Author: Qiu Jianhe

The outline of the development of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area (hereinafter referred to as the outline) was finally released. It proposed that the four major central cities of Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen were used as the core engine of regional development to enhance the radiation driving role in the development of the surrounding region.In the outline, the length of Hong Kong is not only ranked first in the four major central cities, but also in terms of positioning, in addition to consolidating and improving the four pillar industries including finance and shipping, it also expands innovative technology, build international litigation and arbitration centers,wait.It can be seen that the central government has a high degree of attention and expectations for Hong Kong's play.

At the same time, the overall Hong Kong society is still doubtful for the Greater Bay Area planning, which is in a strong contrast with the enthusiastic response of the political and business circles.Even if the discussion of the development of the Greater Bay Area is focused on quantitative indicators such as GDP (local GDP) total amount, population, transportation infrastructure, etc., pointing out that the total economic volume of the Greater Bay Area is close to South Korea, and then it will be with the world.The Three Greater Bay Area (Tokyo, San Francisco, New York) took the clouds at the cloud.

It must be emphasized that the development of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area involves one country, two systems, 3 customs areas, and 4 central cities.The national development strategy is intertwined with other national policy. It is necessary to analyze the true significance of the development of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area from the strategic height of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The author tries to examine the concept of the Greater Bay Area from different perspectives.First of all, in terms of economy, it is a problem of division of labor in a urban agglomeration planning and industrial chain positioning.In terms of deepening reforms, break institutional barriers, and realize the interconnection of production factors, and also involve the issue of institutional innovation.As for the relationship between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, it enriches the practical connotation of one country, two systems, and involves the country's problems of peace and unity.In terms of opening up to the outside world, building a platform for the initiative of the Belt and Road Initiative also involves issues of foreign policies and international relations.For all these, the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area can be seen in Hong Kong, which can be seen in the coexistence of challenges and opportunities.

The Hong Kong Government failed to get rid of non -intervention thinking

It is true that the outline only announced for less than two months, and at this stage, it is too early to assert that the official and hot people are cold.However, the lack of global views on the Greater Bay Area and even the national policy of Hong Kong society is an indisputable fact.Although the Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue mentioned that in the construction of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong will be active participants, promoters and promoters, but the resistance is facing.In the final analysis, the government has not been able to get rid of the active non -intervention of governance thinking in the 1970s, and lacks long -term planning for industrial planning and talent training, which has caused the stagnation of Hong Kong's economic transformation.

The economic integration of the Mainland and Hong Kong undoubtedly brings a lot of profits to the overall economy of Hong Kong. The central government has continuously introduced the policy of benefiting from Hong Kong.The reason is that the interest pattern is monopolized by the business community. The SAR government lacks guidance measures, making it difficult for relevant policies to benefit small and medium -sized enterprises and public citizens, and affect their daily life.It is the so -called uneven suffering. After all, the elite engaged in the financial innovation industry is a minority. The SAR government should think about how to let more Hong Kong people share the development opportunities of the Greater Bay Area instead of continuing to let them look at the thirst.Become a problem of people's livelihood, even political issues.

As for the establishment of a member of the governance alliance, the situation is not much better. I just think about how to develop in the Greater Bay Area and how to fight the Mainland ideas, ignoring the strategic significance behind it.The most obvious example is that some members believe that it is difficult to find land in Hong Kong. It is recommended that the mainland government allocated land to build Hong Kong villages and transfer the issues of people's livelihood in Hong Kong to the Mainland one direction.Nimby (not in my back yard, don't be in my backyard) mentality of Nimby (not in my back yard.Regardless of the feasibility of policy, this disguised way to engage in specialization in the Mainland is fair for the cities in the Mainland?At that time, it will only exacerbate the contradictions between Guangdong and Hong Kong, and it will not be conducive to the normal exchanges between the people of the two places.

As for the opposition, on the one hand, they refused to be planned. When the central and three governments formulated outlines, they could not make any suggestions; on the other hand, in order to spread panic in the society, they had conflicts between the two places.Self -edited and directed, claimed to be taken away by law enforcement officers in the Mainland, and was nailed by a nail machine.Opposition these discredit behaviors not only worsen Hong Kong's political ecology, but also through parliament and public opinion to obstruct the implementation of relevant policies, the authorities are indispensable.

Change the concept owed as a style

Faced with the development wave of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, the SAR Government and all walks of life should emancipate their minds, change the past concepts, lack the style of work, and re -examine the positioning of the Mainland and Hong Kong in one country, two systems.It has its own advantages and manages Hong Kong people who are interested in developing in the Greater Bay Area to provide appropriate support. Otherwise, it will only repeat the mistakes of officials and people.

The author is the meeting of the Hong Kong Youth Times Critics Association