Liu Juti: The hearing held by the US Senate at the end of February seemed to knock the alarm for the future of the Confucius Institute, but this also reminded the direction of possible reform.

The US Senate's Permanent Investigation Group Committee held a hearing on the Confucius Institute on February 28, and also released a report on the impact of China on the American education system, claiming that the Chinese government almost controls all aspects of the Confucius Institute in the United States.In the case of the U.S. government's supervision, expand China's influence.The committee is seeking legislation to restrict, and even considers that the Confucius Institute is registered as a representative of the Chinese government based on the foreign agency registration law, emphasizing that if the Confucius Institute does not reform, it should be suspended.At the same time, the U.S. Government Accountability Agency also issued a parallel investigation report.

(Photo in the article: Maxima (right) of the Netherlands Talk with Cao Xuefei (left) with Cao Xuefei (left) of the Foreign Academy of the Confucius Institute in the Netherlands.)

In September 2005, I attended the unveiling ceremony of the Confucius Institute at the Huamei Xiejin News Agency in New York. It was the third Confucius College established in the United States after the University of Maryland and the Chicago Public School.As a person with Chinese mother tongue, even after years of exercise, I have been able to publish articles in English and the most difficult business negotiations. I have also learned German, French, and Japanese. I still think that Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world.If learning foreign languages will make people humble, I think that let foreigners learn Chinese is the best way to help them understand Chinese culture and thinking, and it is also the best way to highlight China's soft strength.

The slogan of the Facure Speaks CHINESE of the Future Speaks CHINESE of HuameiFor me, a future of Chinese is indeed exciting!But after 13 years, why did the Confucius Institute in the American politics and academic circles so unheard of?The Confucius Institute has become a representative symbol of today's steep international political struggle.I think this is the biggest misunderstanding of the world's goodwill, but what should we do to reverse the trend of the Confucius Institute being politicized or even demonized?

The original intention of the Confucius Institute is worthy of appreciation: China has the power to exert its soft power, share its language and culture with the world, and promote international exchanges and mutual understanding. This is particularly important in the context of the current leadership of Western cultural center.However, the American politics and academic circles are blocked by the Confucius Institute, and we should not be purely regarded as the political suppression of China's rise.Before the condition reflex, we should examine why the Confucius Institute scared Americans?

The Senate report pointed out that the lack of academic freedom, lack of transparency, and lack of mutual benefit and equal treatment is the three major ills of China's operating Confucius Institute.It is worth noting that the report itself does not deny the value of the Confucius Institute's transmission of Chinese cultural functions.The conclusion of the report echoes the report issued by the Hoover Research Institute of Stanford University in November last year: China ’s influence and the interests of the United States: Improving the constructive alert to the assessment of the Confucius Institute: On the campus of American universities, the Confucius Institute provides the Chinese government with close to American students.Channel.Because the Confucius Institute has positive value in contacting Chinese and cultural in the community, this report is basically not opposed, but it is indeed recommended to implement a stricter university supervision for the Confucius Institute.Hellip; Although the United States is open to Chinese scholars studying the United States politics or history, China restricts American scholars and researchers' access to research on Chinese political systems, society and history.

Academic freedom

The controversy caused by the Confucius Institute does reflect the counterattack of China's influence on the influence of China. In fact, many concerns about the Confucius Institute are reminiscent of the various fear of Chinese companies such as Huawei.The Senate report also compared the Mission of the Confucius Institute with the 2025 plan of Made in China and the Thousand Talents Plan. Through the Confucius Institute, the Chinese government was trying to change the prejudice of economic and security threats to China in the United States and around the world.The soft power of the Confucius Institute has made people look down on China's long -term domestic and foreign objections.

This evaluation of China's external influence perspective reflects the crux of the Hoover Research Institute's report: Due to the omnipotence of the party and the country, many independent action individuals, including Chinese civic society, academic circles, enterprises, and even religious institutions.In the end, it was also restrained by the government and was often under pressure to serve the country.

From this perspective, the Chinese government's conditions for funding Confucius Institute may form a compromise of academic freedom: all teachers, activities and speakers must pass the Chinese government approval.Some American schools agreed with the laws of China and the United States at the same time on the contract.Chinese teachers signed contracts with the Chinese government to ensure that they will not harm China's national interests.This restrictions on the political review system that is trying to export in China, prevent discussing political sensitive topics, and even cause self -examination of self -examination on campus.

