Author: Lu Dewen

On March 27, Ma Duanbin, who was certified as a member of the National Judo team, published a report entitled by the Judo World Champion Real -name Real Name of the Judo World Championship: Two Village Division: Corruption tens of millions, colluding with the micro -beating villagersBo has attracted the attention of the entire network.

No, a judo athlete who picked gold and silver, reported his hometown according to the celebrity effect.After the real name of Ma Duanbin, the Huanren Manchu Autonomous County Party Committee of Benxi City, Liaoning Province organized the investigation team as soon as possible to settle in the Bi Shidianzi Village, which was located.

After the champion reports is eye -catching, the current chaos and governance paths of the village also return to the table, which is thought -provoking.

The national team athletes report to the rural branch, why?

According to Ma Duanbin's self -report on Weibo, the reported objects were Liu Zhongjun and Liu Zhonghe, two villages of Huadu Dudu Village, and were related to the two brothers' corruption of tens of millions of yuan and colluding with hooligans to oppress the villagers.

Ma Duanbin also specifically stated on Weibo for six o'clock, mainly involving the income of the Wuxi Son processing factory operated by the villagers, which was occupied by Liu's brothers, the processing base set up by the Liu family has no legal procedures, the top 7.9 million yuan in the top of the white bar, the collection of the National Poverty Alleviation FundMore than 10 million yuan, etc.

The actions of the two village secretaries caused anger, but everyone dared to be angry or not.Some of the villagers who opposed opinions were cut by sickle and some teeth were killed. Bee breeding of villagers was poisoned and the rice of the villagers was destroyed.

Uncle Island tested the history of Liu's brothers in detail. I did not expect that, in combination with different sources of different sources, Liu Zhongjun, the reported village branch, was once a typical typical village established by the local party committee and government.

In September 2008, Li You, member of the Standing Committee of the Huanren County Party Committee and Minister of Organization, talked about it in his article,

After the new party branch (in 2004, Liu Zhongjun served as secretary) took office, he adjusted his thinking, emancipating his mind, adapting to local conditions, bold innovation, and giving full play to the role of the fighting fortress and vanguard of the branch and party members.The whole village has become the highest per capita income of advanced villages and farmers in the town.In December 2006, the village party branch was re -elected. The majority of party members and the masses said: LSquo; these people do not need to change, let them continue to work, we raise hands to support RSquo;.

In 2014, Liu Zhongjun was reported by the villagers to the stage because of the top ledger.At that time, the reporters said that they were persuaded to resign, while Liu himself responded that it was because of discouraged.However, according to the results of the incident, Liu Zhongjun was obviously retained: the white strip involved in more than 7 million yuan was only warned by warning.This shows that the local party committee and government still believes that he has been able to reach merit.

What is very intriguing is that after Liu Zhongjun stepped down, his brother Liu Zhonghe soon served as a village party secretary through normal organization procedures in 2016.The reporter said that Liu Zhongjun was not small in this matter, and he personally bought tickets to the villagers who had good relationships and pulled his younger brother.

The brothers of the Liu family are village dominance in the eyes of the reporters, but in the eyes of the local party committee and government, they may include some villagers, but they are a capable person.Objectively speaking, people who have developed a lot of strength for the village.

Is it possible for the two sides to be so different?In fact, in rural areas, the double -sided nature of village cadres is a common phenomenon.

People have a lot of romantic imagination about village cadres: or imagine village cadres as the family members of farmers, and feel that the village cadres will think of the villagers;By profit; or imagine village cadres as a cadre, they thought they would only look at the local party committee and government.

However, most rural village cadres are essentially an ordinary cadre mdash; mdash; working in the gap between villagers and grass -roots party committees and governments, multi -facetedness has naturally become normal.

In this sense, the brothers of the Liu family in Huashen Dudu Village did not jump out of the type of village cadres.

However, the different aspects of village cadres will have different performances in different village structures and governance situations.One step between the capable people and the village tyrants often lays a foreshadowing, waiting for the trigger of the specific events.

As for the existing information, the two village secretarys of Huashen Dudu Village are likely to be as clean as them, especially when they involve such huge gray benefits, the phenomenon of violations is inevitable.

But what cannot be ignored is that the reporters' reports are also exaggerated. These exaggerations may be because they do not understand the policy information, or because of mixed private grievances (such as Ma Duanbin's intervention, it is inseparable from the personal grievances of the Ma family and the village secretary) MDASH) MDASH); MDASH; seemingly chicken zero dog broken and unable to distinguish the daily life of most villages.

What is it composed of daily life?

The first is the village division.Ma Duanbin's hometown of Huashu Dudu is a typical atomic village.The characteristics of this type of village are that the surnames and villagers are scattered, and there are no villagers' groups based on blood or geographical relationships (but do not rule out temporary groups established through in -laws, friends, etc.).

