China will go to Papua New Guinea to participate in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference (APEC) informal leadership meeting on November 17th and 18th. U.S. President Trump will be absent from Vice President Pence.

Most observation comments believe that Trump's absence of the APEC summit will allow the Indo -Pacific allies AIA to discount the confidence of the United States. Although Pence is preparing to propose the Indo -Pacific strategic program in the strong bar, he is only a vice president and cannot make specific commitments.

Moreover, while taking a photo of the leader of APEC, the leader of the Chinese leader will stand on the center of the stage. Pence can only be arranged in a relatively not prominent position, which will make the United States look marginalized.

However, Trump deliberately missed APEC by Vice President Pence, and was preparing to vigorously attack China's authoritarianism and plunder economic behavior. In addition to protruding from the upper and lower puppets, the Chinese side was embarrassing, and even deliberately deliberately used the G20 summit special practice at the end of NovemberBefore the meeting, let's get off the Chinese side in order to create a negotiating conditions for the United States and raise the chips of Trump's soft and hard to Chinese leaders.

The strength of the United States and China in the Indo -Pacific region will become an important variable that affects the decision -making of Indo -Pacific countries.At present, the conflict between the United States and China in the Indo -Pacific region is a key promotion factor for the strategic competition between the two countries. Especially when the US -China trade war and the scientific and technological war are increasingly fierce, the competition between the two countries is more treacherous.

The Trump administration decided to strengthen military and combat preparations in the Indo -Pacific region to ensure that when the US -China relations deteriorate, the United States can still effectively suppress China and maintain the support and confidence of the United States for the United States.

At present, the United States is aggressive against the Chinese tariff war, scientific and technological warfare and spy war. Trump emphasizes that economic cooperation between the United States and China and China is very important.Interest issues, open the sunroof to speak brightly.US Secretary of State Pompeo pointed out that China will be a big problem in the United States in the next few years.

After the second round of US -China, Minister of Defense Mattisia said that the U.S. -China military exchange dialogue pipeline was smooth, which facilitated the two sides to avoid the outbreak of accidental military conflicts.

Deng Ford, chairman of the US military, further pointed out that the competitive relationship between the United States and China does not mean that there must be a conflict. The focus is on how the two countries jointly manage the differences, and it also highlights the strategy of the Trump Guoan team to be meticulous and flexible for China and the war.

The Trump administration emphasizes that it will seek to establish a positive and result -oriented relationship with China, but the United States will also fight and compete with China when necessary, and prepare to use the APEC summit this year to release the Indo -Pacific strategic program.Economic plundering, on the other hand, attracts partners in Japan, Australia, India, Taiwan, and ASEAN and South Pacific Island countries, and announced that it has contributed 60 billion US dollars in the Indo -Pacific region to maintain its dominant position in the United States.

However, although most India -Pacific countries are unwilling to choose the side stations in the United States and China, some Indo -Pacific countries led by Singapore are preparing to announce at the ASEAN and East Asian series summits to reach the regional comprehensive economic partner agreement (RCEP) led by China (RCEP).The agreement, resisting Trump's U.S. priority trade protectionism, may allow Trump's Indo -Pacific strategy to lord the strategy of restraining China's development in the United States.

(The author is a consultant to the National Security Group of the National Policy Research Foundation and consultant of the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research)