The newly born giant panda dragon and phoenix in Hong Kong eats and excrete, but it is still fragile because of less than a week.

Comprehensive reports from Hong Kong Commercial Radio and Wireless News, Pang Jianyi, chairman of Hong Kong Ocean Park, said in the radio on Monday (August 19) that the baby panda baby is stable, but the birth is less than a week.So some fragile."The latest report, their diet and excretion emissions are very stable, I hope to continue."

The Hong Kong government announced last Thursday (August 15) that after nearly 5 months of birth, the giant panda "Yingying" gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix tires.

Pang Jianyi said that the postpartum condition is steadily established. Its age is equal to 57 years of human beings and needs more time to recuperate, but there are also regular care of babies in panda.Take care of the work of sister and brother.

Pang Jianyi also talked that Dragon and Phoenix's father Lele did not know that Yingying had been produced. Based on the habits of male animals, Lele may not meet with a pair of dragon and phoenix tires in the future.

Some members suggested that the life of the giant panda live a 24 -hour broadcast. Pang Jianyi pointed out that there was a certain pressure to take care of the panda. I hope to give it space.It is also discussing the latest information of the public to grasp the latest information of giant pandas, and suggested that citizens can visit the giant panda more to the marine park.

In addition, he also revealed that the Ocean Park is considering the expansion of the new museum in the future to accommodate six giant pandas, but now there are still two to three years to allow the newborn panda to live with his mother.