Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang (second from the right in the front row) participated in a welcome dinner hosted by the local business community last night, Singapore Minister of Finance Wang Ruijie (first left in front) and the chairman of the Singapore Industry and Commerce Federation, Zhang SongshengHuang Shanzhong (second from the left) of the Chamber of Commerce also attended.(Photo by Lin Zerui)

The 33rd Asian Security Summit and Series Conference

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said that the two days of dismissal speeches in the past two days are to express your respect for you and speak with your heart.He admits that although the Chinese economy now has slight fluctuations, the growth is steady and slow, but the long -term basis is good.

When the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang was visiting Singapore, Li Keqiang, who was visiting the local industrial and commercial community, continued the style of the whole process of manuscripts in the past two days.At the time of difficulties, the two countries together climb up and fight against difficulties.

Li Keqiang attended the welcome dinner held by the Singapore China Chamber of Commerce and the Singapore Industry and Commerce Federation (SBF) last night.He revealed that SBF Chairman Zhang Songsheng said that he hoped that he could be the same as in the morning. He did not need a manuscript. He also hoped that he did not need a manuscript. In order to express his respect for you, he spoke carefully.This sentence immediately caused warm applause and laughter in the audience.

Then, he turned around and said for the Minister of Finance Wang Ruijie, Zhang Songsheng, and Huang Shanzhong, the president of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, said that they all used speech, but he could still feel that they were speaking attentively from the heart.

After the speech, the audience made laughter and applause again.

Short, short RMB to others is not good

In the past 12 minutes of removal speech, Li Keqiang briefly summarized the current status of China's economy, emphasizing that China will continue to deepen reforms and promise to build a market -oriented, legalized and international business environment to welcome long -term investment in Singapore.

He frankly said that although the Chinese economy now has a small fluctuations, the growth is steady and slow, but the long -term basic orientation is good, and China will not stimulate the economy through the devaluation of the RMB.He emphasized that it is not good for others to be empty or short to others, and may even be harmful.We will keep the renminbi basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level.Not only that, we will also create in many ways to create you can feel that expected, stable, and profitable investment environment.

Thanks to Singapore's contribution in reform and opening up

Li Keqiang said: I can also clearly say here that China will not use strong stimuli to stimulate the economy, which is not sustainable.However, China will use a strong way to stimulate the vitality of the market.

At this dinner for thousands of local industrial and commercial representatives, Li Keqiang once again mentioned that the day before the day before yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore and once again contributed to Singapore in reform and opening up.Express and thank you.

He said that Singapore's industrial and commercial community has actively participated in the process of reform and opening up in China, worked hard for China's modernization construction, helped, and everyone won a win -win situation.

He also reiterated in English that he hopes to see more more investment from singapore from Singapore.

This was the fourth time he said yesterday to hope that there is insectment.In the Singapore lecture yesterday morning, Li Keqiang also used English to call on Singapore to increase investment in China.

The atmosphere of the dinner last night was relaxed. Li Keqiang's speech made the audience laugh and applause.The dinner was originally expected to end at 8 o'clock. When the host invited Li Keqiang and Wang Ruijie to leave, Li Keqiang was still unhappy and decided to leave after listening to the performance of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

Over the past 40 years, all sectors of Singapore have participated in the process of reform and opening up in China.Here, on behalf of the Chinese government, I have also conveyed the Chinese people to support and participate in the development and opening up and modernization of Singapore, the help of the people from all walks of life in Singapore, the Singaporean people's support and participation in the cause of reform and opening up and modernization.Respect.

mdash; mdash; Li Keqiang thanked Singapore for his contribution to China's reform and opening up

According to the standards of all international organizations, China is a developing country. Our per capita GDP and income are only 80%of the world's average, let alone be lower than Singapore.Of course, there is a very special phenomenon that may not have happened in human history, that is, the country with a total economic volume in the world. It is still a developed country. Its per capita level is in the middle of the world.So people are sometimes difficult to understand.This is China.

mdash; mdash; Li Keqiang emphasized that China is still a developing country

If your investment in China is treated with unfair treatment in the business environment, you can propose to our ministers present today, or even directly complain to me.

mdash; mdash; Li Keqiang has continued to call on Singapore to increase investment in China and promise to improve the business environment.