
As the Sino -US trade disputes are getting warm, another cold wind is blown by a committee of the US Congress. In addition to referring to Chinese technology threatening the security of the United States, it is also suggested that the Ministry of Commerce re -evaluated the status of Hong Kong's independent customs areas to accept it to accept it to accept it.Highly limiting the high -tech transmission of Hong Kong has made Hong Kong's political and business community disturbed, and is worried that the US government will take advantage of the momentum.

The reason proposed by the committee is that the two autonomy of Hong Kong's two -system autonomy is damaged and consistent with the caliber of the Democratic School of Hong Kong. However, the suggestions made will cause harm to the overall Hong Kong. Democratic factions show glory, which will inevitably suspect that they are regarded as political demands and regardless of Hong Kong's interests.

Since US President Trump announced that he had called a call to talk about trade with Chinese President's leaders, and was going to attend the Summit of the 20th National Congress at the Argentine Summit at the end of the month.The U.S. trade war has a longing for turning.U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He passed the phone, and the Minister of Commerce Ross confirmed that the Chinese delegation would visit the United States in the short term to pave the way for the Xi special meeting.

Although Rose said that the negotiations were quite difficult, and the two sides did not wait to reach an agreement, but everyone did not want the leaders of the two countries to pay a white volume on trade issues. Therefore, even if there is no agreement, there should be substantial progress.It is war or harmony, depending on Trump's attitude.

However, this trade dispute highlights the contradictions of China and the United States. It is not limited to the US commodity trade deficit. The deeper is the United States' concerns about China's scientific and technological development and industrial upgrading.Even if China ’s large -scale purchase of American products and further open markets, the United States’ s scruples on China's industrial upgrading have not subsided.The recent report issued by the US Congress of the United States and China Economic and Security Review is the watchmaker of Chinese science and technology threat theory.

The report also points to Hong Kong, saying that Beijing has severely eroded Hong Kong's freedom of autonomy and speech. Therefore, it is recommended that Congress requests the Ministry of Commerce to re -evaluate the US military and civilian science and technology export policies, and whether it should continue to regard Hong Kong and mainland China as two independent customs areas.

Once the United States decides to revoke this division, the Sino -US trade war increases tariffs, and Hong Kong will be directly impacted. At present, due to the status of Hong Kong's independent customs areas, the restrictions on exporting high -tech products in Hong Kong are compared to the loose in Mainland China.Because of this special arrangement, the Observatory was able to enter supercomputers from the United States to improve weather prediction capabilities.Losing this position will inevitably crack down on the development of smart cities and scientific industries in Hong Kong, and affect the financial market in Hong Kong.

This report lists the incidents of severe erosion in Beijing's autonomy, including setting the National Party as an illegal organization, refusing to criticize the Financial Times reporter Ma Kai's work visa, high -speed rail West nine stations and two inspections, etc.theme.Democratic factions are overwhelmingly focused on these issues to seek western society's attention and become ammunition into this report.The National Party, which advocates Hong Kong independence, has been able to go more and more, and call on the United States to sanction Hong Kong for these reasons to pressure Beijing.

Because the report was issued only the next committee of the United States Congress, it was converted into government policies, and there were several levels to pass. In a good day in Sino -US relations, the government will do more high -rise cabinets, but today the U.S. political climate has changed.Hong Kong must step up lobbying and propaganda to ensure that these biased content will not become the mainstream impression of the United States for Hong Kong.

Those who live in Hong Kong can most experience the different ways of lifestyle and the Mainland, as well as the broadness of freedom of speech. Anyone who defends these freedoms should be in line with the actual situation of society, rather than exaggerating negative factors.Especially when relations between China and the United States, when the United States curbs China in many ways, it is necessary to worry about singing and declining Hong Kong to use the power of the United States to support their own back. In fact, it is reduced to the United States.The Chinese policy provides ammunition, but in the end it hurts Hong Kong and burst into fire.