Ming Pao News Agency

Former Minister Chen Fangsheng and Member of the Legislative Council Guo Rongzheng and Mo Naiguang were invited by the White House National Security Council to visit Washington next week.The three people's visit to the United States this time is quite different from the general visits, exchanges and lobbying journey.Democracy and freedom of the ground.At present, China and the United States are fighting. In order to curb China, Washington has done its means, Taiwan is densely operated, and the Hong Kong brand is desperate.Hong Kong should not be the struggle between the Sino -US struggle. The political signal released by the three of them is disturbing.

Three members of Pan -people were invited to visit the United States to meet the National Security Association is unusual

In the past year, Sino -US relations have risen, from trade war to blocked Huawei. The United States has launched a wave of economic pressure and blows on China.Fame, continuously strengthen the official contact between the United States and Taiwan in politics and military, and empty a Chinese policy as a means to deal with Beijing.At the same time, Washington seems to be re -thinking about Hong Kong policy.

In the 1990s, the U.S. Congress passed the Hong Kong Policy Law and treated the Hong Kong system different from mainland China. It was treated differently in all aspects of political, economic, and trade policies.Gradually lose its uniqueness. It is recommended that Washington to review the military -civilian high -tech export policies and whether it should continue to regard Hong Kong and mainland China as two independent customs areas.On the surface of the report, it is about Hong Kong's democracy and freedom to rule the rule of law, but the high -tech export is high, and Xiangzhuang dances is intended to come out.Although the latest annual report of the Hong Kong Policy Law issued by the US State Department has reiterated that it is given different benefits to Hong Kong, the Hong Kong issue obviously has obviously entered Washington's strategic computing chess game.

Last month, Tang Weikang, Consul General of the United States in Hong Kong, delivered a speech to talk about Hong Kong's role in the Indo -Pacific region. It was actually an important policy of Hong Kong -US relations.The Indo -Pacific Strategy is widely regarded as a means of checking China's rise in China. Not long ago, the United States decided to establish a so -called Indo -Pacific Democratic Governance Consultation Mechanism to strengthen the relationship between the two parties.At present, Beijing emphasizes that Hong Kong and Macao integrates the overall national development situation, but the United States proposes to put Hong Kong in the Indo -Pacific strategic framework, highlighting that Hong Kong is becoming more and more likely to become a wrestling field for Sino -US saw.The United States has the trend of peeling the Hong Kong -US relations from the Sino -US relations framework, and Beijing will definitely regard it as a means of separation differentiation.

This time, Chen Fangsheng, Guo Rongzhang and Mo Naiguang were invited to visit the United States, which was under such complicated and sensitive time and space.Guo and Mo are the current members of the Legislative Council, while Chen Fangsheng is a former senior official who has left the government for more than ten years. It is difficult to say that it is the current government bureau. The biggest common point of the three is the same pan -people camp.During his visit to the United States, the three will meet with the White House National Security Council and senior members of the House of Representatives.Mo Naiguang said that this trip believes that the amendment of the fugitive regulations is negotiated. Hong Kong has the impact of foreign -funded enterprises' attention to the impact of the operation on the company's operations, and they will truthfully reflect their opinions.Guo Rongzheng expressed his hope to understand the US's views on the latest Hong Kong policy and law reports.

Politicians are commonplace, and the most important thing is to keep division in order.In the past, a number of Chief Executives in Hong Kong had visited the United States. At the end of last year, the Pan -people and Institutionalists also visited the United States in the legal community to lobby the US political and business community on the status of Hong Kong's independent customs areas.The nature of visits, exchanges, lobbying and etiquette is quite different.In the past, Hong Kong politicians visited the United States. They were inseparable from meeting with the State Council or officials of the State Council or relevant government departments to strengthen bilateral communication and cooperation. Sometimes some pan -people also came into contact with Congress members and called on them to pay attention to the situation in Hong Kong.In contrast, the three were invited to visit the United States at the invitation of the White House National Security Council, and the political level and significance were very different.

Hong Kong needs political asthma space.

The National Security Council is chaired by the US president and is the highest level of national security and foreign affairs decision -making committees. The main task is to assist the president to handle foreign and security affairs and formulate relevant policies.What the National Security Council really pays attention is not to revise such problems in the fugitive regulations. I am afraid that it is not Hong Kong's political reform or 23 legislation. From the perspective of national security, Hong Kong is placed in the US India's strategic framework.As a part of the game with China.Guo Rongzheng mentioned that this reception specification reflects that the US government has raised the Hong Kong issue to the national policy level. The problem is that this does not mean that Washington really cares about Hong Kong's democracy and freedom. It only represents the use value in the eyes of Washington.

The uniqueness of Hong Kong lies in compatibility and accommodation. It talks about one country and two systems. However, with the rise of Hong Kong independence and the changes in Sino -US relations, the environment in the Hong Kong inside and outside changes.Different, Hong Kong has been forced to make a statement, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous.What is currently in Hong Kong is more political asthma.If the Fanmin and Beijing can break the frozen relationship in recent years, it is conducive to Hong Kong to fight for more political room for political virus.However, on the other side, at the invitation of the United States, they met with the White House officials responsible for US national security.

At present, the Sino -US struggle is dangerous. What kind of information of the three of them will be seen in Beijing.If the three people want to urge Washington to raise their hands, do not take Hong Kong as a means of game Sino -US game, of course, it is best to be; if Beijing's research is judged, some people think that the interests of Hong Kong and the United States can be connected to a line, and the interests of Hong Kong and Beijing will oppose the interests of Beijing and Beijing.The central government is really likely to further tighten the control of Hong Kong. The two -system space will be cut into the moon daily, and the victims will be citizens in Hong Kong.