Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times Society

The first China International Import Expo was successfully held in Shanghai in early days this month.This event fully demonstrates the open market in mainland China and the determination to pursue the balance of import and export trade. It also has the expectations of alleviating the pressure of US trade sanctions.However, from this perspective, the expo has also brought out several important topics. It is yet to be discussed and expanded the relevant positions in mainland China.Among them, whether mainland China can capture the world's largest imported king's seat from the United States to soften the US trade war offensive, which is a special issue worth paying attention to.

The first Import Expo (Expo) was held in Shanghai from the 5th to 10th of this month. It was the world's first national expo with the theme of imports.Participate in the import market in mainland China, and American businessmen and Taiwanese businessmen are among them.

Some people think that the Expo is an urgent chapter that mainland China has temporarily set up a station to deal with the Sino -US trade war.In fact, the Central Committee of Mainland China had decided to hold this meeting last year, and led his plan to the organizational policy. He has also announced the purpose of the meeting on the international conference occasion, that is, expanding the opening of the Chinese mainland market, highlighting the spirit of free trade, maintaining the world's multilateral multilateral multilateralSharing benefits trade mechanisms, etc.

However, when the Expo debuted in the early days of this month, it was the time when the Sino -US trade war was tight, and the targetedness of the association increased significantly.The speech at the opening ceremony of the association, that is, straightforward criticism, protectionism and unilateralism have made economic globalization encounter to discounts, and also exacerbated the risks and challenges of international economic and trade instability and uncertainty.This conversation is generally considered to be the bullying style of US President Trump in foreign economic and trade.

Not only will the open door open in mainland China will not be closed, it will only get bigger and bigger, so it will expand open efforts in various aspects.Among them, active expansion of imports is the first priority.To this end, mainland China will further reduce tariffs, improve the level of customs clearance, reduce the institutional cost of import links, and accelerate the development of cross -border e -commerce.He also proposed a set of important data, that is, it is estimated that the total value of imported goods and services in mainland China will exceed $ 30 trillion and $ 10 trillion, respectively.

Among them, it is particularly worth noting that the estimated value of 30 trillion US dollars of goods was imported in 15 years, with an average of 2 trillion dollars a year, which is a new statement and is very intriguing.In recent years, because of the high -level words and overall imported goods in mainland China in recent years, they have always said that it is $ 8 trillion in 5 years, or $ 24 trillion in 15 years, with an average of only $ 1.6 trillion a year.Today, at the Expo, this goal raised this goal to an average of $ 2 trillion a year, showing that Beijing tried to expand the size of the overall imported goods, which can also attract foreign export manufacturers to focus on this focusing here.Essence

Objectively speaking, mainland China is also really necessary to significantly expand its ability to import imported goods. The main reason is that mainland China has enjoyed a very large commodity trade surplus for many years, and it is easy to provoke complaints between trade rivals.For example, last year, the trade surplus in mainland China was as high as US $ 42.5 billion; as for this year, although the import growth rate exceeded the export increase, the surplus from January to October was still US $ 254.2 billion. It is estimated that the annual year will exceed 3,000.One hundred million U.S. dollars.These data are quite eye -catching, and it also shows that mainland China should try to improve the import amount to pursue trade balance.

And proposing the above -mentioned 15 -year import of 30 trillion US dollars of goods, there will definitely be a significant reduction in the trade surplus effect of mainland China.In addition, this goal will inevitably stimulate the ambitions of the importing departments of mainland China to challenge the United States and seize the world's largest imported country.This will be a popular issue in the Chinese economy and trade community in the next stage.

The United States has long been the world's largest imported country, but mainland China has ranked second in recent years. As for their respective imports, for the annual average of the five years before this year, the United States is about 2.2 trillion US dollars and about $ 1.8 trillion in mainland China.The latter gap is about $ 400 billion.

From this perspective, if Mainland China can import 2 trillion US dollars of commodity targets each year in the next two or three years, and the United States has caused its annual import amount to a difficult $ 2 trillion due to its own protectionist.The global imported throne; at that time, whether the United States can still have a strong trade war against mainland China.

In fact, no matter when mainland China has become the world's largest importer, it should not be ignored. Import expansion is also good for mainland China's own economy, such as expanding domestic demand, improving people's living standards, and driving industrial enhancement competitiveness.

However, the accelerated expansion of imports should be properly handled.For example, in recent years, the red supply chain that has developed rapidly in recent years, how to dilute the import of imports to replace the color, to include more imported materials.Secondly, the current mainland China impose more tariffs and value -added tax on imported products, how to reduce the tax rate as soon as possible.In addition, how the RMB exchange rate is marketized as soon as possible, so as not to interfere with the normal operation and development of the import business.

In short, in the important matters of expanding imports, there are still many homework to be done in mainland China and the industry.However, it has been a good start to enter the Expo, and there is no doubt.