Professor Xu Tongmei (first from left) of the Singaporean Ambassador to Singapore pointed out that the Belt and Road Initiative should assist instead of replacing the internal plan of Asia.In the picture, the forums were Lan Ping'er (from the second left), Bascaran, Hu Zhengyue, Su Hao, and Wang Wen.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

Su Hao, director of the Strategy and Peace Research Center of the China Institute of Foreign Affairs, explained that the flat shaft model is reflected in the cooperation model of multi -level, flat, and equal regional economic systems. This is also a style of integration in East Asia., Form an inner connection and flow.

East Asian society is like bowl noodles?Su Hao, director of the Strategy and Peace Research Center of China Foreign Affairs, has a complex and diverse structure of East Asia, but has a close and united overall structure. It is full of diversity. The cooperation model also highlights multi -level and equal levels, which is different from European, American -Japanese -dominated models.

At the 13th Sino -Singapore forum held yesterday, Su Hao described East Asia's cooperative relationship with Chinese character Biang.

He explained: This word is the most complicated word in Chinese, which represents a diverse unity, forming a diverse social integration construction in East Asia, reflecting the personality of East Asia.He then laughed and said: Of course, this word is also a delicious Xi'an pasta.

When referring to the cooperation model of East Asian countries, Su Hao pointed out that East Asia's regional cooperation is more equal, which is different from the regionalist regionalist European models and the cross -Pacific regional cooperation dominated by the United States and developed countries.He believes that in the past, East Asian cooperation was led by Japan. Through the geese model of industrial division of labor and investment, it actively promoted the economic improvement and development of the entire East Asia.

However, this model brings a level system hell; hellip; Japan is the leader, and other countries follow Japan to achieve step forward development.With the development of China and the improvement of the country's economy throughout East Asia, East Asia's cooperation model has now changed from goose model to a flat shaft model.

He explained that the flat shaft model is reflected in the cooperation model of multi -level, flat, and equal regional and equal regional economic systems. This is also a style of integration in East Asia, forming an inherent connection and flow.

As a structure of the entire industry chain, China can easily work with all levels of high, middle and low levels, and surrounding countries, especially East Asian countries.The product is actually not made in China, but made in East Asia.

The China -Singapore Forum is an annual forum, sponsored by the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Society and the East Asian Research Institute of the National University of Singapore. It is held in Singapore and China each year.The theme of the forum yesterday was Asian'an and China. The atmosphere was friendly, discussed enthusiastic, sincere, sincere and true. When the forum was held in Singapore, the atmosphere of the two sides was very different.

The two parties of the forum were the host of the Singaporean Ambassador Xu Tongmei, the assistant to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, and Hu Zhengyue, the former director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the vice chairman of the Public Foreign Foreign Foreign Affairs Association.The two repeatedly reiterated and emphasized at the forum and emphasized that although Asiansan had dialogue with many countries, the relationship with China was the most essential and comprehensive.

Xu Tongmei: New China Relations is at the highest level of history

Xu Tongmei said that the relationship between Xinzhong is currently healthy and firm, and is at the highest level in history.But at the same time, he also bluntly stated that although all members of the Asianan supported the Belt and Road Initiative, Yajian also hoped that the Belt and Road Initiative should assist instead of replacing Yajia'an itself as the overall plan of 2025.

As the Sino -US trade war covers the clouds, the participants also discussed this topic.Among them, Lan Ping'er, a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore, pointed out in his speech that although the Sino -US trade war is a crisis, it has also promoted a closer relationship between countries in the region.

He said: Perhaps the entire area (10+3 countries) should thank Trump, (he) forced everyone to gather together because the crisis is also an opportunity for cooperation.

At the same time, he is also alert that if the South China Sea becomes a gaming field with great national wrestling, (Asian Simpan) individual countries will be forced to stand in a team, which will destroy unity, reduce the core position of Asian safety, and erode East Asian multilateralism.

Panu Bhaskaran, a partner of a strategic consulting company Centennial, and Wang Wen, executive dean of the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China, also participated in the forum.

Hu Zhengyue:

Yaosan can be a coordinator among the great powers, Yaosan can play the role of coordinator between the great powers to promote communication.

Hu Zhengyue said that although Asian'an and many other countries are dialogue partners, the relationship between China and Asian'an is the most realistic, and Asia Danan also provides a coordinated platform and function for big powers.

Hu Zhengyue said: There are many things noisy in big powers, but the ASEAN (Asia Jia'an) come forward to coordinate with everyone, so that things are better to do hellip; hellip; we must continue to strongly support ASEAN's core in the regional cooperation process.effect.

In summary, Xu Tongmei pointed out that China and Asian'an should cooperate in the culture and education fields other than economy and trade, encouraging more students and young people to go to internships and study on the corporate and campus.

He said: In the end, the good relationship between China and Asian'an cannot be supported by enterprises and the government alone. Of the 1.4 billion people in China and 630 million people in Asia, the people of both sides must be won.

Singapore will not choose Hellip; Hellip; Asian'an hopes to maintain a good relationship with all big powers, but Yaxian does not want to stand in any party.Make Yaxian's edge stations will not be beneficial to the great power, because if Yajia'an favors any party, it will not be able to continue playing a core role in the regional structure.

mdash; mdash; Professor Xu Tongmei, a Singaporean Ambassador

ASEAN (that is, Aya'an) does not need to be standing by standing. If you need to stand by, stand on the side of your own interests, which is the best station.

mdash; mdash; Hu Zhengyue, Deputy Chairman of the former Assistant Public Foreign Foreign Association of China Foreign Minister

I don't think that there will be Cold War between China and the United States. Since there is no Cold War, ASEAN (Asia Jia'an) does not need to choose (side station).

MDASH; MDASH; Su Hao, Director of the Strategy and Peace Research Center of China Foreign Institute