Under this structure, cooperation and competition between villagers are easily affected by individual events.Judging from the content of the report, the village structure of Huashu Dudu Village is extremely scattered. The contradictions of the dry group are essentially the extension of neighborhood disputes, and it was created by individual disputes.

This time, because of Ma Duanbin, many villagers who had resentment with the Liu brothers gathered together; correspondingly, the villagers who supported the village secretary's party gradually gathered.After the investigation team entered the village, Ma Duanbin's latest news stated that some party representatives and villagers representatives are conducting collective signatures to petition for the village branch.

Atomic villages are easy to pry the village forces because of individual events, and Ma Duanbin reports that it is also a large village incident, and it must further manufacture village splitting.This is indeed a challenge for the stability of the village.In this sense, the villagers have been reported in the past years, but it has a certain reason for the local party committee and government to consider long -term stability and prudent treatment.

Unexpectedly, as the village struggle was too fierce, and celebrities villagers took the initiative to overflow the village internal contradictions, the local party committee and government were forced to intervene in the adjustment.

The second is the ability to rule the village.

Huashu Dudu Village is a professional village of Wusongzi, with good economic conditions and a lot of government investment.The development of the village is also closely related to the personal ability of Liu Zhongjun, the former secretary of the village: After Liu Zhongjun served as the secretary of the village party branch in 2004, he led the villagers to become the big Wuwei Son industry and made the village a veritable industry rich village.

But the ability to rule the village is also a double -edged sword. To get better results, Uncle Island feels that at least two points:

The first is selfless.Theoretically, the identity of village cadres is public and has selfless inherent requirements for it, but in practice, village cadres often cannot get rid of their profits.Local governments support the ability to rule villages. It is nothing more than wanting to be driven first. However, in the specific village scenes, those who are rich in the rich people are easily attributed to the power of village cadres, as well as the advantages of collective resources, policy advantages and market opportunities.Priority possession.

The second is justice.Traditional villages are easy to produce parent -style leaders. Although domineering, they are the representatives of village morality; but in atomic villages, the village community has disintegrated, and the symbol of the morality of the village also retired.Of course, there is no way to expect village cadres to have enough justice.

Back to this incident of Huashu Dudu Village, to explore the village governance of the village, it is necessary to notice that it has the development path of the village company represented by the Schisandra industry.

The basic characteristic of this model is that through capable people to attract investment, use collective land and other resources, national industrial support funds blessings, build industrial bases, and drive villagers to participate in industrial development.

And its trouble is that it is easy to cause public and private indiscriminate, creating a wide gray interest mdash; mdash; people who can be the leader of the village -level organization andThe leader of the work society is also a large person. Whether the country's industrial support funds have fallen into the collective hands of the village or can still be capable.

Village corporateization is almost a system of national policy. The main policy goals are of course for the development of the village, but the objective results are first.

Uncle Shima has researched several village -oriented demonstration villages, almost all of which are similar to Huashu Dudu Village: while the village is developing, the internal economic and social stratification has increased, and the contradictions of dry groups are fierce; in more cases, in more cases,The village did not develop, but the big households came out.

For example, many professional cooperatives in rural areas are private enterprises opened by large households, but with the name of cooperatives, it is easy to enjoy the various agricultural subsidies of national finance.

Just like the village branch of a village, with the support of the local government, a cooperative has formed a cooperative, which accounts for 90%of the shares. Several other village cadres account for minimal shares, and none of the ordinary villagers have invested in.But it is this cooperative that registered geographical trademarks in the village collective industry in the name of the village collective, and successfully opened the market to gain benefits.When Uncle Shima was investigated, almost all villagers thought that the cooperatives were collective in the village, but the village party secretary admitted that this was his own.It is conceivable that if the village is further developed, the contradictions in village in the future are inevitable.

The Schisandra Base of Huasu Dudu Village must be nothing more than the above situation.The reason why the two secretaries can be rich are also the support of many local governments.Therefore, the corruption charged by the villagers is not necessarily true.The village branch may obtain policy support in a legal form, but it has not benefited from ordinary farmers.

On the same day of the championship report, the second round of the central and anti -evil and the third round of supervision work mobilization training courses were held in Beijing.Among them, there are two performances that sort out the evil forces, two are related to chaos villages: one is to control the grass -roots regime, manipulate and destroy grassroots elections, monopolize rural resources, and invade collective assets;Essence

If Ma Duanbin is reported to be true, the various behaviors of the village branch must be the rural evil forces, and it is particularly cracking.

But the actual situation is far more complicated than expected.One step of the ability and village tyrant has a common survival soil.To scan the blackening, we must scan ashes first.