The Hong Kong Police reported that the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao three places in the past two months have arrested more than 4,000 people and seized more than 700 million yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about 120 million yuan).poison.

Hong Kong media reports such as "Hong Kong 01" and Ming Pao reports that the Hong Kong police have launched a joint counterattack of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, and three places code -named "Thunder 2024" from June 22 to combat triads and organizations.Criminal groups' illegal activities, cross -border crimes and intercepted their income sources.

As of August 15th, the Hong Kong police mobilized more than 44,000 people to search for about 2,300 places, smashing multiple illegal gambling places, prostitution places, unlicensed bars, and usury groups, and arrested 4,320 people.(2734 men and 1586 women).The arrested people are 12 to 92 years old, including 778 mainlanders and 431 non -Chinese people, involving criminal destruction, aggressive weapons, claiming to be members of the three -in -one, operating illegal gambling venues, operating prostitution venues, places for business prostitution, and prostitution,Conspiracy to control other people's prostitution, trafficking dangerous drugs, and money laundering.

The police also seized a large number of illegal items such as gambling tools, offensive weapons, and the criminal benefits of about 38 million yuan and the market value of more than 730 million yuan in cannabis, cocaine, and heroin, etc.poison.