01 Viewpoint

German Chancellor Merkel announced on Monday (29th) that she would not seek the position of re -election party and prime minister, which meant that she withdrew from politics at the latest in 2021.

The EU is currently in the autumn of events, and the retreat of leader Merkel will directly make French President Macron take over the leadership.For the EU success instead of disintegration, Macron must show the determination of reform.

Merkel's ruling alliance has successively failed in Bavaria and Heisen's local elections, symbolizing her further loss of people's hearts.Merkel announced to reporters on Monday: First, I will not compete for the party leader in the CDU held in Hamburg in December.Second, the term of office of this year is my last time.The national election in 2021, I will not run.

First of all, it depends on the Election of the Foundation of the Civil Union on December 7. If you take over the confidant of Merkel, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, that is to go smoothly. She is expected to continue as a non-party leader and continueAs the Prime Minister.But if you take over the other people in the party, such as Jens Spahn, then Merkel may follow the former Prime Minister Schroder Houchen, lose the support of Congress within one year, and lose the position of the Prime Minister.

Regardless of whether Merkel can successfully complete the term of this session, it is already certain to deploy fading out, and the policy of Germany to the European Union must have a fundamental steering.The two most difficult problems in Merkel's tenure are EU finance and refugees.In the former, she promoted and even forced EU countries to implement a tightening policy, and once became the public enemy of the Greek people. In the latter, Merkel advocated the acceptance of refugees, which caused the people of Southeast European countries such as Italy and Hungary to indirectly rose local rights.The Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini stated that Merkel underestimated the problem of refugees. Germany was elected in the region, just like voters slapped Merkel.

From a macro perspective, Brexit is imminent, and Italy has a fiscal crisis. The Viegrad Group (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland) and Germany and France have leaving. The EU is undoubtedly the autumn of events.The European Union has always been an unfinished experiment. The economic development of more than 20 countries has different economic development. The political climate is different. Merkel has no responsibility.Just as German philosopher Hibermas has recently criticized Merkel to look at the problem from a German perspective, ignoring the overall thinking of 28 countries.

Merkel surrendered the leader of the martial arts alliance. Some countries may be celebrated, and finally they are no longer affected by Mutti (Mutti, Merkel's nickname).But whether the ambitious French President Macron can become the savior, he is afraid of it.

Of course, Macron, a banker, is more pragmatic than Merkel. He hopes to develop a multi -track EU and further integrate the member states of the euro zone to establish a financial minister position and a unified budget. Other EU countries that have not been willing to join the euro zone can continue to take care of themselves.His vision is more macro than Merkel. Even if the French economy is better than the Southeast European country, it still advocates unified finances and subsidize other countries in disguise. This is why Merkel has always resisted reform.

However, it is a big question to reform the European Union alone to reform the EU and stop the doubtful European waves of the extreme and populist.After all, refugees and fiscal issues are just European integrated signs. There are fundamental problems of political recognition. It is like the core of a small number of self -elites to take the nose of others.Whether Macron's reformers can be extensive to the European people, the European Parliament elections in May next year will be a test of gold stones.

If Macron, who is fading out and Macron, who is gradually taking over, did not realize that the EU's crisis facing the crisis is imminent. No one can guarantee that the historic experiments of European integration will end in failure.Not good.