Long Yongtu, the chief negotiating representative of China Entry Entry, believes that it is not wise to impose tariffs on US soybeans to counterattack the United States to impose tariffs on China.He pointed out that China needs to import soybeans very much, and from the beginning to attack soybean lack of deep consideration.

(Beijing / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Long Yongtu, the chief negotiating representative of the WTO in China, publicly criticized that it is not wise to impose tariffs on US soybeans.He believes that trade negotiations should talk about things. If they talk too much politics, they will interfere with the results of trade negotiations.

Integrity Caixin.com and Nanhua Morning Post reported that Long Yongtu, who was former deputy minister of the Ministry of Economic and Trade, said at the Caixin Summit yesterday: Talking about tariffs and talked about the tariffs hell; hellip; a politics, negotiations will never be discussed.

He criticized without names that some tariffs were less deeply considered.

He believes that in order to counterattack US tariffs on China, China imposed tariffs on US soybeans.The agricultural field of soybeans is a very sensitive area in the United States. As a last resort, tariffs should be avoided to agricultural products.

However, China has aimed at the agricultural market including American soybeans from the beginning.He pointed out that China needs to import soybeans very much, and from the beginning to attack soybean lack of deep consideration.

After the U.S. imported tariffs to China in July this year, China counterattacked and increased the tariffs of soybeans imported from the United States by 25%.Soybean is the most important and most exporting agricultural product in the United States.Many farmers who grow soybeans are regarded as supporters of the United States President Trump.

Public information shows that the import dependence of Chinese protein feed raw raws is close to 80%.Since the tariffs, China has basically stopped importing soybean from the United States, and the supply of domestic soybeans has followed the gap, which has led to a rise in price festivals.China Feed Industry Association announced last month that it would reduce the protein content of pigs and chicken feed and reduce the demand for soybean imports.

In April this year, Long Yongtu pointed out that if you want to make the United States feel more painful, it is necessary to hit its agricultural market and add tariffs on its agricultural product import, but it is not necessary to do so.The loss of both parties is controlled to the minimum range.

In response to the restarting trade negotiations between China and the United States, Long Yongtu said yesterday that he is cautious and optimistic about the prospect of Sino -US trade disputes, because Trump's tariffs also hurt the interests of the United States.

The global trading system has been trapped in the most vulnerable period in history

According to Sina Finance, Long Yongtu also talked about the global trading system in his speech.He pointed out that the global trade system represented by the World Trade Organization (WTO) is suffering from serious impact and marginalization.

The three main functions of WTO MDASH; MDASH; formulating international trade rules, organizing negotiations for global open markets, and arbitration of international trade disputes are now incomparable.

He said: The trade dispute system is now paralyzed or semi -paralyzed, and the global trading system is in the most dangerous and most vulnerable period since its establishment.

In his opinion, the other two levels of the global trading system have also undergone profound changes.The regional trade agreement was originally a supplement to the WTO, but now it is like a spring bamboo shoots after the rain.In addition, the bilateral trade agreement existed as a very extreme exception in the past. At that time, the most typical bilateral trade agreement was the bilateral left and right trade agreements signed by the United States and Israel, but in the case of this example, all other countries were followed by them.

In this regard, he believes that he should actively support the reform of the WTO and bring many new issues in regional trade negotiations to the WTO conference hall.

He also emphasized that the United States should give up an attitude of irresponsible to the WTO's arbitration system and enable the World Trade Organization's arbitration system to restore its normal operation faster.