However, from the perspective of China, the Chinese government manages the Confucius Institute through the Office of the National Chinese International Promotion Leading Group (Hanban) of the State Chinese International Promotion Leading Group directly under the Ministry of Education.According to the official website of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, the Confucius Institute in the United States is a voluntary application at an American university. The Confucius Institute Headquarters, the Chinese University and the local university are established in the principles of mutual respect, friendly consultation, and equality and mutual benefit.

Each American school signed a contract with the National Hankan to establish the term of the Confucius Institute.The contract reviewed by the US Senate Group Committee is usually such a contract: its clauses stipulate that the laws of China and the United States are applicable and the contract is prohibited from disclosing publicly.If American schools adopt a serious damage image or the reputation of the Confucius Institute, the contract will be terminated.

In the past 15 years, China has opened more than 100 Confucius colleges in American universities, and more than 519 Confucius Schools with Chinese courses have opened more than 519 primary and secondary schools in the United States.The US Senate Investigation Group estimates that since 2006, China has invested US $ 158 million in the US campus to set up Confucius Institute.

2014 can be said to be a watershed on the Confucius Institute's view of Western Society.The Senate reported many times citing the Wall Street Journal's 2014 titles of the lessons of Chinese propaganda.Before the meeting of the European Society of the European Sinology held by Braga, he took and deleted political sensitive academic materials and conference articles of association.

This move caused Roger Bull, a professor at Rontel University and Chairman of the European Society of Europe; Gretex's protest: This international conference planned by an independent democracy and non -profit academic organization is completely unacceptable.In other words, this action of educational leadership in China is a commonplace. From the perspective of the western academic community, they have taken the view that they intervene in academic freedom by political stand in the management of the Confucius Institute.

Soon after, the University of Stockholm, Sweden, announced that it would no longer have a cooperation agreement with the Confucius Institute. On June 30, 2015, the school was closed in the first Confucius Institute in Europe, which was founded in 2005.The Canadian and American university professor associations have also called on universities across the country to cut off their contact with the Confucius Institute.The University of Chicago and Pennsylvania later refused to renew their contracts with the Confucius Institute.These actions were worried about the Confucius Institute's academic freedom.

According to the statistics of the National Scholars of the United States (NAS), from 2014 to so far, 17 Confucius Institutes in the United States have been closed or are preparing to close.

In fact, the extrusion of the Confucius Institute has the output of other forms of soft power in China, and even the international expansion of Chinese companies. If Huawei is suppressed, it has a logical comparison.For example, the instructor of the Confucius Institute must comply with Chinese law in the United States. According to the Americans, according to Article 7 of the National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China in 2017, any organization or citizen shall support, assist and cooperate with the country in accordance with the law, assist, and cooperate with the country in accordance with the law.Intelligence work, conservative national intelligence work secrets.

U.S. government officials and media often quote this clause to prove that Chinese companies (such as Huawei), institutions (such as the Confucius Institute), groups (such as Chinese Students' Association), and individuals (such as Chinese scholars) may succumb to the requirements of the Chinese laws and regulations to be the governmentExecute intelligence tasks.However, although the American intelligence agencies have repeatedly proposed a warning of Chinese scholars as spies in recent years, the Senate report also pointed out that the Federal Investigation Agency is paying attention to the Confucius Institute. The Committee has not found evidence that the Confucius Institute has the so -called spy activity.

In another parallel report, the U.S. Government Accountability Agency reviewed 90 agreements to establish the Confucius Institute and interviewed school officials on the interests and related issues related to the Confucius Institute.Although 42 of the 90 agreements are required to keep the document confidential, some protocols can beSearch or request provision.One -third of the 90 agreements clearly explain how American school policies are applicable to the Confucius Institute.The Government Accountability Bureau found that in an interview with a school study of ten cases, American school policies were suitable for research institutions in their school.

