Li Kaifu believes that China's biggest advantage in the field of artificial intelligence is that it has huge data.(Photo by Chen Laifu)

Li Kaifu, an artificial intelligence expert and chairman and chief executive officer of the Innovation Workshop, predicts that although the United States is still leading the world in the field of artificial intelligence, China has almost caught up now and will surpass the United States five years later.

Li Kaifu pointed out in the New Da China Forum held at the Singapore Management University yesterday that the biggest advantage of China in the field of artificial intelligence is that the biggest advantage in the field of artificial intelligence is that in the era of artificial intelligence, data is new oil. China is expected to become artificial intelligence.Organization of Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) in the boundary.

According to the information shown in Li Kaifu's speech, China's Internet users are three times the United States, the frequency of ordering takeaway is 10 times that of the United States, and the frequency of using mobile phones is 50 times that of the United States.

He said: Cash and credit cards have basically been replaced by mobile phone payment in China, and the transaction amount of mobile phone payment even exceeds China's GDP (GDP).

He explained that although the United States is still leading experts and scholars and scientific research, the most important scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence breaks through MDash; mdash; deep learning has reached the stage of practical application in China.The actual application will inevitably break through.At present, there are very few artificial intelligence products around us, all of which are business opportunities.

He said that nowadays, artificial intelligence has transitioned from the stage of scientific research exploration to the practical application stage. Who has more entrepreneurs and engineers and can produce more quickly, who is the winner, and these are all Chinese advantages.

Speaking of the Sino -US trade war, Li Kaifu believes that this will not have any impact on the development of artificial intelligence in China. From a practical application, China does not need the United States.

He further pointed out in his speech that artificial intelligence is not a secret technology that can be defeated alone through export control.In the study of artificial intelligence, the same results can be obtained with the same data and the same algorithm.

China does not lack innovation capabilities. Li Kaifu said that China is no longer plagiarist. In fact, Chinese creativity has become the object of imitation of other countries.

He took today's headlines, Ant Financial, and Pinduoduo as an example as an example that these innovative applications have exceeded the category of American familiarity.

The Chinese government also supports the development of artificial intelligence. The State Council of China issued a notice on the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan last year.Li Kaifu said that as soon as the government announced that he would prioritize artificial intelligence, he found that state -owned banks would be more willing to buy products by artificial intelligence companies that he invested in him, and many funds also flowed to cities that intend to develop artificial intelligence.

Li Kaifu is one of the earliest batch of scientists in the field of artificial intelligence in China. He has a lot of related experience experience. He used to be the president of Google Greater China.