Zhongshi Society

On the 19th, Cai Yingwen made an exclusive interview with CNN and stated that he would be re -elected for 2020.In 2016, the United States had clearly supported Cai Yingwen's election. At that time, the Kuomintang was angry and awe, and Tsai Ing -wen made it clear that he did not change the status quo of the constitutional system of the Republic of China.Three years later, many status quo has changed. Will the United States continue to support her?

You can cut in from the recent twice of the concerns and warnings of the Taiwan Association (AIT).The second is the general call of Guo Beihong, the General League of Joy Island, and expressed concern and advice on the Taiwan independence referendum; the United States Association followed up in the Taiwan Association and did not support Taiwan's independent referendum. Here, many information worthy of exploring.

Observe on the surface phenomenon, first, Joy Island promotes Taiwan independence referendum. The official response of the United States is open and clear. There is no vague diplomatic resignation. This is extremely rare and even a severe statement.Cai Yingwen is re -elected.Secondly, the atmosphere of the United States has risen since last year. Bu Ruizhe particularly knows the Taiwan and pro -platform, but suddenly splashed cold water to President Cai's invitation to the United States Congress; citizens voting are the legal rights of the people. The United States has always said respect.This time, it was clearly opposed.Since last year, the US -China trade war has intensified. The United States has always been friendly and supports Tsai Ing -wen. However, it has entered the Presidential Election Political Culinary period. The United States not only stated that Taiwan ’s independence was suppressed, but also the contradictory signal was confusing.

From the substantive perspective, Bu Ruizhe's public letter and AIT's speech expressed that the United States does not support Taiwan independence referendum, which is based on the profound and significant national interests of the United States to reiterate the actions that the United States opposes the status quo on both sides of the strait.policy.The most worthy of these is what is the far -reaching and major national interests of the United States?

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States for 40 years, the United States' policy on cross -strait has never changed. On the one hand, it has maintained official diplomatic relations with mainland China on the one hand., Society, culture and other relationships, and accept the substantial governance status of Taiwan authorities through administrative power and judicial power.Despite the close and frequent exchanges, the United States has never recognized Taiwan's national sovereignty status. The boundary between the government and the people's separation, sovereignty, and governance rights absolutely clearly divide very clearly.

After Trump came to power, the United States launched a strategic confrontation, suppression and prevention of China. Regardless of the motivation of curbing China or friendly Taiwan, the US Congress continued to propose to improve Taiwan's sovereign state status.It stimulated the uniqueness inside Taiwan.But for the United States, maintaining cross -strait peace and stability is the real national interest.If Taiwan is independent, the United States will fall into the crisis of war; if the cross -strait is unified, the role of the United States will be marginalized, and the unified China will also make the United States more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, the highest strategy and long -term interests of the United States are very clear. Even if tactical adjustment occurs, it is only a phased process. The short -term changes cannot change long -term goals.Therefore, Trump, who likes to play Taiwan cards the most, will show well to Taiwan intermittently. On the other hand, he also asked the staff: Why should the United States protect Taiwan?What can we get?

The United States affirms and supports Taiwan's democracy and freedom, but the United States does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country, and the two cannot be confused; although the United States expresses opposition to Taiwan independence referendum, and the pressure of re -election for Tsai Ing -wen will temporarily resolve independence.At the same time, it is also a serious warning of the DPP government that it should not cross the red line under the 2020 election and make a move that violates the interests of the United States.

In the cognition of most Taiwanese people, the Republic of China is a sovereign country that everyone lives and loves together.This is no different from the original national sovereignty of the Republic of China, and pursue the sovereignty of Taiwan that does not actually exist!So that it has become this one that neither recognizes the Republic of China nor dares to Taiwan independence. The status quo is also at stake, causing the entire country to lose its direction, advance and retreat, and fall into a huge dilemma of identifying division.It is no wonder that South Korea ’s Yu asked where President Tsai would bring the Republic of China?The big question made the DPP government jump.