Regional focus

In the last article, the indigenous unity party led by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir has been receiving non -stop in recent months, especially members of the UMNO jumping from the former ruling party of Malaysia.Between Anwar, the chairman of the Justice Party, the political struggle on the inheritance of the phase.

Various domestic political measures since Mahathir's re -office have shown that although he may eventually agree to step down, it is unwilling to inherit the phase of the phase to Anwar as a pre -election agreement.Essence

Specific examples, as soon as Mahathir came to power, he did not fully consult the Justice Party.The abundant political resources can be able to resist the Anwar Division within the Justice of the Justice (gradually extending to the party), publicly bumped, and even rose up to become an recognized phase competitors in Anwar.

In addition, in the 509 election, although the Justice Party won the most seats in the Pakatan Harapan, the party chairman Wang Azsha at that time (Mrs. Anhua, of course, also belongs to the Anhua faction in the Justice Party).The deputy prime minister, but at the same time, is also the department of the minister who is also the minister of the commission, is not the weight departments such as education, economy, and finance.To a certain extent, her real power in the Malaysian cabinet is actually not as good as the party's acting chairman Azmin.

What is even more paradoxical is that Anwar couldn't wait to make the Podshen State Conference to make up for the election last year.If you pass the phase to Anwar, you should come to the cabinet to rectify a slight reorganization, let Anwar replace Wang Azsha as the deputy prime minister, and concurrently the head of the weight department to leave the cabinet for 20 years (was expelled by Mahathir).Anwar, can re -start major government affairs in order to successfully take over.

However, Mahathir chose not to reorganize the cabinet, and Anwar did not seem to wait a bit. He greeted the earth around the earth to create a momentum of preparing to take over at any time.Unavoidable, there was a huge political contradiction between Mahathir and Anwar.

The political system of Malaysia's political system inherited the so -called Ximin Temple Democratic Democratic Democracy of the British Lord in the United Kingdom. The head of state was invited by the head of state to be a member of most supported members of the parliamentary house as the prime minister who controlled the administrative power.In the United Kingdom without writing constitutions, this is a so -called constitutional tradition. In Malaysia, the Constitution states that this is a method generated by the new government. It usually occurs after each election, but it is not necessarily the case.

If the political struggle between Ma and An, if it is carried out in the Sven, legitimate and reasonable model, in fact, in the country where parliamentary democracy is implemented, it is still a very common democratic practice, and it is possible to happen in the opposition and the field.Jun is not seen as in Australia and the United Kingdom. Whether it is a ruling party or an opposition party, party leaders will often be peeped by other party colleagues in their leadership. As soon as the timing matures, these colleagues will engage in a court coup and launch a council member in the parliament attempt to attemptThe leader of the party, if you get more than half of the support of the same party members, can achieve it and launch a new party leader.

If it is a ruling party, the new party leader will become the new Prime Minister.In the past ten years, Australia has changed into the new Prime Minister almost every two years, and the status of Prime Minister's status in Brexit is also at stake.

However, it seems that the political struggle between Malaysia and Anxian is currently carried out as the future, even in such a relatively sven and reasonable situation. Compared with the above -mentioned Western Parliament's democratic model, it is still unique.For example, the selection mode of the above -mentioned Prime Minister, although in most parliamentary democratic countries, is dominated by the number of political parties, but in principle, there is no need to do so.

Even if he is an independent and non -party member, theoretically, as long as he can show the support of most members of the colleagues, he can still become the Prime Minister.Furthermore, the Malaysian Constitution, which does not mention the role of political parties, certainly does not stipulate that members of the one -party party must not be stated in other political parties, or at least across the party to support members of the hostile party as the Prime Minister.

Under the political reality of Malaysia, this means that Mahathir (or the heir he who really wants) and Anwar are the same Pakatan Harapan, but they must perform their best solutions to fight for not only the Pakatan Harapan, but even from hostility from hostility.The support of the Barisan Nasional or other East Malaysia.

This is why Mahathir has directly attracted the UMNO members that he can accept in recent months, or sporadic or in groups to join his leadership, so in case Anwar suddenly called out (such as the rumor of the month ago, he rumored him, he rumored him.Attempts to launch the Capitol that can promote the government to step down, attempted to attempted the motion of the government), the Mahathir side also had the abundant number of members to protect the Lord.

Anwar and the Justice Party are obviously not as good as Mahathir as a result of winning the archives of UMNO, mainly because of one of the important factions in the Justice Party.The abuse of corruption has always been disgusted, so it is difficult to accept the UMNO MPs who have been fighting against each other not long ago, and they have become party comrades.Individual UMNO MPs, such as former Minister Nazli shouting for Anwar, but how powerful he was, he still failed to form an ambitious momentum.

In addition to giving chess, it is necessary to support Anwar or Mahathir as a whole, but the reality is that the members of the lawmakers have already rebelled in the UMNO. In addition, at least two of the political forces with significant number of parliamentarians cannot be ignored.

One is that although the Islamic Party, which claims to be closely cooperating with UMNO, the party's leader still meets with Mahathir from time to time, or a few words for Mahathir.The space and time of the agenda.

The second is several local political parties in the East Malaysia, such as the Turkistan party to violate the pre -election agreement to Sabah. Whether the largest local Democratic Party will be more inclined to the Anwar side in the local area.They also care for themselves because of internal problems, but their movements are worthy of attention.In any case, the biggest expectations of the Malaysian people in the political struggle between Malaysia and Anxian is that the incident can be carried out in a peaceful way.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (SIIA)