The G20 Summit was held on Friday, and the Chinese President Leader and the US President Trump will meet whether the relationship between the two countries will alleviate the relationship between the two countries.Since Nixon's visit to China in 1972, although there are occasional twists and turns and have been in contact with China, Vice President Pence's October speech showed the unwillingness of the United States, which made the outside world speculate whether the China -US Association would separate or even confront them.Repeat the Cold War in the United States and the Soviet Union.

Why does Sino -US relations have changed this significant change?This newspaper visited experts and scholars and former officials. It will analyze detailed analysis of Sino -US relations for 4 days, and predicts that the two countries and the global pattern.

U.S. Vice President Pence made a speech in October that reviewing the United States' policy to China, which is generally regarded as the reversal of the US contact policy in China, has caused the outside world to worry about whether China and the United States will have the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Sino -US relations experts Zhao Suisheng and Cui Dawei pointed out to Ming that, unlike the former US -Soviet Cold War, the policy of China and the United States' benefit contact policy has established close connections in economics and depend on each other.Difficulty, let alone the cold war -type comprehensive surrounding, but if Washington insists on promoting decourse, it will definitely have a deeper and extensive impact on the global economy than the Cold War.

In 1947, the United States announced the implementation of the containment policy to prevent the Soviet Union's expansion and communism spread. The U.S. President Truman described the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union as the dispute between the freedom world and the totalitarian regime.The United States has later blocked the Soviet Union in politics and economy.

Since the US President Nixon's visit to China in 1972, the United States has launched contact policies for China.Promote the end of this policy.

Soon after speaking, the economist was the theme of the cover of the United States: the end of contact with China: describing the United States as a strategic opponent mdash; mdash; malicious participants and rules destroyers, and even believed that Pence's speech was equivalent to new.Early corner of the Cold War.

Cui Dawei: Beauty or Chinese issue in the South China Sea

Zhao Suisheng, director of the China -US Cooperation Center of Denver University, believes that Pence's speech has comprehensively denied contact policy for the Trump administration. He feels that this set of long -term policy has completely failed, and then goes further, that is, Disengagement, but heIt is questioned that the move cannot be solved, and the United States itself cannot be done.

The so -called decourse, according to David Zweig, director of the China Multinational Relations Research Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, explained that it was the original deep integration of China and the United States to open the way back in order to open tariffs, restrict studying abroad, reduce scientific and technological cooperation, and block investment.

He believes that the United States is not only economically decoupled in China, but it is also likely that the development of the siege strategy on the South China Sea issue. The so -called encirclement is that whenever China wants to get out, the United States pushes it back, and sometimes it will take the initiative to curb it.Just like the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Zhao Suisheng: Trump's Chinese also offended allies at the same time

Zhao Suisheng believes that the past contact policy in the United States is to encourage the establishment of relations with China in all aspects. The better the more, the better, but now there will be options. Those who are beneficial to the US economy or have no obstacles can continue, but China must prevent China from using the United States to use the United States.The open society and economy will not allow China to seek benefits at the cost of the United States.

He explained that if the United States wants to block China, it should establish a strategic alliance, but the relationship between Trump and the European Union and Japan has a mess, pushing them to the opposite side.

The former US Treasury Secretary warned the new cold war economic iron curtain

Burns recently accepted the Washington Post to warn that if China wants to avoid comprehensive cold war with the United States, it must fundamentally change its behavior. Washington has different attitudes towards the New Cold War.Or the surrounding policy.

However, the wind direction of American politics is indeed changing. Even former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who has always been friendly to China, also warned that if China and the United States fail to reach a settlement, the new cold war will be imminent and even economic iron curtains.

Zhao Suisheng believes that the New Cold War is impossible, because China and the United States depend on each other, and they have developed the doubles industry chain and international division of labor that no one can do.Also large.In contrast, there is no such economic relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, but it has threatened the United States military. Today, China has established relations with the United States and the international community in all aspects. Therefore, it is impossible for the United States to decide with China.

Cui Dawei believes that if the United States really tries to decompose with China, it will definitely have a deeper and extensive impact on the world than the former Cold War.He explained that the decoustal Chinese and American hook means the disintegration of the global production chain. The combination of American technology and Chinese assembly is a very important part of the global economy. This economic connection is not existed between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

He described that not many people think that the United States can really do it and question Trump who does not understand the global industrial system. Even if assembly moves away from China, it is also created by China and the United States.China is decoupled, and other countries may not be willing, this will damage the United States' global status.