After frequent inspections and trace management of the previous years, the CCP announced a new round of remediation to correct the problems brought by excessive traces and cure traceism.

What is trace management?This pretty novel phrase is actually derived from a rule in administrative management. It refers to the meticulous work records that do not leave dead ends. For example, fill in various material reports and handover records in detail as the basis for investigating and evaluating.Traces management has been widely included in the work of cadres in recent years, especially in grass -roots poverty alleviation work, and has become a means and system of cadres' performance assessment. The specific content includes the requesting cadres to leave many conference records, join the WeChat work group, forcibly download multiple government APPs, and upload apps for apps.Screenshots or recording videos in work scenarios to prove the work.

In this regard, the Chinese media criticized last year that excessive leaving marks became useless, just like high -firing artillery to fight mosquitoes, like a township to hold poverty alleviation information for the great competition.Significance, the end of the house, falsifying the fake, the grassroots cadres are not overloaded, and also encouraged the speculative psychology of some people.

In high -level documents, trace management was found on November 26 last year, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China ... speaking when he presided over the 10th collective study of the Politburo.At that time, he criticized that traces of traces are relatively common, but the weight marks are not heavy and the traces are not paid attention to.

Continuing ... The essence of the speech, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang issued a government work report this month also proposed to solve excessive marks.Subsequently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document to position the bustling year in the grassroots level in 2019, and issued a powerful horn saying: Now it is time to play a fight against formalism!

A vigorous rectification operation was staged as scheduled.On the Internet this week, you can find a mighty mobilization order at hand, such as a city announced the promotion of the spiritual rectification of the struggle, and the mdash; mdash;The dimension can participate in the formalism around you, and some can make a video, allowing grass -roots cadres to experience the formalism that they have encountered in person, and the pain is fast.

As soon as grass -roots cadres vomited their hearts, the problems reflected were also practical. However, isn't the source of the formalist lesion of excessive marks be the middle -level inspection unit above the grassroots cadres?Can grass -roots cadres be reduced? In the end, it still depends on the responsibility of the middle level. Is it another kind of retaining mark and form?

Furthermore, the inspection and inspection have been reduced. To evaluate the performance of the majority of cadres and ensure the implementation of the central policy, new strategies are required.

In the past few years, in the era of only GDP, Chinese cadres evaluated to digitize life and death with GDP digitally. Today, entering the era of emphasizing poverty alleviation, people's livelihood, and environmental protection, cadre evaluation is facing difficulty in quantifying.However, this is not a new problem. There is a saying in China that it is chaotic as soon as it is grasped.

Regarding the problem of government governance in China, online media Hong Kong 01 commented that it was bloody: When the authoritarian system failed to establish a strong central authority, political decentralization, the autonomy and enthusiasm of the bureaucratic class will become stronger, but it is easy to breed corruption.When the authority of the authoritarian system is concentrated and the right to accept the rights, it will lead to the reduction of the autonomy of huge bureaucratic groups, and it will fall into the two extremes of inaction and formalist chaos.If the senior management does not have a strong promotion of a policy, there may be bureaucratic inaction; if through political high -voltage and strong push policy, bureaucrats go formalism to avoid accountability.

In fact, this dilemma has been existed since ancient times. It reflects the reality of China's vast region, many administrative levels, and highly asymmetric power and information.In China, power is inclined to the top, and the information is tilted to the bottom. Therefore, the lower level is very afraid of the power of the superiors, but it can use various methods to use the information advantage to respond to the superior to push the responsibility and fake them.

This issue now appears in a new look, we can see that Chinese official governance and modern governance are still facing difficulties.However, since the root cause of the problem is clear, the solution can also be very simple. As long as you slightly adjust the asymmetry of power and information, allow the society to have other rights to speak, and let the media and public opinion supervision.You can see it clearly.Effective decentralization and allowing supervision are actually a hurdle that cannot be around in the establishment of a modern governance system. Can China pass by?