Hong Kong's general election has taken a big step forward.

In theory, the society must first adopt a consensus to reach the general election model, and order a clear general election roadmap before ordering the general election schedule.However, due to the different opinions of Hong Kong society for many years, it is not easy to reach the consensus. Beijing finally decided to change, first set up a general election timetable, and then seek the consensus of Hong Kong people on the roadmap.

At that time, this decision in Beijing could be said to be pragmatic and flexible.If you insist on the first graph and then the table, it will only slow down the pace of the development of the political system of Hong Kong; in the instead, the first table is the thinking that is easy to get difficult, so that the universal election can be implemented as soon as possible.But now I look back, Beijing has accidentally sowed the seeds for the future.

Recently, I happened to relive the old system and the Great Revolution of French historian Tocqueville.According to his description, the French Revolution occurred during the most prosperous period of the old monarch system. The financial and taxation policy promoted by Louis XVI was very different from his predecessor, and it can even be said to be gentle.At this time, the suffering of Louis XVI's poor people reflected true concern, and this phenomenon was not found before.

Tocoke raised an interesting question. At that time, even if the French economy was not prosperous, it was at least at the stage of development and transfer.The contradiction between the ruling class and the lower levels did not inspire the degree of revolution. It is relatively enlightened. How can the prosperity accelerate the arrival of the Great Revolution?

The answer of Tockeville is: Previously, the French people had nothing to do with the future. Now people are afraid of the future. They are rushing towards new things. A government has continuously stimulated this new enthusiasm.It extinguished it again, so that it urged its destruction from two aspects.The idea is that the reform of Louis XVI has given the public unreasonable expectations. Once the reform fails to bring expected results, social turmoil will intensify and even broke out.

This scene is extremely similar to Hong Kong in the past 20 years.Hong Kong people's pursuit of universal elections did not appear after returning, but in the past, because the central government has not clearly agreed to the general election timetable, although Hong Kong people have dissatisfaction, they can only be helpless.Until the Beijing authorities made a hammer for the schedule of Hong Kong's universal election, everyone determined that Hong Kong would definitely have universal elections.

I clearly remember that in the years after 2007, the discussion of the general election in Hong Kong reached its peak, and it was a optimistic emotion.There are different platforms in the society that allows citizens to discuss and debate differently.Some institutions even privately stated that people with different backgrounds should be able to run.It seems that in reality, Beijing is the most critical role in Hong Kong's general election issues.

Later, Dai Yaoting proposed to dominate, intending to show political muscles to the Chinese government, but made Beijing jealous. The National People's Congress made a decision on the 31st of the Hong Kong -based general election on the 31st of the National People's Congress.door.Fanmin supporters were so angry that they were deceived by Beijing.After that, the students initiated a strike to cause 79 days of occupation.

During the period, I interviewed Hong Kong people who participated in the movement, most people mentioned the reason for the same participation in the same participation: Beijing's decision in 2007 made them think that the general election of Hong Kong was expected.All promises are torn.The causes of occupation are intricate, but to a certain extent, Beijing has caused too much high and unrealistic expectations for the general election. The greater the disappointment, the greater the rebound, and one of the reasons.

After Occupy Central, the gate of Hong Kong's general election closed again.However, it is undeniable that the sound of demanding the restart of political reform in Hong Kong still exists. For example, after the judgment of the case of the China Central China, a call for the SAR government to restart the general election has emerged.However, in Beijing with a lesson in front of the car, do you dare to give Hong Kong people too high expectations again?