Reporter's note

Come and persuade your brother, let him spend less money!When he returned to his hometown to see Sanji, he began to frown without a few words.His son, also my cousin, usually drove a good car and wear a famous brand, making my cousin ashamed.According to Sanji, the cousin's salary is not enough for him to spend at all. A lot of money is borrowed from the Internet platform, and even the profit is owed a lot.However, my cousin himself has another opinion, and feels that he will definitely make a lot of money in the future. Besides, young people are going out now, not to make it glorious, and there is no face to friends.

My cousin's situation is very representative among young people in China.The consumption concept of a new generation of youth has changed dramatically, and more and more people advocate advanced consumption.A survey report shows that in 2018, only 30 % of Chinese white -collar deposits exceeded 30,000 yuan (RMB, about S $ 6,000); 20 % of white -collar workers owed debt; even college students were borrowing consumption.A survey of an Internet financial platform shows that 53%of Chinese college students' loans purchase cosmetics, clothes, electronic products, etc., are mostly advanced consumption outside the scope of ability.

The differences between the consumption view between young people and their parents have shown great changes in Chinese society for decades.The older generation has experienced social turmoil and shortage of supplies, and he still has a fresh memory of hungry, so he dare not consume, and the savings rate is amazing.Moreover, under the planned economy, there are not many things that can be consumed.The growth of a new generation in the era of rich materialism after reform and opening up, spending money and pursuing quality of life has become a common phenomenon.

The progress of society is not enough to fully explain this phenomenon, and another reason is that the Internet shaped the values of young people.It is easier for people to receive information and easier to understand the lives of others. As a result, comparison, showing off, and more follow -up phenomenon, online celebrities recommend and share friends can become the reason for inducing impulse consumption.Coupled with some media joint merchants brainwashing for young people, such as women can spend money to make people who love to spend money to make money, so that many people are poisoned and consume more than the level.Under the bright appearance, it is a bill of debt.

The new loan channels also provide convenience for young people's pre -consumption.In the past, the exchanges of money mainly occurred between relatives and friends, fellow citizens, and other acquaintances. Now financial institutions such as banks have begun to play an important role. Housing loans, car loans, credit cards, etc. enter people's lives.Regular financial institutions need strict qualification review, and the threshold is still higher.As a result, the new network financial platform seized the opportunity and encouraged young people to borrow money for consumption.

When your fingers press, the amount gets the account; a little finger, the goods come to the door.On the Internet, money seems to be just a number, it is easy to borrow in and spend out.Many young people have not yet learned to make money, so they have become a negative weng and a woman.Some people sell their identity information to illegal people, and female college students even took their nude photos as mortgage in order to borrow money to borrow money. As a result, the photos were hung on the Internet and life was in the abyss.

Some young people in China are caught in advanced consumption traps and provide warnings for young people in Singapore. After all, consumerism and network development are universal.It should be said that there is no right or wrong of consumption. Whether it is saved or generous, as long as it is happy, others have no beak.But the premise is the correct judgment that consumption must match your own situation, and you must also take into account the possible risks.

At present, it is not appropriate to get drunk today. It will not be insurance to pin the hope that it will be better tomorrow.Today, young people have not experienced such incidents such as Japanese bubbles. In a limited life cognition, they always feel that the society has developed at a high speed, and they will always raise their jobs.The current economic environment, especially the employment environment, is not very optimistic. If there is an economic crisis one day, today's advanced high consumption is equivalent to digging for your own.

People often worry about bankruptcy. I do n’t know that there is a more terrible situation, that is, the young people who have gone at a young age. I do n’t know if the young people who spend high money spend have the courage to face such a future?

(The author is the high -level editor of our newspaper [email protected])