Zhang Jingwei

The second round of the SARS was staged, and the stage moved from Singapore to Vietnam.

In the first special money in June last year, the two had four generations (Trump in the 40s and Kim Jong -uni, the post -80s), and the leaders who had scolded each other across the air became each other.The two of them need their needs. One party hopes to completely resolve the Nuclear crisis, achieve historic diplomatic achievements, and even get the Nobel Peace Prize.Kim Jong -un needed a US security commitment to get rid of the isolation position.The point is that North Korea ’s nuclear guidance security policy can make North Korea’ s tendons exhausted to exhaust domestic and foreign traffic. It is hoped that security guarantees will be used to break through the dilemma of crisis through special funds.

The opportunityism of the one -shot, making the handshake of Trust be full of rituals and attracted global eyeballs.After the SARS, North Korea did not have a nuclear test and even made efforts to destroy some nuclear facilities, and the United States suspended military exercises.However, North Korea's abandonment of nuclear abandonment has made no substantial progress, and the diplomatic effects of the Singapore Special Gold will also lose their halo.This result is expected.In the past 70 years, the US -DPRK is hostile (in the off -war instead of the final war), and in the sensitive and complex geopolitical multilateral game of Northeast Asia, the meeting of the United States and North Korea leaders is still difficult to digest the trust of the United States and North Korea.Do not open the entanglement of all parties.

Trump hopes that the fast -knife will be chaotic to improve the US -DPRK relations and encounter a strong domestic rebound.Trump's hawk team's position is to verify irreversible nuclear abandoned nuclear, and even require North Korea to transport nuclear -guided weapons to the United States to destroy.As the US -Russian relations improved by the Russian scandal, Trump's North Korean policy has also been strongly resisted by US political media and the people.

Following Trump's rhythm, in addition to Secretary of State Peng Pei, South Korean President Moon Jae -in.The former is the Secretary of State of Trump, and the advantages of the special gold and the Nuclear crisis also benefit themselves.The latter was born in the South Korean progress camp and is committed to improving North -South relations.However, Wen Zaiyin has gone too fast in the North -South relations, which not only causes the Korean people to rebound. When North Korea's nuclear is stagnant, Wen Zaiyin's public opinion support has also greatly reduced.Wen Zaiyin's enthusiasm also caused Trump's dissatisfaction Mdash; MDash; Wen Zaiyin grabbed Trump's limelight.

Kim Jong -un hopes to get the security guarantee of the United States, such as the final battle of the United States and North Korea, the signing of peace agreements, establishing diplomatic relations, and providing economic assistance to North Korea, and then North Korea can completely check the nuclear.It is impossible for Trump, which is accustomed to pressure on opponents to pressure the limit of opponents.Therefore, it is difficult for the Special Fund to break through the bureau that the rabbits insist on the two sides.North Korea uses China to check the United States and continues to play against the United States through the assistance of South Korea.Cut the sausage tap has become a true portrayal of North Korea's difficulty in discarding nuclear nuclear.

The Singapore Tetan Society opened the curtain of comedy narrative.The setting of the story is not complicated. China, which has starred in friendship in this play, gave the US -DPRK's breakthrough. Mdash; mdash; dual -pause.However, the United States and North Korea deeply trapped the mysteries that asked each other to make concessions first because of lack of mutual trust.The United States is concerned that concessions will make North Korea rehabilitating and continue to threaten the security of the United States and allies; North Korea ’s anxiety actively abandon the nuclear, and will repeat the same mistakes of the Libya Gaddafi regime.

Will the first Special Chamber not meet the expectations, can the second special gold be made in breakthroughs?The situation is more complicated and the plot is more chaotic. In addition to the opposition from the United States, the relationship between the United States and Japan and South Korea is also full of uncertainty.On the one hand, the cracks of the United States and Japan and South Korea are expanding in security costs. Trump's remarks for the release of the withdrawal from Japan and South Korea in order to release the troops from Japan and South Korea, which also aroused panic between Japan and South Korea.The United States, Japan and South Korea's security alliances have become fragile, and Japan and South Korea's trust in the United States have also changed.

On the other hand, in the process of reconciliation of the China -DPRK, the United States and North Korea, and the north and south of the peninsula, Japan became a spectator. In addition, Japan and South Korea have deteriorated because of radar irradiation and island sovereignty contradictions, and Japan's sense of crisis is also strengthening.More importantly, as a participant in the Korean War, the end of the United States and North Korea was inseparable from the key role of China.Due to the influence of Sino -US trade friction, China is naturally indispensable in the process of abandonment of North Korea.Regardless of the United States, North Korea, or other parties, they know that China's characters are eating heavy.This also determines that the process of North Korea's nuclear period is by no means a leading star of the two, but a complex drama for multi -character participation.

Just as the Hollywood blockbuster sequels are hard to please, the second special gold will not be able to achieve more substantial results.North Korea abandoning nuclear is a multi -game and long and complicated process. If the special gold will be eager to achieve success, North Korea's abandonment will become a rotten project.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Passenger researcher at Renmin University of China Chongyang Financial Research Institute