After the Hong Kong anti -repair examples in 2019, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people moved to overseas, which made Hong Kong a talented talent.In order to solve this problem, the Hong Kong Government has actively introduced the "new blood" in the past few years. Among them, the Gao Caitong plan has attracted the most attention, and the society has also discussed its results from time to time.

Gao Cai Tong is called a high -end talent pass plan. At the end of 2022, the applicant's annual income must reach 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars (about $ 420,000) or more, or graduated from the top 100 universities around the world and meet a certain working life.EssenceJudging from these requirements, the official purpose is to use this plan to absorb a group of talents with high income, high education, and work experience to develop in Hong Kong to increase Hong Kong's labor force.

The launch of the relevant plan has been nearly two years since it has attracted many high -end talent applications.The number of Hong Kong Entry Department shows that as of the end of July this year, the official received a total of 93,842 applications, of which 74,587 were approved.The latest news is that there have been 63,000 people who have planned to go to Hong Kong through Gao Tong.

In recent years, the aging problems in Hong Kong have become increasingly serious, with an average age of 48.5 years.The average age of these high talents is only 35 years old. When they arrive in Hong Kong, they will undoubtedly bring positive help to Hong Kong's labor force, help relieve the aging of the population, and inject new energy into Hong Kong's economic development.

The survey conducted by the Hong Kong Labor and Welfare Bureau last year found that 54%of them have successfully employed the talents in Hong Kong in Hong Kong, and their salary is generally higher than Hong Kong's general salary. The monthly income is about 50,000 Hong Kong dollars.EssenceBased on the results of the survey, Gao Cai, who has arrived in Hong Kong in 2023, can bring a direct economic contribution of about 34 billion Hong Kong dollars per year in Hong Kong, which is equivalent to about 1.2%of the total local product.

It is worth mentioning that the current birth rate of Hong Kong is low, primary and secondary schools are generally inadequate, and many schools are facing a crisis of failure.Many people in Gao Tong went to Hong Kong because they brought minor children, which directly helped these primary schools who were facing closure to the difficulties.

Friends who have done educational work said that in recent years, the number of local students in Hong Kong has decreased significantly, but since the implementation of Gao Caitong, the application for the interruption of new students in Hong Kong in mainland China in the past two new school years has surged.Both public and private schools have many class students, and their contributions are limited and competition is quite fierce.He believes that this group of new students from Hong Kong can supplement Hong Kong's students and become the "life -saving circle" of many schools, so that schools can continue to survive and develop.

However, with the continuous advancement of the Hong Kong government's "grabbing talents", some potential issues of Gao Tong's plan have gradually exposed.From time to time, you can see that an intermediary company openly teaches people how to apply for a high plan, which involves deception.Some Hong Kong media even revealed the "fake education" problem in the introduction of Gao Caitong's talents. Some agencies claimed that they could have forged academic qualifications and assisted applicants into "high talents" by illegal ways to successfully apply for Hong Kong people.

Some people in the Hong Kong insurance industry also disclosed that many mainlanders want to move to Hong Kong, but they are currently working as executives in the mainland and are reluctant to give up their work. Some immigration agencies have launched related services.The insurance premiums will introduce the insurance company to hire them to become employees of the company and get the Hong Kong ID card, but it is not used to work in Hong Kong.

In addition, the current high -talented policy emphasizes the number of talents who introduce talents, and do not fully consider whether these people can play the director in Hong Kong.Even if some high -talented applicants were successfully approved to Hong Kong, they have not been able to find a suitable job without supporting measures.

Earlier, some institutions investigated and visited 597 talent plans for various talents.Hong Kong's expertise found that more than 20 % of the respondents did not work now. .Some human resources director analyzed that Hong Kong's industrial structure is relatively single, and there are not many vacancies in middle and high -level positions in the market. The vacancies mainly come from professional positions such as low -level positions and medical care. As a result, some of the heights fail to find their own opportunities in Hong Kong.

Some members of the Legislative Council also revealed that he had come into contact with a talent to come to Hong Kong. He was a car engine design engineer before. Because he was optimistic about the prospects of the Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, he decided to apply for a high -talented plan.After coming to Hong Kong, I found that it was difficult to find a job suitable for your professionalism.How to retain these talents that are beneficial to the diversified development of Hong Kong's industries have become a new topic that Hong Kong Government needs to think about.

Even more, the background of the applicant of Gao Caitong in recent years is too single. The applicant's eighty -nine is from mainland China, reflecting the decline in Hong Kong's attractiveness to international talents. The characteristics of Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" are gradually losing their advantagesEssenceTherefore, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that it is necessary to "support Hong Kong and Macau to build high -end international talents to gather highlands", emphasizing that Hong Kong needs "international" and "high -end" in talent introduction.

The visa of the first round of Gao Caitong planned to be approved for two years was two years. Some applicants's visa expired at the end of this year and soon decided to stay.With the two -year visa of these people is about to expire, the Hong Kong Government has also stated that the plan will be reviewed, including the implementation of the results, what kind of talents in Hong Kong's future development need, and so on.

In response to the above issues, the official may need to optimize the high -talented plan and launch a more targeted introduction of talent measures to better match the demand of the Hong Kong employment market. At the same timeInternational high -end talents maintain internationalization of Hong Kong talent supply.