Early new tone of sea cavity

Yu Minhong, founder of China Education Group, caused an ant because of the red -faced scourge theory of the new era. Not only did he offend half of the sky in China, he was also named by official media that he needed a gender consultant.

At the 2018 learning ability of the 2018, Yu Minhong said that the time of education was out of the mouth, and the girls selected the girls to choose a boy and the country's direction.

He said that if the standard of Chinese girls looking for men is that this man must memorize the Tang poetry and Song Ci, and all men in China will carry the Tang poetry and Song Ci rookie; if all girls want Chinese men to make money, regardless of their conscience, all Chinese men will changeMen who have a bad conscience, but make a lot of money.

Yu Minhong finally came to a harsh conclusion that a furious female compatriots were angry: the fall of Chinese women led to the fall of the country.

The rushing people's remarks immediately triggered public opinion uproar. Actors Zhang Yuqi and writers six six were angry in social media. They criticized Yu Minhong's bones and could not get rid of the dross and natural farmers' consciousness in traditional Chinese culture.

Chinese Women's Daily Yu Minhong, a successful person, needs a gender consultant to make up for gender equality lessons; Guangming Daily also evaluates Yu Minhong's fallen view of the discourse.

Under the condemnation of Turbuchu, Yu Minhong came out in urgent to wash it that night, clarifying that the real meaning he wanted to express was the level of a woman in a country, which represented the level of the country, and said that men were guided by women's values. Women only had money in their eyes.Men will desperately make money and ignore the spiritual cultivation.If women are strong, men are strong, and national strong.

It ’s okay not to apologize. When they clarified, the more and more darker, Yu Minhong was scolded with a bag.A group of netizens suddenly realized that the godfather who was studying abroad was not resolved at all. He not only asked Chinese women to recite the country's fallen black pot, but also ridiculed Chinese men who did not have opinion or responsibility. The pursuit of life was to please women.

Yu Minhong, who was on the big event, made a special trip to the National Women's Federation to express her regrets to the majority of female fellows yesterday, and said that she would learn lessons and strengthen the study of equal ideological ideas in sex.

In all fairness, when wealth becomes an important indicator of China's social status, many people regard whether there is money to be a man who is unsuccessful and can marry.Yu Minhong's observation of Chinese girls find men's standards, which reflects some phenomena of some Chinese women when choosing a spouse.A few years ago, in a TV blind date, a female son opened his marriage to worship gold, throwing out the view of choosing a mate -choosal view of the bicycle when he was willing to sit in the BMW car.In the corner of the blind date in major cities in China, there are no loans and car loans of cars. It is indeed regarded by many generations of female marriage to be regarded as the basic conditions for future son -in -law.

On the other hand, marriage is mixed with material interests and is indeed forced by real life.Under the pressure of urban house prices and rising costs such as life and children's education, poverty -stricken couples are the psychological pressure of the heavy psychological pressure of young men and women in China.Therefore, between love and bread, some Chinese women have chosen the latter due to reality considerations, and they cannot be too harsh.

A society is dominated by money, and the value of people's values around wealth is indeed distorted, but the negative phenomenon of society is nothing to do with gender.After the rapid development of China's economy, the pursuit of material is already a widespread value orientation in Chinese society. The importance of Chinese women's views on money is largely affected by social materialization and mutual comparison atmosphere.As if Lu Xun said, it is impossible for people to pull their hair with their own hands. They want to leave the earth. In a material -oriented social atmosphere, Chinese women are required to get rid of the general values of society and transcend reality.I am drunk and I wake up alone, which is a bit too harsh.

More importantly, this remark of Yu Minhong also distort the social values, even blame the responsibility of society on women, and throw out the words of women's mistakes, and blame women to pollute the social environment.This is either looking at the influence of Chinese women, or the unfairness of Chinese female compatriots. No wonder it will be deducted by netizens to the new era of the redness and disaster theory.

Yu Minhong has been in the business community for many years. His successful story and public speech have been regarded by many Chinese as inspirational chicken soup. Women's degeneration and national degeneration remarks are thrown out of such a public figure.Women not only have to go out of the hall, enter the kitchen, have a primary three, have a second child, and have to bear the heavy responsibility of the entire country's rise and fall.It's difficult!