Ming Pao News Agency

Multi -country scientists cooperate with each other to make public the first black hole photos, marking an important breakthrough in astronomy observation.This study revealed the mysterious veil of black holes. Researchers on both sides of the strait have made efforts. Seven cities around the world have released observation results. Shanghai and Taipei are famous.Astronomy is a typical basic science, and its contribution to economic production construction is not obvious, but it reflects the scientific research level and soft power of a place.In the past 10 years, China has rushed to catch up in basic sciences such as astronomy and physics, and has gradually seen achievements. However, it is necessary to invest with the top scientific research institutions in Europe and the United States. It still needs to invest more manpower and material resources and actively promote transnational research projects.

The first black hole photo in history has contributed

Black Hole is an astronomical body that exists in the broader theory of Einstein. It is formed by the collapse of giant stars. Because the gravity field is too strong, even the light cannot from its power range, the so -called event vision.In the past, astronomers could only confirm the existence of black holes through various indirect evidence. The black hole picture in the public impression was just the virtual appearance of movies or artists. The black holes really looked like it. No one was photographed.This time there are more than 200 scientists around the world, gathered the power of the world's top telescope, and spent two years out of the history of the first black hole in history, which has brought major breakthroughs to the research of black holes.Essence

From the mystery of the universe to promoting the cooperation of the international astronomy community, this research has been significant epoch -making.At the beginning of this century, astronomy proposed that although the black hole body could not be seen, if there was a diameter as a large telescope, there was a way to take a picture of the events of the incident outside the black hole.In 2012, astronomers from all over the world gathered in Arizona, USA, and proposed that the EHT event vision of the viewing telescope plan will be distributed in Chile, the United States, Antarctic, Spain, and Mexico's eight -top radio telescopes to form a array.The virtual telescope with a diameter observes the black hole to obtain this results.

Today's top basic scientific research has actually been difficult to complete by the power of one country alone. From the research of human genetic maps at the beginning of this century, to the large -scale strong collision machine to find God particles, and even the event vision telescope plan, it is all internationally cooperation.This time, scientists on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have participated in it.The Greenland telescope, which was responsible for the Astronomical Institute of Taiwan and American Astronomical Research Institute, participated in the EHT plan last year, and Taipei became one of the seven major live cities in the world.On the mainland, many famous institutions and institutions have also participated in this study. The East Asia Telescope Observation Network of Shanghai Tianma Telescope and Japan and South Korea Retiners Telescope also cooperate with the side.

Researchers on both sides of the strait were thinking that the Black Hole Observation Plan is of course an important affirmation of the scientific level of the two places. However, it is undeniable that the United States played the leading role in research.To a certain extent, this also writes that there is still a certain gap between the basic scientific strength of China and the United States.Taking astronomy development as an example, although China has occasional outstanding talents and research in the last century, the overall level is still quite backward.Over the past 20 years, the Mainland has begun to catch up, while stepping up to cultivate talents, and building large -scale scientific research equipment.The Tianma telescope is the largest all -round radio telescope in Asia. The comprehensive performance is ranked third in the world in the same type of telescope.(FAST) is currently the world's largest single -caliber radio telescope, which has greatly improved the national radio astronomical observation capabilities.

European and American leading basic scientific research China is not small in catching up with

In the eyes of many people, astronomy is a quite scientific research. The investment consumption is huge and the practical value is not high. However, the level of astronomical sciences cannot ignore the soft power of one country.The International Space Cooperation Program of the General Administration of Space is an important foreign policy tool in itself, which is beneficial to projected American soft power and positive image into the world.Two years ago, the Space General Administration warned that the US -led international space station retired a few years later. China may take advantage of the momentum and shake the American soft power advantage in the field of astronomy and space.

In recent years, mainland astronomers have published important scientific achievements in authoritative magazines such as nature from time to time, reflecting the gradual improvement of the overall level of Chinese astronomy. However, the development of international astronomy is also thousands of miles a day. Many large international astronomical observation projects, such as black holes under the eyes, are still dominated by Europe and the United States.Ten years ago, Chen Jiansheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the astronomer of the Mainland, pointed out that it is not easy for Chinese astronomy to catch up with the international level. This is not only the problem of resource investment, but also the international cooperation pattern MDASH; MDASH; todayThe high investment in scale often requires multi -country cooperation. The problem is that China is difficult to enter the core position in international cooperation projects led by Europe and the United States. International scientific research institutions also directly participate in China's leading large astronomical observation projects.The national strength of a developing country is naturally struggling to compete with Europe and the United States.

In the past 10 years, the development of basic scientific research in China has been committed to taking the road of internationalization and striving for more cooperation with other countries. The China East Asian Telescope Observation Network is an example.EssenceIn recent years, China has proposed to cost 100 billion yuan to build its own large -scale strong collision machine. It is hoped that it will fight against the European and American triads, which will cause cost disputes. This is the problem.The development of basic scientific research should not be good, but it is also necessary to increase human and material investment. In order to strive to become an advanced science and technology power, China needs to be well -scored.