The results of the nine -in -one elections were announced, and the same scores were not scored in the Tsai Ing -wen government for more than two years.After the cross -strait relations came to power from President Cai, they were rated as unfinished answers by the other side. Looking forward to 2020, President Tsai will seek re -election. If you want to continue to maintain the status quo, the future challenge will only be more severe.

Although this Jiu -in -1 election is a local election, the DPP sacrifice the independent card, and demands the penetration and false information of the other side. As a matter of election, although it has the effect of condensing itself, it will be faced with nationality.If the presidential and legislators elections, if President Tsai or the DPP wants to keep the regime, the development trend of cross -strait relations will have a more profound impact.

Looking back at Cai Yingwen's 2016 election, in order to finish the last mile, she first communicated with the United States, and established the core principle of maintaining the status as a core principle of handling cross -strait affairs.

However, since she took office for more than two years, cross -strait relations have deteriorated from frozen, and some of the original exchanges have stopped. Luke has been tightening to Taiwan. The tourism industry has been impacted, and the people have many dissatisfaction.

When there is no signs of ice melting, mainland China has repeatedly reduced our international stage. In addition to the one -consecutive three units and three units, even the WHO also blocked our participation, extending from both sides of the strait to the dilemma of diplomacy.Under the Dinghai God needle that maintains the status quo, the DPP government has been stretched.

The treatment of cross -strait relations is divided into three main levels: national positioning, cross -strait policy, and exchanges between the two sides. When the Democratic Progressive Party is in power for the first time, it also adheres to the claim of national positioning.There have been many progress. However, after returning to governance two years ago, they were in a state of comprehensive retrogression, and the situation became more and more serious.

The result of this voting, to some extent, has stated that if the DPP wants to win the 20120 election, it must find new core principles for handling cross -strait affairs.Regardless of President Tsai and the DPP, they have the ability to deal with cross -strait issues.

For more than two years in the DPP, although the two sides of the strait are in a situation of fighting, it can be seen from many polls that people are not satisfied with cross -strait policies.If President Tsai and the DPP can be inspired and seeking breakthroughs from maintaining the status quo, it may not be the opportunity to turn by the two sides of the strait. Taiwan Greenland Blue Sky Xianxian Vio to the Patriarch -MDASH; Ming Pao Society Review

The Nine -in -one election in Taiwan ended yesterday. In the local election of the mayor of the local county, the Democratic Progressive Party's position was greatly lost, and the phenomenon of turning into a blue sky appeared.The Democratic Progressive Party, which has been fully governed for more than two years, was cast aside by voters so soon. As a result, it was unexpected, but it showed that Taiwan's democracy has gradually matured after years of baptism. Voters are less constrained by traditional ideology.The honeymoon period of the candidate and the people is becoming shorter and shorter. The people no longer want to wait patiently to wait for the promise to fulfill their promises, hoping to see changes as soon as possible.If the governor is admitted to manipulating political issues, or good mouth, he cannot quickly respond to the expectations of public opinion with bright political achievements. Even if he will win in the election, he will soon be punished.

Greenland turns the blue sky for two years, the public opinion such as the flow of water, the honeymoon period is short

On the surface, people's opinion is like flowing water, and it is the most impressive impression that this time the nine -in -one elections are left over.Four years ago in the nine -in -one election, the DPP just won a great victory. The blue sky of all counties and cities changed the green space. By two years ago, Tsai Ing -wen won the presidential election.Abandoned, especially in Kaohsiung, which has lost its 20 -year governance, and Yunlin County, which has been in power for 13 years, has more significant symbolic significance.The party chairman Tsai Ing -wen, the executive director Lai Qingde, and the secretary general of the presidential palace Chen Ju resigned to show responsibility, but how to respond to the changes in Taiwan's political and public opinion is what the DPP governing authorities need to think and reflect.

The Kuomintang is the biggest winner of this election, but reviewing the Taiwan elections, the frequency of the pendulum effect has been greatly accelerated.Once upon a time, Cai Yingwen's touching defeat after the president in 2012 was still in his ears. Four years later, she had gone into the Presidential Palace.In this election, the Kuomintang seems to be infinitely beautiful, but as long as the candidates have not achieved the achievements in the next year or two, the party's senior management itself cannot wash their minds and reborn.optimism.

From 4 years ago, Ke Wenzhe was elected as the mayor of Taipei as a non -party member, to this year's atypical Kuomintang Korean Yukong Kaohsiung, which set off a Korean flow.The ideological topics such as independence, ethnic groups, and party factions attract people with new images of the people, pragmatic, and honest.Since taking office, Ke Wenzhe has a fresh governance style and is not restrained by blue and green. Sometimes he has no choice but to say wrong, but he quickly admits his mistakes and has won the favor of many young people.But because Ke Wenzhe insisted on maintaining the Shuangcheng Forum in Taipei and Shanghai, and said a family on both sides of the strait, he was scratched by the Democratic Progressive Party.Tickets, the road to re -election in Ke P was in a hard time.

From Ke Wenzhe to South Korea ’s case, it can be seen that under the strong political pattern of the two major political parties in Taiwan, the star politicians of these third forces, if they lack the support of political parties, it is difficult to maintain a benign interaction with the civil servant team.It was cooperated with the parliament with both parties as the main body; Ke Wenzhe, who was in the North, and South Korean Yu, who was in the wild, could see differently in this selection.

If the sniper of Ke Wenzhe reflects the domineering of the Democratic Progressive Party, then the contempt of South Korea ’s Kaohsiung at the beginning of Kaohsiung, the suffering of the farmers' agricultural export, and the contempt of the air pollution of Taichung have reflected the DPPAfter comprehensive governance, they were proud and fascinated, and they were eventually punished by the Taiwanese people with votes.

Ke was wiped out of the red camp domineering blue camp sauce cylinder culture gradually broke

Ke Wenzhe criticized in the campaign that after three political parties rotation in Taiwan, except for the unified independence ideology, the two major parties of Blue and Green were almost the same.This is not only a criticism of the DPP, but also a warning to the Kuomintang.In the later election campaign, the sow of the party chairman Wu Dunyi almost made the Kuomintang's election in the vulnerable ditch over the ship. South Korean Yu calmly cut and resolved, and it also made him see that he was different from the traditional Kuomintang.From South Korea ’s Yu to Hou Youyi (formerly the Director of Police), the rise of the atypical politicians in these Kuomintang shows that the old Kuomintang's old sauce tank culture has gradually been broken. In the futureFaction.If the Kuomintang executives only care about the victory of this election campaign, and to interpret the entrustment given by the people by mistake, and cannot respond to the expectations of voters in a timely manner, the next election will repeat the mistakes of the Democratic Progressive Party this year.

Cross -strait relations have always been an important part of Taiwan's politics. This time, the people's grievances of the DPP's failed to improve their economy, and some of them have been related to Cai Yingwen's relationship after the stage of coming to power.Beijing apparently learned from the past lessons. In this Taiwan election, it has remained low -key. Silence is gold.Can't be held, and it has not provided too much ammunition for the DPP to speculate on the issue of independence.Of course, it also reflects the maturity of Taiwanese voters and the disgust of political issues such as unity independence, making it difficult for the unique issue to become the main axis of the election.

Regarding the victory of the Kuomintang this time and the failure of the East Olympics referendum, the Beijing side should not see Hunting. After all, there are many internal factors in Taiwan.Unity, or to make a moisture.Instead, after the Kuomintang's administration after this election, whether the mainland will loosen some exchanges on both sides of the strait is the test of Beijing's re -striving for the people of Taiwan and showing the flexibility of Taiwan's policy.