Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Guo Taiming, a rich man in Taiwan, announced the competition for the leaders of the 2020s, and the news shocked the island.Some people think that he is just a trick, because Guo Taiming is chairman and big boss of Hon Hai. He only thinks about the interests of the company. He publicly announced that he was purely let everyone know that he had the power to choose the leader. In the end, he would find a reason to refund.

Why does Guo Taiming run for election?He publicly stated that Mazu had a dream, and he asked him to do good things for the suffering people.But no matter what the reason, Guo Taiming's announcement has made the Kuomintang's morale, because only Korean Yu, who has very little business experience, successfully won Kaohsiung City with the economy.It should be more convincing.Taiwan under the leadership of the DPP's Cai Yingwen's leadership is precisely because of the economic downturn, and it is likely that the Green Camp will lose its governing status next year's leader election.However, Guo Taiming has a huge investment in the mainland. In his interest, can he make Taiwanese believe that he can do it with mainland enterprises regardless of the interests of the company?

Many comments compare Guo Taiming's candidates with Trump: Both of them are rich and corporate bosses. Such people will not stand up for election. At most, they will only be behind the scenes and affect political figures with financial advantages.I won't go to my head.The agency system in political theory believes that there is a interest group behind the politicians, and members or leaders are just agents.

In the United States, in addition to Trump, the rich candidate also has another well -known Ross Perot. He has participated in the 1992 and 1996 leaders elections.Taiwan started by Jiang's father and son, and the Kuomintang members were leaders of the leaders (including Ma Ying -jeou).The same is true of the Democratic Progressive Party. Although Chen Shui -bian is a lawyer, his main resume is still in politics.If Guo Taiming can win, it will rewrite Taiwan's political history, and may encourage more wealthy and corporate bosses to run.

The highest leadership of Chinese society (including the emperor of the autocracy) has never been a businessman.Traditional social and farmers' business, businessman's status is not high; even if we are rich, they must be attached to politicians for survival and to open up the relationship.Merchants cannot be mdash; mdash; nor do MDASH; mdash; sitting on the highest leadership position.

Dong Jianhua proves that businessmen do not communicate in Hong Kong

Instead, Hong Kong opened a precedent: Dong Jianhua, the first Chief Executive, was a businessman and was the chairman of Oriental Overseas.Before serving as the Chief Executive, Mr. Dong had no government experience although he had worked as a public office.The idea of Beijing was that under the two systems, Hong Kong's capitalism should be done by a capitalist. Isn't it just right?What happened later proved that the businessman's governance of Hong Kong could not work, and Mr. Dong couldn't finish the second term and stepped down.At that time, the comments believed that there was no experience in working in the government, and it was difficult to control administrative machines. Hong Kong people also believed that the business relations of capitalists were inextricably linked, which could easily lead to collusion between government and business. It was not feasible for businessmen to govern Hong Kong!

As a result, Dong Jianhua was the first specialty. Both were born in government officials and were professional civil servants.Citizens' perceptions are that they are familiar with government affairs and have no commercial interests. They are more suitable for chief executives than businessmen and other people.Obviously, Hong Kong is running counter to the international climate.

Workeding in politics as a businessman, since the 1990s.Hong Kong people are more familiar with the former Prime Minister of Thailand (came to power in 2001), former Italian Prime Minister Belonskini (three times in power in 1994, 2001, 2008 in 2008), Lee Mingbo in South Korea (leader in 2008), CanadaBuling (as Prime Minister in 2003), Poroshenko, Ukraine (came to power in 2014, and failed to compete for leaders), etc., all businessmen were born.

In the United States, maybe Trump's election is inspired, and next year's U.S. leaders elections already have several super wealthy people who are going to be out of the market.They include former Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz ($ 3.8 billion).This king's grass -roots class, a strong affinity, and one of the mission of Starbucks is to provide employment opportunities for grassroots workers.During his time as the chief executive of Starbucks, he went through the state to visit the Starbucks Branch of the United States through the province, and told his own operations and beliefs.

Others were once accused of rich rugged guys, as well as Michael Bloomberg, who was worth $ 60.7 billion).He used to be the mayor of New York, with great achievements, and his net worth was far away from Trump ($ 3.1 billion), but his image was much more!

Since the globalization and the financial tsunami in 2008, the disparity between the rich and the poor has become increasingly serious and has become a universal phenomenon.Wealth is highly concentrated. Some producers have accumulated far more than the wealth effect brought by the value of asset appreciation.The gap between the rich and the poor has caused class differentiation. It should be a good time for left -wing socialism, and even the resurgence of communist thoughts. Why do we do the opposite now, and the rich people running for the election and successful superiority?Although they all claimed to take the grass -roots routes and take care of the poor class, how could the capitalists come to power, how could the people believe that they really benefit the general public?When the candidate can make a decision with a vote, why do most people still choose a rich man to take power?

On July 21, 2018, an artist is an article AS Inequality Grows, so do does the polial influice of the rich, trying to explain why wealth inequality will concentrate political power in the hands of the rich.The article did not propose a convincing explanation. Taking Trump's tax reduction measures as an example, it was the middle and upper class. Most of the blue -collar and white -collar low -paying class that supported him could not touch the benefits. Why heThe support is still enduring?

There are also special books in the Mainland to explore the Trump phenomenon mdash; MDASH; the paradox and sadness of the rich politics, the author Chen Chenchen, a researcher at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China.However, the book focuses on introducing the political trends of the Trump team, and how to influence the Sino -US trade, the South China Sea issue, and Taiwan issues; why wealth and power are concentrated in 1%of the wealthy hands under the trend of the disparity between the rich and the poor, andThe secrets on the top still did not provide a little clue!

Guo Taiming will be a wonderful scene of Taiwan's politics

The richest man comes to power and usually creates an image of economy fighting for the economy and creating employment for the people.They will not propose to be rich, but they will promise to create employment and bring opportunities, making the country stronger again.Creating wealth and not being rich should be the leader of the rich man, and it is supported by the public.Although it is unknown whether it is promised to be fulfilled in the end, the program of the wealthy wealth can obviously move people's hearts and make the rich reach the peak of power.

Since Dong Jianhua, businessmen have participated in politics in Hong Kong.There are not many directors of the current government of the government, and there are not many businessmen or business elites.Guo Taiming's election leaders will be a very exciting scene of Taiwan's politics.If you win, it will definitely bring great changes to cross -strait relations. There may also be inspiration MDash; MDASH; businessmen governing Hong Kong may have the opportunity to come back again.

(Text: Chen Jingxiang, senior media person)