Author: Ouyang Wu

Shinzo Abe visited China, and Sino -Japanese relations were improved.Abe's evaluation has opened up a new era of Japanese -China relations.If you are giving up, you can make money. As a pragmatic move that Sino -Japanese relations have entered the right track, 52 China -Japan third -party market cooperation agreements under the signs of China and Japan have exceeded US $ 18 billion.By building a new system platform, this cooperation has changed the situation of the previous two countries' bidding in the international market.Rapid.

However, in the opinion of the author, the establishment of a third -party market cooperation mechanism in China and Japan is not limited to the sign of the two countries from competition to coordination and cooperation at the economic and trade level. It also contains three aspects of inner meaning.

First, this year is the node of China's 40 years of reform and opening up. At the beginning of the reform and opening up of China 40 years ago, Japan also played an important role and invested funds to assist China.Although this aid has different explanations, it is certain that the national strength of China was in a weak position that needed assistance.

This time, Abe visited China, the two sides terminated this aid project and under the leading Belt and Road structure in China to build a third -party market cooperation mechanism in China and Japan to jointly open up the international market.From the aid of Japan in the past, to today, the two sides joined hands to pick up the orders. This is the best interpretation of the success of China's 40 years of reform and opening up. It is also unquestionable that China will adhere to the national policy of reform and opening up.

Second, Abe's strengthening cooperation with China is also indirectly coloring Trump.

Since Trump took office, he emphasized the United States priority and talked about money and not to talk about feelings. It not only provoked a trade war on China, but also did not let go of Japan that followed the horse.The Trump administration threatens tariffs on Japanese -American cars and reduces the US -Japan trade deficit. This is undoubtedly a potential crisis for Japan who rely on foreign trade.Therefore, this forced Abe to eagerly improved relations with China and pursue a wider market.

Sino -Japanese third -party market cooperation is actually a move that Japan and China to defend global trade liberalization. As Abe emphasized when talking with Li Keqiang: promote the establishment of an international economic order for self -impartiality, for free trade and world economic developmentMake contribution.

Third, the Chinese leader defined the Abe's visit to China as the return of Sino -Japanese relations to normal tracks, which means that Sino -Japanese relations have been abnormal and derailed in recent years.But in the future, whether Sino -Japanese relations can achieve new development along this normal track, there are still various uncertainty.From the conversation between Chinese leaders and Abe, we can see that various hope for future Sino -Japanese relations have been put on, and it also emphasizes that it is necessary to pay attention to faith, properly handle history, Taiwan, and Donghai.It can be seen that China is not completely assured of Abe.

From this point of view, the establishment of a third -party market cooperation mechanism in China and Japan may objectively increases benign chips to deal with contradictions and differences between the two countries, so that Japan will be cautious on sensitive issues and no longer stimulate the Chinese people's emotions.EssenceBecause once there is a serious difference in China and Japan, the interruption of cooperation will not only affect the interests of the two countries, but also involve the interests of third parties, causing more internationally negative impact.

As a result, the third -party market cooperation mechanism, as the new pillar of pragmatic cooperation between China and Japan, has not derailed Sino -Japanese relations, adding a third -party restriction force.