Author: Jiang Jingling

This year's Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) is currently held in Babia New Guinea, the country of Pacific.Many Taiwanese people's deepest impression of this Pacific island country may be the Basu new case broke out during the period of the Chen Shui -bian government. The Bian government wanted to establish diplomatic relations with the country through diplomacy.At that time, Taiwan failed to dig into the Beijing wall. In the past 10 years, the South Pacific Island country, including Pakistan, was reshuffled by the international political and economic landscape, and has become a new focus of competition between China and the United States in the Pacific region.

The layout and cultivation of mainland China in the South Pacific Island country not only made Australia and neighboring New Zealand feel uneasy. Since the Second World War, the United States, which has been escorted by New Australia, and the independent South Pacific Island country, still regarded the independent South Pacific Island country as the traditional British and the British and the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom.France also began alert.

The Asia -Pacific Economic Union carved in Pakistan is a miniature of this change.The leader summit is the highlight of the APEC every year. US President Trump did not attend this year. The Vice President Pence, the vice president of the strict titles a month ago, and the Tsai Ing -wen government sent politics that Zhang Zhongmou, who was not as strong as Song Chuyu as the leader representative.Except for the participation of the leaders of the mainland state chairman, in addition to the participation of the meeting, the summit shall hosted the invitation of the country Pakistan, and will hold another small summit with the Chinese leaders of China in the South Pacific Island State;Constructed.These arrangements interaction have gradually taken root in the operation of the South Pacific Island country that was not seen in Beijing's laughed at this public opinion in Taiwan and the long -term neglect of Europe and the United States.

China has broken the attitude of the United States, Europe, and New, and Australia that has always regarded the South Pacific Island country as a matter of course and improper.China is currently the second largest aid country in this area after Australia. Europe and the United States and its allies have claimed that China has promoted debt diplomacy with traps in the region. It is worried that the Pacific Island country will be unbearable in Beijing's excess loans. It will lead to the Sri Lanka government.In the end, the consequences of the strategic right to use the right to use the port of Hanshta.

Experts from the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London pointed out that Beijing's Belt and Road has reached into the South Pacific Island. Since 2011, China has bet on US $ 1.3 billion in preferential loans and donations in the South Pacific Island country.As high as 60%of foreign debt owed China.

Golden aid is only part of the worries of the United States and European and its allies. They really worry that China has expanded its current power in South China to the South Pacific Island area.Such concerns are not groundless.China is building a deep -water port pier that can accommodate aircraft carriers in the region. Before the end of this year, it will be given a seaway measuring boat made of Fiji. This is the first time that the Pacific island country has obtained military donations from China.In response, Western allies invited Bayu, Fiji, and Dongga to participate in northern Australia's military exercises as a response to strengthening military relations with the Pacific Island country.

In response to China's entry into the South Pacific region, the US State Department announced that it has increased diplomats in Palau and Fiji.The United States' allies in Europe, especially the British and France with traditional relationships with the region, have also made positive responses.French President Markhon plans to hold a summit with the national leaders of the Pacific Island country early next year.But these are just the dead sheep.

US Defense Secretary Matisse described the current relationship between China and the United States sometimes stepped on the other's toes.After entering the American back garden Central America, China's feet are now entering the backyard of the US strategic allies in the Asia -Pacific region. It is not easy for the Western forces to squeeze the foot of China from the Pacific Island country.The Pacific regional strategic forces will only be more heated in the future.

The author is a senior media person