The White House Chief Economic Counselor Kurdlo said on Tuesday (20) that if the planned plans for talks between the United States in Washington next week, the United States and China may directly conflict with trade issues at the G20 summit in Argentina.In addition, Zhang Xiangchen, a representative of the Chinese Trade Organization of the World Trade Organization, said on Tuesday that the WTO reform must adhere to the direction of opposition to protectionism and unilateralism.Adhere to the principles of non -discrimination and fully carry forward democracy.

Kudlo told the White House media on Tuesday that the G20 summit was a decisive moment. He estimated that the two countries would confront trade issues.He warned that if a plan to talk about in Washington next week is endless, China and the United States will directly conflict with trade issues at the Xi.This will be showed off at the G20 summit, and I think this is the key point.

Representative of China: WTO needs to reform anti -protectionism

According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Xiangchen, a representative of the Chinese Somsonians in the World Trade Organization, said on Tuesday that any international organizations need to keep pace with the times, and the WTO is no exception.He has criticized hundreds of billions of dollars in agricultural subsidies of hundreds of billions of dollars in the WTO developed countries for more than 10 years, and failed to provide any international specifications for emerging formats such as e -commerce. In the face of unilateralism and protectionist frenzy today, the World Trade Organization is difficultEffectively restrict.Therefore, the WTO needs reform and must be reforming.