PricewaterhouseCoopers, which is trapped in the financial fake dispute over the Chinese real estate enterprise Evergrande, is being investigated by the Chinese regulatory agency. Hong Kong media reports that the supervision official has been close to the investigation.Pwa Yongdao reflects the severity of his behavior.

Tuesday (August 20), the Sing Tao Daily of Hong Kong, quoted two sources as saying that Purchong has accepted the punishment from the regulatory agency, but it is currently notified that the company's sensitive words involved in the company are currently notified by the company’s sensitive words.To negotiate, to seek a serious negative impact that it may suffer in Evergrande incident.

Sources said that it has not yet been learned that China's official official time will officially announce the results of PwC's penalties, but the estimated results will soon be released.

Reported that Pwa wants to solve the incident as soon as possible.According to statistics, since the storm of Evergrande's audit, PwC has lost 40 large customers.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission disclosed in March this year that Evergrande Real Estate quoted false data in relevant bond issuance documents and was suspected of fraud issuance.As an audit agency of Evergrande Real Estate, Pwa Yongdao was in a reputation crisis.

Bloomberg reported in March this year that China is investigating the role played by PricewaterhouseCoopers in Evergrande Group's accounting operation.Two months later, Bloomberg quoted the news that Pwa may face a fine of at least 1 billion yuan (RMB, Same, Same, Sim, S $ 183 million), which will far exceed 2023 that China fined 212 million yuan in DeloitteIt will set the highest record of China's accounting firms to issue a single ticket.