The Government Accountability Bureau found that some scholars are worried that the existence of the Confucius Institute will restrict campus activities and classroom content. For example, some schools with research institutes may avoid holding activities that may include criticism of Chinese issues to avoid offending Chinese partners.But at the same time, some school officials cited some examples to explain that these concerns were not applicable to their Confucius Institute, and pointed out that the Confucius Institute sponsored activities about these sensitive themes.Nevertheless, school officials and other related persons still suggested that the school improves the management of Confucius Institutes, such as restarting the negotiation agreement to clarify the power of American schools and make the agreement disclose.


Lack of transparency has become a stereotype of Chinese organization or enterprise operation model.To this end, the U.S. State Department plans to increase its on -site review of the Confucius Institute in 2019.

According to the Senate report, before the establishment of a Confucius Institute, the National Han Office usually provides a startup fee of 100,000 to 200,000 US dollars in American schools, about 3,000 books and other textbooks.The National Han Office selected Chinese deans and teachers for free schools provided to U.S. cooperation.Ten Confucius Institutes assessment of the U.S. Government Accountability Office show that American schools that host Confucius Institutes usually provide annual funds that match the Hankan sponsorship, as well as classroom space and administrative support. Although American school officials have the opportunity to interview these candidates, they areIt is not clear how the Chinese government chooses this settlement candidate.American school officials do not understand whether candidates meet the recruitment standards of American schools themselves.The Hanban requires the director and teacher candidate to pass the English ability test and psychological test to determine that they can adapt to living and teaching in the United States.In addition, American schools have a limited understanding of the screening process of the Confucius Institute's management and instructors.

The Chinese director and teacher of each Confucius Institute also signed a contract with the Hanban.The contract with the National Hanban clearly stipulates that if the dean and teachers violate Chinese law, participate in activities that are not conducive to national interests, or participate in illegal organization activities, the contract will be terminated.The contract also stipulates that the dean and teachers must conscientiously safeguard the national interests and report to the Chinese Embassy within one month when they arrived in the United States.

A survey by the U.S. Government Accountability Agency shows that many scholars expressed concern about the selection process of the Confucius Institute.State Hanban or China Cooperation School is responsible for screening a preliminary application for teachers of the Confucius Institute and submitted candidates to American schools.In addition to the standards announced, many people are worried about whether political factors or the consideration of religious beliefs have invisible during the review process.

However, at the same time, the U.S. Government Accountability Office also found that many officials at the American school where the Confucius Institutes are located are often introduced by the qualifications of hiring teachers, and they are referred by partners or the Han Office.Essence

The Senate report also pointed out the failure of the US visa process.The U.S. State Department is responsible for the visa issuance of the President of China or the teacher who enters the Confucius Institute in the United States.In 2018, the State Council has revoked their exchanges and visits to scholars (J-1) visas because 32 Confucius Institute teachers and scholars were studied at K-12 schools.

Mutuality of peers

In addition to opaque issues, the Senate report also pointed out that China lacks mutual benefit for the United States' corresponding organizations.In response to the increasingly popular Confucius Institute in the United States, the US State Department launched a diplomatic plan in China.Since 2010, the State Council has provided $ 510 million for 29 American Cultural Center (ACCS) in China.

Through the project plan of the American Cultural Center, compared with the Confucius Institute's model, an American school cooperates with a Chinese school. American schools use subsidies to create a space on the campus of Chinese cooperative schools to allow the Chinese to better understand the United States.Culture, society, government, language, law, economic center and values.

However, the report pointed out that the obvious difference between the American Cultural Center and the Confucius Institute is that the government does not pay or review the instructor or director, nor does it provide books or materials, and there is no proposal to be provided for instructor or directors.However, even without official intervention, the Chinese government has stifled the establishment of the American Cultural Center plan from the beginning.

In general, for some American schools, the establishment of the American Cultural Center encountered various roadblocks from the beginning.For example, after a wide range of negotiations, a Chinese school rashly rejected the establishment of the American Cultural Center and believed that he did not see the need to be established.

The open American Cultural Center found that they need a Chinese permission to host most cultural activities: a Chinese boarding school rejects the drama of the boxing of the boxer Ali;Series of lectures.A staff member of the American Cultural Center in China told the Senate Group Committee that local members of the Communist Party often participated in approval procedures.Another American Cultural Center officials chose to leave after two Chinese police officers after interrogation.A colleague told her: The Chinese police's interrogation of the managers of American schools are very common.

