Cui Jianchun, a special commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, said that Hong Kong's democracy is growing up, not just to barely survive.He also emphasized that in the next five to ten years, Hong Kong's political system will become a good model, allowing all parts of the world to learn from.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and online media "Hong Kong 01" and other reports, Cui Jianchun held a Chinese and foreign press conferences on Tuesday (July 30) in the office.He said that within three months since he took office in April this year, he has contacted groups from all walks of life in Hong Kong and also met with a number of consuls, including the US Consul General in Hong Kong and Macao Mei Ruui.

Cui Jianchun said that when he met with 62 Consuls, none of them "rejected or said that we don't need the National Security Law", and everyone supported the Hong Kong National Security Law.

He also proactively mentioned the democratic development of Hong Kong and reiterated that democracy is the common value of human beings, but all countries must choose a democratic system suitable for their own conditions. "Consider whether the political system of a few people's rights and interests can be called democracy?No worse than the election system in other countries.

Cui Jianchun emphasized that Hong Kong is a city of rule of law and the freedom of speech is guaranteed. It is a matter of granted to maintain national security legislation. In additionThe "good law" and "good law", and questioned the US and Western countries to implement sanctions to Hong Kong responsible for the formulation of officials who safeguarded national security laws.Both defeats hurt.

Cui Jianchun mentioned that many people worry that the Hong Kong National Security Law will affect life and even turn Hong Kong into a mainland city.However, he pointed out that Hong Kong can absorb the successful experience of mainland China and combine foreign experience at the same time. He believes that "Hong Kong's democracy is really growing up, rather than reluctantly survive."

He emphasized that Hong Kong's political system has the right to check and balance (Check and Balance) and judicial independence. Even if someone does not agree with this statement today, he is convinced that in the next five to ten years, Hong Kong can become the international community.Good model.

Cui Jianchun also mentioned that he talked to Mei Ruui not long ago.For nearly two hours, the two talked about Sino -US relations, and they also talked about the inconsistent opinions of both parties such as the Hong Kong rule of law system and democratic people.Cui Jianchun described that the atmosphere of the talks between the two sides was very good.

Cui Jianchun revealed that Mei Rurui was very concerned about the issue of Democratic Activists, but he said that this title does not exist in Hong Kong.During the dialogue, he showed his position to Mei Rurui: On the issue of internal affairs, whether right or wrong, China cannot interfere with other countries.

In addition, for Ukraine Foreign Minister DMYTRO KULEBA recently urged the Hong Kong government to prevent Russia from using Hong Kong to avoid sanctions on Russia.It is said that Hong Kong strictly abides by international law and norms. "The most important thing is that the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong people support a peaceful life", hoping to reduce casualties and support the end of the war as soon as possible.