"The Global Overseas Chinese to Promote the Reunification of the Peace of China" has been held again on Tuesday (August 20) in Hong Kong again on Tuesday (August 20).Shi Taifeng, director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, called on Hong Kong people and overseas Chinese to "anti -independence promotion" at the meeting, and said that the "one country, two systems" will play an important role in achieving the unified cross -strait.

The theme of this year's conference is "unswervingly promoting China's peace and unity, and committed to achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."Representatives from overseas Chinese from more than 50 countries and regions around the world, nearly 180 Organizations and Overseas Chinese Mission, and representatives from all walks of life from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan attended the meeting.

Shi Taifeng, who went to Hong Kong to participate in the conference, said in a speech that the majority of the patriotic traditions of the vast number of Hong Kong compatriots have been long. Since the return, the owner has always consciously patriotic protection in Hong Kong, firmly promoting the "one country, two systems" practice steadily, and achieved the world's recognized success.After the revision of the storm, Hong Kong fully and accurately implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law and the maintenance of national security regulations, further building the maintenance of national security barriers, fully implemented the principle of the governance of the Patriots, strives for the economy and develops, and actively integrates into the overall national development situation.It is a new stage from chaos to Zhizhi to Zhizhi and Xing.

He said: "The continuous development of 'one country, two systems'' in Hong Kong will provide important reference for the fulfillment of the motherland's fully unified unified unified and play an important role."

Shi Taifeng pointed out that today's mainland China has more confidence and ability to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and national unity at any time in history.The current situation of the Taiwan Strait is severe, but the dominance of Taiwan's issue is always on the side of the mainland.

He emphasized that Taiwan independence is a historical countercurrent, a must, or dead road. No matter whether any party faction is in Taiwan, it cannot change the development of cross -strait relations and the unity of the motherland.

Shi Taifeng finally put forward five hopes: first, strengthen the identity of the Chinese nation; second, strengthen the unified confidence of the motherland; third, firmly oppose the division of Taiwan independence; fourth, strengthen the well -being of the compatriots; fifth, build a good environment.

Data show that in addition to the Minister of the United Front Work Department, Shi Taifeng is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the secondary secretary of the Central Secretariat, and the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Among the Central Hong Kong and Macau Leading Group led by the Vice Premier of the State Council of China, Shi Taifeng is one of the four deputy team leaders.This time, Shi Taifeng visited Hong Kong for the first time after serving as the Minister of the United Front Work Department.

The China Review Society, which has a semi -official background, published a comment on Tuesday that under the new situation in Hong Kong's chaos and governance, governance and prosperity, the Global Chinese Promotion Conference was held in Hong Kong.Practice is an important role in promoting national unity.

The Hong Kong Economic Daily also quoted senior politicians in Hong Kong that this year's "Promotion Conference" held a unique significance in Hong Kong because Hong Kong was chaotic and governed by the country.Extreme examples.

Liu Zhaojia, a consultant of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association of China, said that after Lai Qingde came to power, Taiwan independence was more serious. The mainland accelerated the unified process and vigorously curb Taiwan independence forces with a tough attitude. On Tuesday's conference was to preach the great determination and will of the mainland government around the world.

He believes that Hong Kong's greatest contribution to the unity of the country is to fully and accurately implement the "one country, two systems", and let Taiwan compatriots see that "one country, two systems" can bring prosperity and stability to Hong Kong.In Hong Kong, it is also necessary to strive for the international community to recognize the "one country, two systems", and serve as a basis for China's peaceful and unity.

However, Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong University of Technology, believes that in the United Zaobao interview that in recent years, more and more people support Taiwan ’s independence in Taiwan, and they are not interested in“ one country, two systems ”.If the mainland official advocates the "one country, two systems" in the Hong Kong model, it may not be attractive to the people of Taiwan.

But he pointed out that the culture of Hong Kong and Taiwan is similar. Taiwanese people have not been so important to Hong Kong people to the mainlanders.Agree.