Minister of Trade and Industry Chen Zhensheng (left) received questions from the guests at the annual meeting of the Middle East Research Institute yesterday.On the right is Bilahari Kausikan, chairman of the Middle East Institute.(Photo by Qi Qicong)

Minister of Trade and Industry Chen Zhensheng believes that China has no intention of replacing the United States as the boss of the Middle East. China is currently investing in trade and infrastructure in the region, and it is also more defensive rather than aggressive.

Chen Zhensheng also pointed out that it is another thing that China should ensure its own interests in the Middle East as part of the global geopolitical game and compete with other powers in the region.

The State University of the National University of Singapore (MEI) yesterday (February 11) held two consecutive days to host the benchmark point called the Middle East at the Liangmu Garden Hotel: the Chinese Belt and Road MDASH; MDASH; geographical strategy and business opportunitiesAnnual Meeting, Honorary State -owned Enterprise Wu Zuodong attended the meeting as a guest.

Chen Zhensheng pointed out in a keynote speech at the meeting that the Middle East is one of the most complicated areas in the world, and no large state has the ability to avoid being involved in the complex geopolitics of the region.He asked: Does China be able to avoid walking in the Middle East politics without being involved like other major powers before?

Chen Zhensheng said that China ’s interests in the Middle East and expand their contact with the region should be among the intentions of various countries.Like other large countries in history, China will also have a certain share of interest in the Middle East, which involves its strategic channels (SLOC), oil and natural gas resources, and even religious security, especially Islamicism to China ’s minority Muslim groups to China.Impact.

There are still many interests in the Middle East

As for whether the United States has lost interest in Middle East affairs, Chen Zhensheng believes that this conclusion is too early and exaggerated.He pointed out that the United States still has many interests in the region, including geographical strategy, strategic channels, and religion.As a result, China and the United States have sometimes enjoyed common interests in the Middle East. Sometimes, under the broader background of global competition, the Middle East is regarded as part of competition.

Regarding the Belt and Road Initiative to radiate to the Middle East, Chen Zhensheng pointed out that as long as it is open and inclusive, projects are cautious and disciplined, and the infrastructure, including the vacancies in the Middle East and other regions, is actually a major opportunity.Through the Belt and Road Initiative, China has both the ability to undertake large infrastructure projects and is willing to carry out these projects in areas where risks are high and may be trapped in other countries.

Chen Zhensheng believes that the Middle East countries can benefit from the Belt and Road, provided that each project in the initiative must be evaluated in economic principles and implemented it with market discipline, and at the same time stay away from non -economic factors as much as possible.He emphasized that this is not only China, but also the responsibility of other proposal partners.

During the Q & A session, Chen Zhensheng also called on Singaporeans to pay more attention to the Middle East, and said that Southeast Asia faced a similar situation as the Middle East. In the event of the two areas, China and the United States must protect their huge interests in these two areas.He pointed out that Southeast Asia can learn from the Middle East: if the area has no integration and coherent, it may become a hotbed of the agent war.As a result, Ya'an needs to cooperate closely to ensure that all member states have opened a way forward.

In response to the question of how to persuade the United States to return to the cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), Chen Zhensheng pointed out that the United States actually fully understands the benefits of TPP. What we need to do is to resolve the internal contradictions of American society. There is no need to lobby.He pointed out that if the most beneficiated to the east and west coast of the United States in globalization, the benefits of the obtained benefits can be re -assigned to other states, so that they can keep up with the pace of globalization, and it will reverse the atmosphere of rejection of globalization.

He pointed out that the above is a challenge to all countries. The key is whether the government with ability and strong willingness to provoke the responsibility to help enterprises and employees improve to catch up with the pace of globalization.

Minister of Education Wang Yikang also delivered a lunch speech at the annual meeting of the Middle East Institute yesterday.He said that he believed that war between China and the United States could break out of war, and the two countries could eventually seek a new Modus Vivendi.In terms of trade, investment, currency, talent, etc., China and the United States have reached unprecedented degree of mutual dependence.The two countries are not like the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.