Source: WeChat public account pretend to be in New York

Time has passed so fast. In a blink of an eye, Trump has been in power for more than two years, which means that his remaining term is less than two years.In other words, the new U.S. presidential election soap opera is about to start again.So this time has been very lively. From time to time, someone jumped out and said that he was going to run for president.

Compared with previous sessions, the situation is particularly confused from the current situation.Of course, there is no suspense on the Republican Party. Trump will definitely seek re -election. It is estimated that there will be no weight in the Republican Party to challenge him.The fun is the Democratic Party. The number of candidates is particularly large, but no one looks like a president, and it feels a bit of demon dancing.

The New York Times website has counted the people who are willing to run so far, divided into three categories.

In the first category, Running is to clearly express and determine the election. A total of 14 candidates in the Democratic Party have begun to prepare carefully for the election campaign.

The second category, Likely To Run, may be able to run, a total of 3, the Vice President Biden of the Obama period is among them.

The third category, Might RUN, may be running, the possibility is less, a total of 9 people.

Among them, each election is eager to try or even invest in huge sums of investigations to investigate and finally abandon Bloomberg, the former New York Mayor, and former Starbucks CEO Schultz, who may run an independent.These three categories are added together, with a total of 26 people.It is not ruled out that someone will join this melee in the future.

There is also Unlikely to run, which is unlikely to run, including the current New York Mayor Bai Sihao and the Secretary of State of the Obama period John Middot; Kerry.And, it is clearly stated that NOT Running, which will not run, is Hillary.

Among the total 26th Democratic candidates who may run for elections, one person is particularly interested in the Chinese and the Chinese society in the United States.He is Andrew Yang, a Chinese candidate, and Chinese name Yang Anze.He is the first Chinese to run for president in 50 years, carrying the dream of changing his social status through participation in political status through political participation in political status.

From the perspective of various aspects, his election should be serious.According to the Democratic Party's campaign rules, candidates to obtain qualifications to enter the party's primary election and participate in the June candidate debate conference this year must meet two conditions:

First, the support rate of national polls is not less than 1%.

Second, it is a small donation of at least 65,000 people. The donor must be American citizens.

As for everyone's donation amount, there is no limit, even if it is $ 1.

It should be said that the threshold of these two conditions is not high, and Yang Anze has reached the first condition.

In the second condition, more than 40,000 people donated to Yang Anze and more than 20,000 people.

Therefore, his campaign team launched a fundraising in the Chinese community in the United States. The slogan was one person and one dollar, sending Yang to debate.Yang Anze 44 years old, the second -generation Chinese, was born in a small city in New York State, from a very standard model Chinese immigrant family.

Parents are international students from Taiwan to the United States, and they are senior intellectuals graduated from the University of Berkeley in California. My father is a physicist and later worked at IBM. It is said that there are 69 invention patents.

Yang Anze has been a good student since he was a child. He studied two elite schools, Brown University and Columbia University Law School.After graduating from college, he first entered a famous law firm at an annual salary of $ 150,000.Reading Changto, being a doctor of a doctor, taking a high salary, and completing a class jump. For Chinese people, this is originally the most standard life template.

But Yang Anze only worked for half a year, and found that he did not like the profession of lawyers.As a result, he resigned and started a business without paying the loan of 100,000 US dollars.After several failures, by 2009, the GMAT training school co -organized by his friends was acquired by the most famous educational institution in the United States and the Washington Post.After that, Yang Anze, who got the first bucket of gold in life, decided to use his own money to do more things that are beneficial to society.

He saw inland states and small cities in the Midwest of the United States, and developed stagnation because he could not keep talents. At the same time, many young people with dreams did not show their own opportunities.So he founded a non -profit institution called Venture for America. He first arranged for young people to work in start -ups in the central and western cities and small cities. After they accumulated a few years of experience, they put money to them and let them start their own business.

So far, he has helped 3,000 young people find a job, but the goal he set for himself is to create 100,000 jobs.

What way does such a person go to campaign?

It is not difficult to imagine that he is very concerned about the gap between the rich and the poor, and also knows that the income distribution is not the most angry social issue at present.In the past 20 years, the US economy has been growing rapidly, and the total GDP has increased by 50%, but the income of the middle class has only increased by 4.7%.

