Current affairs perspective

The Ladyland of Paris was on fire. It was more than four hours of burning. The top of this well -known building with a history of more than 850 years was burned.

Fortunately, the main building and two towers of the Virgin of Paris are spared in the fire.Nevertheless, President Macron France stated that the Virgin, which was devoured by the flame, was the emotion of the entire country.German Chancellor Merkel also expressed regret, and bluntly stated that Mother Paris is the cultural symbol of France and Europe.The U.S. President Trump, who has always said nothing, also expressed terrible to the great fire of the Paris Virgin, and gave suggestions for the fire to extinguish the fire in the air.

The fire was ruthless, and any suggestion could not change the embarrassment of Mother Paris.French firefighters have also adopted a three -dimensional fire extinguishing method, which is regrettable.Although Macron emphasizes the wisdom of France's gathers all over the world, rebuilding the burned Master of Paris may restore a new pagoda, but it is difficult to copy the lost historical and cultural connotation.Is the newly -built Master of Paris or the Paris Virgin in Hugo?Still watching the vicissitudes of Paris Mother Paris in Paris?Paris citizens lamented that Paris, without the cathedral, is no longer Paris.

France's grievances and sorrowful eyes, global regrets and sighs, they can't change the former Virgin of Paris.When people are sorrowful, they will question whether the fire is accidental or inevitable, whether it indicates the weakness or flaws in France's governance.

The French are crying, the whole world is regretting, highlighting the global influence of the Virgin of Paris, and also showing the soft power of French culture.Paradoxically, the Paris Dames also burned the confusion of China.Most people in China, especially professional institutions and elite grassroots, have regretted the fire.Some voices, from traditional media to the Internet from the media, even confusing, are all darkest in Paris without crying.Some people also thought of the British and French forces burning the Yuanmingyuan that year, and thus made a joyful sound.Some cultural relics experts issued a warning, pointing out that Chinese cultural relics agencies should pay more attention to fire safety, because most ancient Chinese buildings belong to the brick and wood structure.

China's complex emotions in Paris, in fact, are mixed with historical and reality.Chinese society has the historical memory of the history of Western powers, and has a realistic complex of blind worship of Western culture.At the moment when China's power is enhanced, the two emotions or independent release or mixing are thin, showing a strange scenery.

Back to the Paris Virgin itself.The cause of the fire is still investigating. From the perspective of building scaffolding for restoration, it may find the clues of the fire.But repair (construction) has become a fire (destruction), is artificial negligence or other reasons?It is worth thinking about the investigation department.

France is not too flat.The yellow vest movement has lasted for several months. Among the streets wearing yellow vests, they were not gathered in a class, but French people who fused almost all classes.As long as you are dissatisfied with the government, you can protest to the Macron government in yellow vests.Moreover, the yellow vest movement was also mixed with smashing and robbers and anti -Semitism.Despite the national debate, the Macron government cannot stop the yellow vest movement.This street democratic movement has been normalized, and it will be staged once every weekend.

The street movement is the norm of Western society, but when street demonstrations have evolved into all martial arts or racist tendencies, the police cannot be indifferent, and the government must also come up with a better way.Although Macron and the Minister of the Interior Casta condemned the smashing behavior and emphasized that the criminal behavior in the street movement will not be soft, but the yellow vest movement is still staged, highlighting the Macron government in solving the domestic chaos.EssenceMacron's public opinion support has dropped to 20%because of the yellow vest movement, which highlights the dissatisfaction of the French people to government governance.

Governance and chaos are a pair of contradictions.State governance is a system. In addition to the deviation, with a weakness, the overall governance level has a short board.Therefore, from the continuous chaos of the yellow vest movement, we can see the shortcomings of the Macron government governing the country.In this situation, such chaos in French society is not surprising.

The characteristics of French culture are romance and freedom. This is the advantage. However, in the real society, too romantic and freedom will also lead to lack of rigid constraints in social governance. People are used to pursuing freedom to cause social order disorders.Society with too many risk risk factors, all links are prone to problems.In addition, the disorders brought about by romance and freedom will also cause the lack of accurate regulation and control of social governance, thereby creating various unpredictable negligence and lack.The great fire of Notre Dame in Paris may be caused by human loss.

There are also public safety accidents in China from time to time, which is a by -product of high -speed development.But in terms of rigorous social governance, China seems to be surpassing traditional Western powers such as France.Therefore, China will feel incredible about the helplessness of the yellow vest movement and the helplessness of firefighters in the face of fire.Especially at the technical level of fire protection, China already has fire protection equipment for super high -rise buildings. It also has practical experience in extinguishing high -rise buildings.In this regard, Made in China and technology are obviously more unreliable suggestions.

Although France is a developed country and a dual -core supporting the European Union, compared with another EU country Germany, it lacks the spirit of craftsmanship from its manufacturing products.France brings the values of liberalism to the European Union and the international community, the cultural and cultural relics of romantic culture, and historical and cultural relics like the Louvre and the Paris Dames, but France's manufacturing industry is shrinking.Taking the Chinese market as an example, French cars have no competitiveness in China, while German cars lead the luxury car market.

Looking at the economy, the German economy is the EU leader, and the British economic performance in the Brexit dilemma is also very prominent, but the French economic performance is still tepid.The yellow vest movement originated from Macron's fuel tax reform. Macron reform lies in the sinking of the French economy. However, the reform of the reform has caused the chaos of the yellow vest movement.

The fire of Notre Dame, burned only a tower, but exposed the flaws of the French state governance.The Mother Home of the Paris can be reconstructed, but the improvement of national governance levels is not overnight.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Passenger researcher at Renmin University of China Chongyang Financial Research Institute