Ming Pao News Agency

The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang will set off tomorrow to visit Europe. He will visit Croatia, Eastern European countries in the Eastern European country, and attend the Eastern European country in the Eastern European Summit in the Eastern European Summit.Summit.This time, after the President of the State ... After the official visit to Italy, Monaco, and France in late March, within less than a month, the second visit to Europe in China ’s top leadership shows that China’ s importance to European diplomacy.However, the 16+1 summit attended by Li Keqiang's trip will inevitably be questioned by the EU senior management.Looking at the European Union's internal centrifugal tendency in recent years, there is a cause. However, the piloting of cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe is differentiated in Europe.

cooperation with former Central and Eastern European Communist countries 16+1 mechanism to focus on the economy's own needs

The 16+1 cooperation mechanism of China and Central and Eastern European countries began in April 2012, and a summit was held in China and Central and Eastern European countries each year.Among the 65 countries participating in the Belt and Road, the status of 16 Central and Eastern European countries is important.According to reports, this year's summit will further plan the 16+1 cooperation blueprint, and will also sign a number of agreements involving infrastructure, trade, finance, education, quality inspection, personnel exchanges, and mutual recognition of driving licenses.

Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Malaysia, and Black Mountain), Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia).Among them, the five countries of Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Bosnia, and Northern Malaysia have not yet joined the European Union.Among these countries, the three Baltic countries are the former Soviet Union to join the Republic, and the other 13 countries are the former Eastern European Communist camp countries.Therefore, these 16 Central and Eastern European countries are also a political historical concept.From the sizes of territory, population, national language, religious culture, and economic development, the situation of these countries is very different.

In terms of relations with China, these countries are also socialist camps with China during the Cold War, but most of the countries after Sino -Soviet face turn their faces with Beijing.Shortly after the Sino -Su -Bingbing, these countries have also changed in Su Dongbo.Therefore, the foundation of the cooperation between the two sides is the economic needs: 16 countries hope to develop the economy, and China hopes to promote the Belt and Road.

China has not many economic and trade exchanges with 16 countries, and the economic complementarity between the two sides is not high.In the past 7 years, except for the irregular Central European trains in Loritz, Sichuan to Polish, Suzhou, Jiangsu to Warsaw, Polish, Wuhan to Czech and Poland, the largest infrastructure project is the only connecting Hungarian capital to Hungarian in the Hungarian capital of Belgrade.Most of the 4 billion US dollars of loans of this project are provided by China.The 350 -kilometer -long railway is expected to be completed in 2024. After the opening of the traffic, the two -place drive will be shortened from the current 8 hours to 3 hours.

Even with such a loose cooperation mechanism, the European Union's leaders, Germany and other North -South European countries have always been heartbroken, suspecting that China intends to differentiate Europe.Looking at the EU's internal contradictions and centrifugal tendencies in recent years, this kind of confusion has the original feelings, but it is a broken disease and using the wrong medicine.

The disparity between the rich and the poor in the European Union is unreasonable to recovering China differentiation

Since the expansion of this century many times, the EU's internal economic and cultural gaps have been further expanded. The disparity between the rich and the poor. From the launch of the Iraq war in the United States and Britain, the old Europe, led by France, has a new European position with the representatives of Central and Eastern European countries such as Poland.It is clear, the former is opposed, and the latter supports; in recent years, VISEGRAD Group, which consists of Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia, and other Eastern European countries, and various contradictions between Western European countries have been increasingly intensified.In the European Campaign, as well as multi -national forces, the European Union faced the risk of division.

The sovereign debt crisis of the European Pig 5 country, the order, love, the Western, Portuguese, and the Western European countries have fiercely argued in financial arrangements; in recent years, the European Union has developed a big difference on the three major issues.It advocates the cancellation of the tradition of consistently adopted by the EU resolution, and has been changed to a few obedient majority, which is opposed by Central and Eastern European countries such as Poland.The plan ended without disease; the third was differences in values. The Polish and Hungarian government was accused of destroying judicial independence and facing great pressure within the European Union.

On the other hand, since Trump came to power, US diplomacy has promoted unilateralism. Trade has been adjacent to neighbors. It only focuses on the European time and despise the European Union for Europe.The measures made the euro area worse.

The EU's pillar virtues and France have their own elbow armpit. They are scorched and have no time to help the EU's deep water alliances, not to mention the five countries of Sibagan Serbia and Albania in the 16+1 platform.Outside the door.If the cooperation between China and these countries is still jealous, it is unreasonable to point out.

China has repeatedly stated that it is unintentional and unable to differentiate Europe. It is also welcome to participate in the 16+1 cooperation mechanism. In fact, Croatia's cross -sea bridge has become the first sample project invested by the European Union and the establishment of China.China -EU ’s cooperation on the 16+1 platform is also available.