Foreign media reviews

On September 27, the President of the Hitachi Production Institute and the chairman of Japan's largest economic group, China West Hongming, visited Tencent Holding Headquarters in Shenzhen, China.This is because Hitachi and Tencent have cooperated on the development exhibition of the Internet of Things (IoT).

China and the West expressed their hope to deepen their cooperation with Tencent.Tang Daosheng, vice president of Tencent's 40 -year -old leadership of the Internet of Things (IoT) business, responded that it was not only China, but also cooperated in Asia.

Deng Xiaoping, who led China to promote reform and opening up, visited Japan in October 1978 to sign the approval of the Sino -Japanese Peace Friendship Treaty.At that time, Deng Xiaoping visited Matsushita's founder Matsushita, and said that can you help China modernization?This is widely known.

Since the past 40 years, China has surpassed Japan in GDP (GDP).The birth of high -tech companies such as Alibaba Group and Huawei Technology even threatened the advantages of the United States.As the Japanese government's development assistance (ODA) ended, Japan's unilateral help of China has passed, and it has entered the era of Sino -Japanese competition and sometimes cooperation with each other.

In the context of the increasingly fierce trade war with the Trump administration, China is close to Japan.However, when the fierce anti -Japanese parade occurred around the Jiange Island (known as the Diaoyu Islands) in the fall of 2012, the sales of Japanese cars were almost half reduced.At that time, the memory still hesitated Japanese companies to China.

If calculated based on the data of QUICK FACTSET, from the perspective of the sales of Japanese companies in China, the top 100 of comparable data are 12.9 % (fiscal 2017).Wandering around 12 % after 2015.In 2017, Japan's direct investment in China was only 9.6 billion US dollars, which was lower than its investment in five major countries in Southeast Asia ($ 12 billion).

Many operators are hesitant to embrace the Chinese market. U.S. Vice President Pence calls on enterprises to re -consider entering China in their previous speeches, which is dissatisfied with obstructing free economic activities.The Chinese and Japanese automotive industry groups reached an agreement on the technical cooperation of autonomous driving on October 12, but Japan is also worried that if it loses the US market due to excessive approach to China, it will be stealing chickens without erosive rice.

In 2001, Japan and the United States agreed to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).This is because it is believed that if China is pulled into the global trade system, partners who maintain the free and open economy will increase.

After a long stagnation of Sino -Japanese relations, it has entered a situation of exploring cooperation.Promoting China's direction of opening up to the world can become the starting point of Sino -Japanese cooperation in the new era.

The author is the Director of the General Administration of Economic News of Japan

This article is published on October 26th China Network