Lus: If you think Trump's first two years is interesting, you haven't seen the real wonderful.After the mid -term elections, American politics may be performed.

Donald Bull; Donald Trump's maximum achievement in the first two years of President of the United States is a significant tax reduction.The remaining two years may start with a fierce wrestling that will be forced to disclose with a personal tax bill.

The difference between the united US federal government and the divided federal government has always been huge.

The contrast this time is like daytime and night.During the election campaign in the midterm election, Trump repeatedly ridiculed the Democratic Party as a criminal party.Last Tuesday evening, the Democratic Party obtained the control of the House of Representatives, which means that the party now has the power brought by a majority of seats, which can investigate the criminal allegations faced by the Trump administration.They will make full use of this power.The next few months will be the golden period summoned by Congress.

The symbols of the next presidential election in 2020 are getting clearer.After passing a nearly $ 2 trillion tax reduction stimulus plan, Republicans carried out campaign in the mid -term elections with the most powerful economic situation so far this century.

This is still not enough to prevent the Democratic Party from winning the House of Representatives for the first time since 2010 and winning the governor of several states.

At present, the boundaries of the parliamentary constituency are very conducive to the Republican Party.If this election is carried out in a neutral constituency, the result will be the overwhelming victory of the Democratic Party, not a small victory.This time the Democratic Party led 8 percentage points ahead of the Republican Party.Given the current situation, this can definitely be regarded as a negation of Trump.

Therefore, another priority of the Democratic Party will be to restore the right to voting by millions of Americans (these people have been canceled in the Republican states) and use the party's power in the state parliament. In 2020, in 2020After the population census, re -designated the constituency.

But the results of the midterm elections are not as clean as the Democrats hope.

First of all, the majority of Republicans' seats in the Senate increased.This means that Trump can promote more judicial appointments, including nominated another Supreme Court Justice; he has nominated the two Supreme Court Justice: Brett Kavanaugh and NeilBull; Neil Gorsuch.Now it seems that the Supreme Court of the United States will be steadily in the hands of conservatives for decades.

In addition, Democrats basically did not win the southern constituency as they want.

The key swing state Florida is still the Red State of the Republican Party, although the Republican advantage is weak.Georgia will not have the first black governor.The degree of supporting the Republican Party in the United States and the suburbs are almost equivalent to the extent of supporting the Democratic Party in the suburbs and cities.The results of the mid -2018 election confirmed that as people worrying after Trump won in 2016, the United States fell into division along the boundary of the population structure.

For the first time, Congress will have more than 100 female representatives, two of which are Muslims, and many of them are millennials.Almost all of them are Democrats.Compared with the last Congress, the characteristics of the Republican and men seem to be more obvious.

History tells us that Washington's deadlock is usually beneficial to the economy.This time may be different.Democrats controlled the House of Representatives when economic growth reached its peak.With the effect of tax stimulus measures gradually fading, the economic growth rate may slow down next year.Trump will blame the Economic Slow on the Democratic Party.He will also condemn the Federal Reserve for taking the big currency wine bowl.

As the election campaign in the 2020s will heat up (this will almost happen immediately), Trump will turn the focus to non -economic theme without invitation.As many as 30 Democratic presidential candidates compete with mdash; mdash; number of people set records MDash; MDash; I have been looking forward to the end of the midterm elections.Trump previewed his re -election election program at the recent campaign rally.In these rally, he almost shouted to his white people in rural and small towns in the United States.

On the night of the mid -term elections, the reality of the increasingly distinctive American party of the racial line became more obvious.This is the desire of Trump.In the next few months, American politics will stage rare wonders.

A branch of the government will find evidence to prove that the president is a criminal.The president will tried to label the anti -American label to the people who accuse him in turn.In the process, the special prosecutor Robert Bull; Robert Mueller will complete the survey conducted by the charges colluded with the 2016 Trump campaign team and Russia, and submitted the final report.

Many things are possible: the process of impeach Trump; Mueller is fired; the Supreme Court supports Trump to oppose the forced disclosure of his tax bill; and so on.

If you think that the past two years are very interesting, you haven't seen the real wonderful.

Translator/He Li