North Africa's Sudan and Algeria recently broke out on a large -scale anti -government demonstration. The Algerian President Butterca was forced to step down. The Trojus of the Libya strong Harda was close to the capital and claimed that it would restore national order.The New York Times said that there seems to be Arabic spring turmoil in North Africa.

Egypt's 2011 people's uprising leader, Rattfei, is currently forced to exile London. He regrets that history will be repeated, and this situation seems to have known each other.

Those who have experienced the turbulence of the Spring of Arabia said that the demonstration of the masses of the Sudan President Bahil's steps down for thirty years of power, reminiscent of eight years ago, the masses of the Egyptian capital Cairo Jiefang Plaza requested that the president Mubarak, who took office for thirty years, stepped down.Tunisian masses gathered outside the Ministry of the Interior and asked the presidential Ban Ali, who asked for 23 years to resign.

However, the people's disappointment and frustration after overturning the regime are similar to that year.Although the Algerian military forced President Butterca, who had forced power for 20 years, the people now have to face more difficult issues, that is, the deep -rooted people are only relatives and corruption.

The Libya strong Harvita attempts to implement dictatorship to end the chaos, which makes people think that Egypt, Barin, Syria, and Yemen. People's uprising has not transformed the country into a stable democratic system.The Egyptian Democratic Government was overthrown by the military in 2013. The current military president Cecil is promoting the referendum to amend the constitution. If he can pass, he will be reigned until 2003, which will actually become a lifelong president.The Balin people's uprising was suppressed, while Syria and Yemen fell into a civil war.

In Sudan, thousands of people have gathered around the Capital Civil Headquarters Special Administrative Region on the sixth day, asking Bashil to step down and calling on the military to support them.This was the largest protest since the anti -government demonstration broke out in December last year. It was originally just a protest of the price of bread rising and eventually evolved into a national struggle.Sudan security forces launch tear gas at the outside of the military headquarters on the 9th.

In Algeria, Butterka, who had been in power for 20 years, resigned on the second day of the national anti -government wave and military forced palace to resign.Betterca has rarely appeared since the stroke in 2013, but he announced in February that he sought the fifth term and triggered national demonstrations. He later gave up re -election, but delayed the original election of the original April voting to the April.At the end of the year.

The chief of staff Sala publicly warned on one day that if Butterka resigned without his own, Congress would exercise constitutional power and announce that his health was not suitable for leading the government.Butterca originally said that he would resign before the 28th and the fourth term, but emphasized that it would ensure that the government continued to operate during the transition.For the procedure, he asked him to step down immediately. There was no choice but to announce his resignation as a last resignation. If there is no agreement to Brexit, who is the winner and loser?

Whether the United Kingdom will go on a wayless Brexit, the answer will be announced after the EU summit held on the 10th. According to the latest research of the United Nations Trade and Development Conference (UNCTAD), the Brexit has no agreement on Brexit.Britain has a small economy with trade relations, but it brings great benefits to mainland China.

Studies have pointed out that the British without agreement Brexit allows the EU to pay considerable. The EU exports to the UK will lose $ 34.5 billion, while the second largest loser is Turkey, and the export materials will lose $ 2.4 billion.

Last year, Britain is the fifth largest importer of the European Union and imported nearly $ 680 billion of goods from other regions of the world, of which about 360 billion U.S. dollars came from EU countries.

In contrast, China's exports to the UK may increase an additional $ 10.2 billion to become the biggest winner. The United States exports to Britain will also increase by 5.3 billion US dollars, ranking second, and the third place is Japan.It is expected to increase $ 4.9 billion.