Current affairs perspective

The friendly and cooperative relationship between Singapore and China has always been rich in content, keeps pace with the times, and is forward -looking and strategic.At present, the two countries have agreed that cooperation in one Belt and the way is the new focus of the current new China relations.

The Belt and Road, the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road Economic Belt involved 65 countries and regions along the route.If you only look at the map, Singapore, the island country, should be the most inconspicuous little red dot in it, but it is essential for the Belt and Road Initiative.According to Chinese statistics, Singapore's investment in China accounts for 85%of the total investment in China along the Belt and Road countries; China ’s investment in Singapore accounts for nearly one -third of China’ s total investment in the Belt and Road countries.

At the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia, which was just held at the end of March, it was a hot topic all the way.The author participated in the Belt and Road: the sub -forum for globalization lsquo; road revision rsquo; and listened to the wonderful speech of the Singapore Ambassador to China Luo Jialiang.Ambassador Luo said that Singapore is one of the countries that support the Belt and Road in a relatively early and firmly support. Although the area is small, it has been deeply involved in the construction of the Belt and Road Integration in terms of finance and law. He also proposed to promote the construction of the digital Belt and Road.

At present, the cooperation between the two countries in the Belt and Road Initiative can be generally summarized into four major aspects, namely interconnection cooperation, financial support cooperation, three parties cooperation, and legal and judicial cooperation.

First, in terms of interconnection and cooperation, the new international land and sea trade channel under the China -Singapore (Chongqing) strategic interconnection demonstration project is a new highlight.The new channel of international land and sea trade is the eight provinces and cities in western China (Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Ningxia), which provides a major country of Asian security countries such as railway, sea transportation and highway, South Da Singapore and other major Asians.International trade logistics channel.

Second, in terms of financial support, Singapore, which is a well -known financial center, has become an important investment and financing platform for Chinese -funded enterprises.According to statistics, Singapore's financing team plans about two -thirds of the Southeast Asian infrastructure projects, and Chinese banks that set up branches in Singapore also promise to provide S $ 100 billion in financing support for new Chinese companies participating in the Belt and Road projects.

Third, in terms of cooperation between the three parties, the two countries can not only jointly go out to open up the third -party market, but also Singapore also provides a platform for officials training in countries along the Belt and Road.As a trade, shipping, and financial centers, Singapore is the preferred platform for Chinese enterprises to go out. More and more Chinese enterprises have set up regions and international headquarters in Singapore.Essence

Fourth, in terms of legal cooperation, Singapore can provide a platform for dispute resolution to use markets and social mechanisms to deal with business disputes.In January of this year, the Singapore International Mediation Center and the China Trade Council Mediation Center signed a second memorandum of cooperation. It is planned to establish a committee consisting of senior dispute resolving commissioners in new China and other countries and regions along the Belt and Road to assist enterprises to resolve business disputes.Essence

In addition, the two countries can actually have more bold and innovative cooperation.As early as 2015, when the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB, AIIB) was founded, the author issued a document in the local English media in Singapore that Singapore should become the regional headquarters of the AIIB because Singapore has many such location, finance, knowledge and talents.Significant advantage.

However, the AIIB was officially opened in 2016. It has been focused on the construction and expanding Beijing headquarters in the past three years. It is estimated that there is no time to expand overseas.In October last year, the Singapore Enterprise Development Bureau and the Financial Administration jointly established the Infrastruction Office (Infrastruction ASIA), which is like -minded and different from the Asian Investment Bank.Nowadays, the opportunity is gradually mature. If Singapore is interested, it can take the initiative to discuss the feasibility of the establishment of the regional headquarters with the AIIB.

In the end of this month, the second Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum, which is the most important home diplomatic activity in China this year, will be held in Beijing. The theme is LSQUO.Hundreds of national representatives including foreign leaders confirmed the meeting.At the first summit in 2017, most leaders of the Asian -in -law country attended the meeting in person, but Singapore was only led by a minister to participate, which caused the outside world to question the new China relations.Fortunately, Premier Li Xianlong has confirmed that he will be invited to attend this year's summit. It is believed that it will be a new climax of cooperation between the two countries in China.

The author is living in Singapore

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