A 21 -year -old auto -closed youth in Hong Kong made a boo and sang English songs for many times when he was broadcast on the Chinese national anthem. He was ruled to insult the national anthem for eight weeks.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and Dagong Wenhui.com reported that Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Stadium held the World Women's Volleyball League Hong Kong 2023 last June.And cover your ears with both hands, and sing the song of the miserable world of musical drama Do You Hear the People Sing?

Chen Bairui was sentenced to insulting the national anthem in the Jiulong City Magistrate Court on July 19, but the defense said on Sunday (August 18) and said that the defendant diagnosed at 6 years old.And insufficient attention, he has regrets the behavior of not respecting the national anthem and has deeply reflected; the sustainability of the defendant's crime is short -lived, and the number of people who have witnessed his behavior is relatively small, and he hopes to deal with it in probation.

But the referee Lin Zikang pointed out that Chen Bairui's motivation for committing the crime was a response under the alert, that is, "I don't like the Chinese team and the Chinese national anthem, so I did not get up." He could not see the defendant.The sincerity of sincerity, so we can't see the basis of the probation in this case.

Lin Zikang also said that Chen Bairui stopped the drug by himself two days before the incident to reduce his self -control ability.probation.

The defendant immediately filed an application appeal, which was allowed to appeal for bail at 8,000 yuan (HK $ 1340).