(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The latest report of the Hong Kong Journalists Association shows that the Hong Kong Press Freedom Index continued to be low in 2023.Among them, the scores of journalists fell for five consecutive years, which was a new low since the investigation in 2013.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Optical Media reported that the Hong Kong Records Association announced on Tuesday (August 20) to announce the 2023 Announcement Freedom Index survey report.The investigation commissioned the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute from March to May this year to visit the public and news workers' views on the freedom of pressing in Hong Kong.

Among them, journalists scored only 25 points for the freedom of the press, which is a new low in the past 11 years. The public scores of the freedom of the press rose by 0.8 points to 42.2 points, but the score of the low position since 2019 is lingering.

53%of the public interviewed and 92%of the interviewed news industry believes that Hong Kong's press freedom has retreated in the past year.

Regarding the impact of Article 23 of the Basic Law on the freedom of press on press, the difference between the postal industry and the public is obvious.There are 92%of journalists who believe that 23 journalists who have caused a large or great damage to the freedom of the press, and nearly 40%of the public believes that the damage is quite large or great.

The Hong Kong Records Association believes that 23 legislative consultation periods are short, and there is no hot discussion in society. In addition, some citizens believe that the freedom of journalism has been restricted by the Hong Kong National Security Law.less.For news practitioners, they will worry about the laws that may be mistakenly touched when they work, such as violating the provisions related to the state secrets.