The 2019 Economic Summit of China Development High -level Forum was held in Beijing on March 23.Li Daokui, dean of the Chinese Institute of Economic Thought and Practice of Tsinghua University, spoke at a meeting.(China News Agency)

Li Daokui, a well -known economist in China, believes that the United States is exhausted as a global leader, but China's willingness and ability reforms are not trusted. Nextprospect.

Li Daokui, Dean of the China Institute of Economic Thought and Practice of Tsinghua University, first pointed out when he spoke at the Economic Summit of the China Development High -level Forum yesterday that global leaders must have three conditions: the domestic market is strong enough and the world's leading industryWith certain self -regulation ability.

Li Daokui pointed out that China has begun to have an advantage in individual fields, but the biggest problem is the phenomenon of global weakness, and the United States is exhausted; on the other hand, China has the willingness and capabilities to reform, but it is not trusted.

For example, he said that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, China has repeatedly swores at the Davos Forum, the Boao Forum, and the Import Expo in the past year and a half. China is willing to open up, be with the world, contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative, expand import, and conduct internal reforms, butStill not trusted.

Li Daokui believes that the essence of the problem is that many US officials regard today's China as Japan that year, but this is not the case. He retorted that the Chinese market is very large. Now it is the largest market in more countries.Has surpassed the United States.

Li Daokui judged that there are three possibilities for globalization: 1. The United States continues to do it alone, but this road is not far; second, the United States engages in a new World Trade Organization (WTO), but this consequences are disastrous; three, China, the United States and Europe lead the globalization.

He believes that under the circumstances that the United States leads the global weakness, it is the best prospect for Sino -US and European equal cooperation to lead globalization, but the key is to trust each other, negotiate equal negotiation, and supervise each other.

The prospects of the Sino -US trade war and cooperation are one of the themes that run through the summit.Stephen Roach, a senior researcher at Yale University, said in another sub -forum that STEPHEN Roach reached an agreement on the next month of Sino -US trade consultation, but this is just a superficial agreement.Variable problems MDASH; MDASH; the United States and many countries have bilateral trade deficits.

He suggested that the two parties must reach bilateral investment agreements to allow Chinese and American multinational companies to enter each other more freely.In addition, the United States must increase savings to eliminate multilateral trade deficits. On the contrary, China should reduce savings to eliminate multilateral trade surplus.

Susan Shirk, a well -known Chinese issue researcher and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, believes that the United States has responded to the current threat of China.Essence

Xie Shuli suggested that the US authorities should find a balance between maintaining national security and maintaining social opening up.She believes that the biggest risk at present is the Race to the Bottom. The United States may not only exclude Chinese investment and technology due to extensive definition of national security, but also restrict the accuracy of Chinese students, scientists, engineers and other talents.Entering will not be conducive to the competitiveness of the United States.