In 2017, the richest 1%of the families took away 20%of the revenue of the United States. This proportion is close to the highest point in the history of the 1930s.In other words, most of the social wealth entered the pockets of the rich.The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. This is the source of anxiety of Americans.The campaign proposition of each presidential candidate will inevitably touch such social reality.However, the solution proposed by Yang Anze sounded very ridiculous and unrealistic, just like the night.

His most important and most media reported administrative program, called the basic income of the whole people.

Universal Basic Income (UBI.

In his desire, the federal government should pay subsidies for monthly US citizens who are 18 years old, each monthly at $ 1,000 per month, until the age of 64.Regardless of career, regardless of income, everyone can get the money. He calls the money as a free dividend, freedom pidnds.He believes that this money can improve the living conditions of the poor, stimulate consumption, and eventually promote the development of the economy.

He once published a book that advocated the basic income of the whole people. The title was called a war against ordinary people.The truth behind the post that is disappearing in the United States, and why the basic income of the whole people is our future.

In order to show his sincerity, Yang Anze also found a poor family in New Hampshire to do money experiments, and packed them for $ 1,000 a month.But paying money like this will promote the inertia of many people to work?Will it cause inflation?Will it cause many connected social and economic problems?

Facing the media's questioning, Yang Anze did not seem to make a satisfactory answer.The $ 1,000 looks a small number, but the number is very terrible by the huge population base.Even if you only give 5,000 people, the expenditure will cost $ 60 million a year.

If it is promoted to the United States according to Yang Anze's imagination, the annual cost is 2 trillion.In 2018, the US federal government spent 4.1 trillion yuan throughout the year.In other words, Yang Anze's money plan is equivalent to half of the US government's current expenditure.

Where does this money come from?Yang Anze said that value -added tax can be charged to large enterprises.

Each transaction on Amazon and every search on Google should pay taxes to the government.It sounds socialist, right?In the United States, such discussions are reasonable.

But discussion is one thing. It is a bit crazy to take such an aggressive plan as a campaign proposition.Although I also want to cheer for Yang Anze, I am also looking forward to Chinese people can make a greater voice in American society, but the reality is cold.Essence

Even if he did not consider his rebellion, but in fact, he could not attract too many eyeball campaign programs. His final chance of victory was very minimal, and he could almost ignore it.

Frankly speaking, his election symbolic significance is much greater than practical significance.Look at his resume, if you use the standard of ordinary people, it is already very good, and it is the winner of life.But if the standard of a presidential candidate is used, this resume is too thin.

The problem is not that his Asian and Chinese identity mdash; mdash; only when one person has enough competitiveness, the ethnic factor will be paid attention to.The problem is that Yang Anze has not even reached the threshold of the most basic competitiveness.Most presidential candidates have a wealth of political career, and at least have been governor or senators.

Hillary has been in politics for so many years, and in the 2016 campaign, he was always questioned and could not be applied for presidential positions.Obama was not born out of the stone out of the air. Before he was elected president, he had been a State Senator and a four -year federal senator for eight years. He was the hottest political star in Washington at that time.

Yang Anze has no experience in politics and no popularity. How can voters convince his ability to believe in his ability?Trump is a special case, but Trump is a commercial tycoon that Americans know, and have been on TV, bringing their own traffic, saying that everything will stir up.

And what about Yang Anze?His Twitter account is only 89,000 attention, and this weight is probably not even enough to run for local members.Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that after he announced the election, the US media reported very little about him because he had no topicality and did not have much value of news reports.

In contrast, this time another Asian candidate Kamala Middot; Kamala Harris is more worthy of attention.He is also a triple identity of Asian, African, and female, and is fired by the American media and is called the female version of Obama.

At the age of 54, she was the chief prosecutor of California. She is now a senator of Congress and often scolds Trump on Twitter.Many people are optimistic about her. The Guardian said that she seemed to be the best candidate to defeat Trump in 2020.If she was elected president one day, I would not be too surprised.

Chinese politics is a common topic. Many people talk about overseas Chinese, and they always feel that they only care about making money, timid and afraid of things, and do not know their rights.But in fact, in the past ten years, a lot of changes have taken place.Many Chinese in the United States have successfully elected mayor, city councilor, governor, state member, and even parliamentarians.

They are walking on the right path.

Perhaps the president will not be born in this group of people and this generation, but when the base is getting larger and larger, everything will inevitably come.

I don't want to break Yang Anze as speculators.

As for the irresponsible Hu Biao, it is better to have less.