After the high -level consultation of the nine rounds, the world -renowned Sino -US economic and trade negotiations were finally close to the finals.If there are no major accidents, the two parties are likely to reach an agreement in the next few weeks to end the epic negotiated by the US President Trump.

Xinhua News Agency released the news the night before, from April 3rd to 5th (Washington time), China Vice Premier Liu He and US trade representative Littichzer and Finance Minister Mnuchin co -hosted the ninth round of China -US economic and trade high levels in WashingtonConsultation.The two sides discussed the agreement text of technical transfer, intellectual property protection, non -tariff measures, service industry, agriculture, trade balance, and implementation mechanism to achieve new progress.The two parties decided to further negotiate through various valid methods.

This is only more than 100 words of information, and the amount of information is not small.First, the two parties discussed the agreement text of technical transfer, intellectual property protection, non -tariff measures, service industry, agriculture, trade balance, and implementation mechanism. These are the seven major areas that the United States requires China to give clear statements.In three days, the two sides took the agreement text of the seven areas and made new progress, indicating that the two sides have overcome the difficulties that can break the negotiations.

Secondly, the two parties decided to further negotiate through various valid methods on the left, indicating that the big head of the agreement text has been basically negotiated, and there are still some problems that are not difficult.The senior officials of the two parties do not even need to fly around, and these leftover problems can be done through the video connection.

Since last year, China and the United States have talked in the field of economy and trade. They have been spent for more than a year.In view of the huge impact of Sino -US trade relations on the two parties and the world economy and even politics, it is not an exaggeration to say that this Sino -US economic and trade negotiations are epic levels.

Since January last year, the United States began to impose tariffs on Chinese products and showed its determination to fight the trade war.From February 27th to March 3rd, Liu He, who had not been elected as the deputy prime minister, went to the United States to negotiate in the United States at the two sessions (National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) to open the curtain of high -level Sino -US economic and trade consultations.

From May 3rd to 4th last year, the US Minister of Finance Mnuchin led a delegation to negotiate in China; from May 15th to 19th, Liu He used the President of the State ... Special Embassy, the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, Vice Premier of the State Council, China and the United StatesComprehensive economic dialogue, Chinese leaders go to the United States to negotiate; from June 2nd to 4th, US Minister of Commerce Rose led a group to negotiate in China.These four rounds of negotiations made progress on the purchase of American products in China. The United States once expressed satisfaction that China even optimized to judge that it would not fight between China and the United States.

However, on June 15 last year, the United States officially announced the tariff list of Chinese products, and China also announced that it will retalize the tax on the United States.On July 6, the Sino -US trade war officially started.

After more than five months of trade in the trade, although the Chinese economy was under tremendous pressure, it was far from collapse as some people expected; the US economy did not obtain expected benefits, and the stock market shocked.On December 1 last year, ... ... with Trump's meeting with Trump in Argentina, the two sides agreed to restore economic and trade negotiations, strive to reach an agreement, and promote bilateral economic and trade relations to return to normal track.

From late January this year to the present, the China -US negotiation team has come and go, and has conducted five rounds of high -level economic and trade consultations in Washington and Beijing in a row. The progress of the negotiations has exceeded external expectations.In the fifth round, the two sides made important progress; in the sixth round, the two parties reached the principle consensus on the main problems; in the seventh round, the two parties conducted negotiations around the agreement of the agreement; in the eighth round, the two parties discussed the relevant text of the agreement and made new progress;In the nine rounds, the two sides made progress in the agreement text of the seven fields.

After more than a year of negotiations and a trade war for more than half a year, China and the United States have been able to weigh each other and their own pounds, and they have a deeper understanding of the consequences of the trade war.

For the Chinese side, the US demands must be unreasonable or even overbearing; but the United States is not only the boss of the world, but also the largest customer of Chinese products. China can only deal with it on the basis of keeping the fundamental bottom line and take the opportunity to promote the opportunity to promote it.Domestic reforms and opening up, instead of being brave, hurting the overall development situation.

For the United States, the trade war is not a unilateral punishment of the opponent. The loss of itself has gradually emerged, and the opponent is not collapsed. Even if the United States obviously occupies the upper hand, the trade war is still unavoidable.

Because of this, although the China -US economic and trade negotiations are twisted, it will definitely reach an agreement.Of course, even if an agreement is reached, the Sino -US trade dispute cannot be completely eliminated, but this is the last word.