The Senate report pointed out that the U.S. State Department has recorded more than 80 cases in the past four years, showing that the Chinese government directly interfered in the U.S. cultural center's plans in various forms, including temporary cancellation activities that have been approved.

The Attorney General of the State Council found in December 2017 that the American Cultural Center was basically unable to complete its mission in China.In October 2018, the State Council ended all American Cultural Center planning for funds and re -undergo internal evaluation procedures.There are currently no plans to fund the American Cultural Center in the future.

However, the U.S. government accountability bureau has different observations.According to its survey of American universities, which cooperates with 12 degrees in China with Chinese universities in 2016, these Sino -US Cooperation University project emphasizes academic freedom, but faces Internet review and other challenges.

The object of this survey is not in the American Cultural Center in China, but the tutorial of the China -US Cooperation University.They are supported by Chinese cooperative universities and Chinese government agencies in China. Due to limited funds provided by US government agencies and private donors, these American schools have received support from land, building resources, and campus facilities of Chinese universities.EssenceThe number of support from China is very different. For example, a university has received nearly 500 acres of land, and the Chinese and local governments promise to spend about $ 240 million for construction and development facilities.Five of these 12 universities have received US federal funding, most of them are scholarships for American students.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office also pointed out that most American universities they reviewed in their written agreements or other policies, either reflect the protection of academic freedom, or indicate that Chinese institutions will comply with academic standards equivalent to their American campus.For example, allow students to engage in research on related themes and allow students to ask questions freely in class.A university agreement stipulates that all members and visitors of China -US Cooperation University will have unlimited freedom of speech and research freedom, and will not be limited by the selection or speech theme.The written agreement of the three universities shows that Chinese and foreign cooperation agencies will comply with academic standards commensurate with the American campus or university certification agencies or other authoritative institutions.

In the 2016 review, more than 130 teachers and students interviewed by the U.S. Government Accountability Agency reported that academic freedom was not limited.The college stated that they did not face academic restrictions. They could teach and learn any questions. A teacher even claimed that he and his colleagues deliberately introduced political sensitive topics in class discussions to test whether this would cause any complaints or attempts to review.Students also generally say that they have academic freedom and can learn or discuss any topics.Some students who have studied or met others in Chinese universities have compared their experiences in American universities in China, and pointed out that they can interact with teachers, discuss sensitive topics, and freely obtain information in American institutions.

However, in the Sino -US Cooperation University reviewed by the U.S. Government's accountability, less than half showed the freedom of interviews with barrier -free online access during the review.In these universities that enjoy the freedom of the Internet, university members can access search engines, newspapers and social media websites that have been blocked in China, such as the New York Times, Google and Facebook, but this is not the case in other universities.In several universities that have been limited by logging in to the Internet, students and teachers have said that they sometimes face challenges to teaching, carried out research and completion of curriculum assignments.

The U.S. government accountability bureau's treatment of the China -US Cooperation University in China has proposed a more positive report than the Senate's report on the American Cultural Center, showing that different schools and institutions of different schools and nature mayThere are different situations.What is worth exploring is whether there has been changes in the past two years?Is the American Cultural Center being restrained in China because of the output of US value?

Possible action in the United States in the future

It is undeniable that the existence of the Confucius Institute in the United States has now reached a critical moment.The Chinese government also has a reason to ask: If such a large amount of money and the hard -working institution, it has a negative impact on the image of China. Is such investment worth it?

From the suggestions put forward by the Senate Report, the US Congress may use legislative procedures to request all American schools to announce contracts with foreign governments, including contracts from Confucius Institutes, and online for students and teachers for review.To protect academic freedom, it is also stipulated that foreign laws on campus in the United States shall not be applicable.

The U.S. government may require American schools to ensure that Hanban cannot exercise its veto on the details of the annual budget of the Confucius Institute; requiring American schools to ensure that any foreign government's funding or research does not hinder academic freedom, nor is it limited to one -sided and selectively.Views; and requiring the Confucius Institute to include the exemption of the source of funds.

American schools should ensure that Hanban's review, screening and interview process should be consistent with the recruitment procedures and standards of American schools.The process of selecting directors and teachers should be completely transparent to American schools.American schools should also try to recruit Chinese teachers outside the Han handling authority.

The Senate report even suggested that Congress and prefecture and local education officials should study the needs of Chinese language education planning, and consider making additional investments in some cases. The focus is on American schools, state and local education committees.manage.

In addition, it may have a specific impact on the operation of the Confucius Institute. The Senate can instruct the Ministry of Justice to determine whether the Confucius Institute represents a foreign client to engage in activities that affect the US government or the public.Registration of foreign agency registration law represents the Chinese government.Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice requires Xinhua News Agency and former China Global Television Network (CGTN) US branch, which is formerly known as CCTV English International Channel, registered as foreign agents in the United States in accordance with foreign agent registration laws.Information such as the annual budget and expenditure, ownership structure, etc. must also indicate that it is a foreign agent in the text, pictures, and audiovisuals published and broadcast, and it will also be limited in operation.

The Senate reported that the US State Department should require China to allow US diplomats and employees to be reciprocated and fair in China, including (allowing (allowed in China to allow) regular access or participating in all websites, projects and activities in the United States.In any case, American schools will not compromise in academic freedom. The Senate reports that American schools operating in China should inform students that China shall review the Internet and other related restrictions on the Internet.If the operation of the Confucius Institute lacks sufficient transparency and the cultural promotion of American universities on the campus of China cannot be comprehensive and mutually beneficial, the US Senate reports that the Confucius Institute should not continue to exist in the United States.

How to highlight the soft power that conforms to international norms?

The experience of the Confucius Institute highlights that there are very large conflicts and differences in the education system between China and the United States: in terms of Chinese academic freedom is definitely not the main purpose of higher education, from the perspective of the official website of major universitiesThe structure of power is the party's leadership over the academic leadership. This is difficult to understand or accept, which is difficult to understand for Americans.In the opinion of Americans, although the Confucius Institute is a non -ideological organization, if such organizations control their remarks and even hinder the academic freedom of other countries, is it an output of ideology and values?

The mission of the Confucius Institute actually follows the model of the British Culture Education Association, French Alliance, German Goethe Institute, and Spanish College, but why is it so extruded?Is this the extension of Western cultural center doctrine, or the deliberate picking of Chinese threats?

The French Alliance is an independent legal person agency, which has been limited by the French government, and the Goethe Institute and the Syndeus College belong to the government's official institution.Although these European cultural organizations are sponsored by different degrees of government, they are basically not responsible for reviewing and eliminating objections.

Therefore, when the Confucius Institute re -evaluates its structure, should we consider adopting Western practices in funding and management, thereby reducing the government's official colors and introducing more civil resources in the form of foundation?I think it may not be easy to achieve under the current Chinese system: Chinese private entrepreneurs' awareness of charity is still in the primary learning stage, and the reality of strictly controlling ideological output in China, coupled with Chinese enterprises and non -profit organizations, have not failedBeing able to completely independent the government's control over ideology, these may have limited the effectiveness of private funds.

Therefore, the root cause of the problem is deeper than the government sponsorship itself, involving the government's control over ideology.Although the prevention of the Confucius Institute is somewhat excessive, from many perspectives, China's domestic prevention of overseas institutions and trends seems to be more than that.

Some people may ask: Isn't the United States' vigilance or tolerance of the Confucius Institute, isn't it just the freedom of speech and academic freedom to face it?In fact, the United States has long -term conclusion on the law of freedom of speech: the mechanism of advocating freedom of speech does not need to tolerate the system and discussion of freedom of speech.

In the face of the pressure of the trade war, although it means that insisting on the opening of the market,In addition to the opening of the economy, will it be open to the outside world for ideological and cultural fields?This is still a big question.If Chinese scholars and researchers have no way to explore the freedom of exploration of knowledge like scholars and researchers in western society.At the occasion of the outside world, the softness of China's softness will also form a large roadblock.

The frustration of the Confucius Institute exposes the sharp differences between the mainstream education system of China and the West. As long as the academic freedom is not deeply rooted in the Chinese education system, the goodwill and beauty of any Confucius Institute will continue to shrouded under the black clouds of the banned order.EssenceIf the Confucius Institute is hacked, it will not only settle in China's soft power, but also pose a threat to the civilized dialogue between China and other cultures.

(Note: This article only represents the author's personal point of view. Responsible for the mailbox [email protected])